2,731 research outputs found

    A Self-Occulting Accretion Disk in the SW Sex Star DW UMa

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    We present the ultraviolet spectrum of the SW Sex star and nova-like variable DW UMa in an optical low state, as observed with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The data are well described by a synthetic white dwarf (WD) spectrum with T_eff = 46,000 +/- 1000 K, log g = 7.60 +/- 0.15, v*sin(i) = 370 +/- 100 km/s and Z/Z_solar = 0.47 +/- 0.15. For this combination of T_eff and log g, WD models predict M_WD = 0.48 +/- 0.06 M_solar and R_WD = (1.27 +/- 0.18) * 10^9 cm. Combining the radius estimate with the normalization of the spectral fit, we obtain a distance estimate of d = 830 +/-150 pc. During our observations, DW UMa was approximately 3 magnitudes fainter in V than in the high state. A comparison of our low-state HST spectrum to a high-state spectrum obtained with the International Ultraviolet Explorer shows that the former is much bluer and has a higher continuum level shortward of 1450 A. Since DW UMa is an eclipsing system, this suggests that an optically thick accretion disk rim blocks our view of the WD primary in the high state. If self-occulting accretion disks are common among the SW Sex stars, we can account for (i) the preference for high-inclination systems within the class and (ii) their V-shaped continuum eclipses. Moreover, even though the emission lines produced by a self-obscured disk are generally still double-peaked, they are weaker and narrower than those produced by an unobscured disk. This may allow a secondary line emission mechanism to dominate and produce the single-peaked, optical lines that are a distinguishing characteristic of the SW Sex stars.Comment: 9 pages, including 2 figures; accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letters; New version matches version in press (footnote added to discussion section; figures now use color

    Estimating the masses of extra-solar planets

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    All extra-solar planet masses that have been derived spectroscopically are lower limits since the inclination of the orbit to our line-of-sight is unknown except for transiting systems. It is, however, possible to determine the inclination angle, i, between the rotation axis of a star and an observer's line-of-sight from measurements of the projected equatorial velocity (v sin i), the stellar rotation period (P_rot) and the stellar radius (R_star). This allows the removal of the sin i dependency of spectroscopically derived extra-solar planet masses under the assumption that the planetary orbits lie perpendicular to the stellar rotation axis. We have carried out an extensive literature search and present a catalogue of v sin i, P_rot, and R_star estimates for exoplanet host stars. In addition, we have used Hipparcos parallaxes and the Barnes-Evans relationship to further supplement the R_star estimates obtained from the literature. Using this catalogue, we have obtained sin i estimates using a Markov-chain Monte Carlo analysis. This allows proper 1-sigma two-tailed confidence limits to be placed on the derived sin i's along with the transit probability for each planet to be determined. While a small proportion of systems yield sin i's significantly greater than 1, most likely due to poor P_rot estimations, the large majority are acceptable. We are further encouraged by the cases where we have data on transiting systems, as the technique indicates inclinations of ~90 degrees and high transit probabilities. In total, we estimate the true masses of 133 extra-solar planets. Of these, only 6 have revised masses that place them above the 13 Jupiter mass deuterium burning limit. Our work reveals a population of high-mass planets with low eccentricities and we speculate that these may represent the signature of different planetary formation mechanisms at work.Comment: 40 pages, 6 tables, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society after editing of Tables 1 & 6 for electronic publication. Html abstract shortened for astro-ph submissio

    Infrared spectroscopy of cataclysmic variables: III. Dwarf novae below the period gap and novalike variables

