4 research outputs found

    Real Time Vehicle Tracking on Google Maps using Raspberry Pi Web Server

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    The use of automobiles is necessary to ship goods and products from one place to another. The users face several problems due to delay in the delivery of goods. This delay may be due to choosing wrong or longer routes by the driver. The Global Positioning System (GPS) is being used for fleet management, stolen vehicle recovery, surveillance and mapping applications. In this paper, implementation details of a vehicle tracking system (VTS) on Google Maps are presented along with experimental results. The vehicle tracking device (VTD) placed in the vehicle consists of a GPS receiver to acquire geographic coordinates, and a GSM/GPRS module to send the vehicle coordinates to a web server. The GPS and GSM modules are controlled using the Arduino microcontroller. Raspberry Pi is used as a web server to store the vehicle position and display it on the Google map

    Validation of GPS receiver instrumental bias results for precise navigation

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    175-181The positional accuracy of Global Positioning System (GPS) is affected by several errors, the most predominant error being the ionospheric delay. This delay is proportional to the total electron content (TEC). The dual frequency GPS observables can be used to estimate the TEC. The line-of-sight TEC estimated from dual frequency GPS data is corrupted by the instrumental biases of the GPS satellites and the receiver. The instrumental biases exist as the signals at the two GPS frequencies (f1=1575.42 MHz; f2=1227.60 MHz) experience different delays within the GPS satellite and receiver hardware. The estimation of the receiver instrumental bias plays a significant role in achieving required navigation accuracy for civil aviation applications. In this paper, receiver instrumental bias results due to a modified fitted receiver bias method, Kalman filter and singular value decomposition (SVD) algorithms are compared

    Effects of Pseudolite Positioning on DOP in LAAS

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    Significance of instrumental biases and dilution of precision in the context of GAGAN

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    405-410The positional accuracy of the GPS Aided GEO Augmented Navigation (GAGAN) system is basically dependent on ranging errors and the satellite constellation geometry. This paper focuses on enhancing the performance of the system through the estimation of instrumental biases and augmentation of GAGAN using pseudolites (pseudo-satellites). The line-of-sight ionospheric measurements derived from the Global Positioning System (GPS) observables are corrupted by the instrumental biases present in both the GPS satellites and the receivers. The instrumental bias and Total Electron Content (TEC) results (Hyderabad GAGAN station (78.47°E, 17.45°N)) obtained using the Kalman filter technique are presented in this paper. It is found that the estimated biases are almost stable during the observation period and show close proximity with other reported values in the open literature. For some strategic applications further augmentation of GAGAN with pseudolites is necessary. Five configurations comprising GPS/geostationary satellites and pseudolites are considered for optimizing the Dilution of Precision (DOP). It is found that the pseudolite-system with properly located pseudolites can augment GAGAN and improves the positional accuracy of the user