2 research outputs found

    Role of media in the preparation of Apamarga Ksharataila

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    Generally, Tailas and Ghritas have been prepared by using Kalka (paste) and Drava dravya (liquid media usually SwaRasa or Kwatha). However, Apamarga Kshara taila is prepared by using Apamarga Kshara drava (the alkali is obtained after dissolving it in water, after obtaining it by burning, dissolving, and filtration of the same plant). Therefore, to evaluate the role of the media during the preparation, the Taila was prepared in different samples by using the fresh and dry paste of Apamarga along with SwaRasa and Kwatha of Apamarga. All the samples were tested through various analytical parameters, that is, pH, acid value, iodine value, saponification value, and soon. Finally, it was found that Apamarga Kshara taila prepared by using fresh Kalka and Ksharajala was better and it was also an easy pharmaceutical procedure

    Methods of Guggulu Shodhana in Ayurveda – A Review

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    Guggulu, an exudate of Commiphora wightii, (Arn) Bhandari, is one of the most important drug used since vedic period. Nowadays, Guggulu based formulations are very popular in Ayurveda practice. Though Guggulu is plant exudate, many a times associated with some external impurities. Hence, purification of crude Guggulu becomes necessary before its internal use. Shodhana (purification) is a process by which one can make material effective, nontoxic, suitable and fit for therapeutic purposes. Classics gave different methods and medias for Guggulu Shodhana. But the information is scattered. In current study, an attempt has been made to compile different Guggulu shodhana methods