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    We present K-band spectra of the short-period dwarf novae YZ Cnc, LY Hya, BK Lyn, T Leo, SW UMa and WZ Sge, the novalike variables DW UMa, V1315 Aql, RW Tri, VY Scl, UU Aqr and GP Com, and a series of field dwarf stars with spectral types ranging from K2-M6. The spectra of the dwarf novae are dominated by emission lines of HI and HeI. The large velocity and equivalent widths of these lines, in conjunction with the fact that the lines are double-peaked in the highest inclination systems, indicate an accretion disc origin. In the case of YZ Cnc and T Leo, for which we obtained time-resolved data covering a complete orbital cycle, the emission lines show modulations in their equivalent widths which are most probably associated with the bright spot (the region where the gas stream collides with the accretion disc). There are no clear detections of the secondary star in any of the dwarf novae below the period gap, yielding upper limits of 10-30% for the contribution of the secondary star to the observed K-band flux. In conjunction with the K-band magnitudes of the dwarf novae, we use the derived secondary star contributions to calculate lower limits to the distances to these systems. The spectra of the novalike variables are dominated by broad, single-peaked emission lines of HI and HeI - even the eclipsing systems we observed do not show the double-peaked profiles predicted by standard accretion disc theory. With the exception of RW Tri, which exhibits NaI, CaI and 12CO absorption features consistent with a M0V secondary contributing 65% of the observed K-band flux, we find no evidence for the secondary star in any of the novalike variables. The implications of this result are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, to appear in MNRA

    Unification of Multimedia with Techniques of Art and Vedic Aphorisms for Development of Mathematical Skills: A Study of Indian and UK School Students

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    Multimedia programs having a number of elements like Texts, spoken words, sound & music, graphics, animations and still pictures provide different stimuli in their presentations. Art is the field of education that provides a platform for rigorous investigation, representation, expression, and reflection of both scholastic content and the art form itself. The integration of art with other subjects of school curriculum can open new pathways of learning for students, particularly for those who are at risk and have special needs. Vedic Mathematics is an approach to resolve the crisis in education especially in the field of mathematics. It is not simply a collection of new computational techniques; rather, it provides an entirely different approach to mathematical computation based on pattern recognition. It has been shown that the system is applicable to up-to-date aspects of mathematics both at an elementary level as well as in more sophisticated fields. The present paper deals with the development of multimedia packages using techniques of art and Vedic aphorisms on some selected common topics of curriculum of UK and Indian elementary mathematics and the effectiveness of multimedia packages for the development of mathematical skills. The study was conducted using quasi experimental design for research in both the countries. The quantitative analysis of data revealed that the multimedia packages developed by using techniques of art and Vedic Aphorisms have significantly improved the mathematical skills of UK elementary school students

    Dual-Branch MRC Receivers under Spatial Interference Correlation and Nakagami Fading

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    Despite being ubiquitous in practice, the performance of maximal-ratio combining (MRC) in the presence of interference is not well understood. Because the interference received at each antenna originates from the same set of interferers, but partially de-correlates over the fading channel, it possesses a complex correlation structure. This work develops a realistic analytic model that accurately accounts for the interference correlation using stochastic geometry. Modeling interference by a Poisson shot noise process with independent Nakagami fading, we derive the link success probability for dual-branch interference-aware MRC. Using this result, we show that the common assumption that all receive antennas experience equal interference power underestimates the true performance, although this gap rapidly decays with increasing the Nakagami parameter mIm_{\text{I}} of the interfering links. In contrast, ignoring interference correlation leads to a highly optimistic performance estimate for MRC, especially for large mIm_{\text{I}}. In the low outage probability regime, our success probability expression can be considerably simplified. Observations following from the analysis include: (i) for small path loss exponents, MRC and minimum mean square error combining exhibit similar performance, and (ii) the gains of MRC over selection combining are smaller in the interference-limited case than in the well-studied noise-limited case.Comment: to appear in IEEE Transactions on Communication

    LS Peg: A Low-Inclination SW Sextantis-Type Cataclysmic Binary with High-Velocity Balmer Emission Line Wings

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    We present time-resolved spectroscopy and photometry of the bright cataclysmic variable LS Peg (= S193). The Balmer lines exhibit broad, asymmetric wings Doppler-shifted by about 2000 km/s at the edges, while the HeI lines show phase-dependent absorption features strikingly similar to SW Sextantis stars, as well as emission through most of the phase. The CIII/NIII emission blend does not show any phase dependence. From velocities of Halpha emission lines, we determine an orbital period of 0.174774 +/- 0.000003 d (= 4.1946 h), which agrees with Szkody's (1995) value of approximately 4.2 hours. No stable photometric signal was found at the orbital period. A non-coherent quasi-periodic photometric signal was seen at a period of 20.7 +/- 0.3 min. The high-velocity Balmer wings most probably arise from a stream re-impact point close to the white dwarf. We present simulated spectra based on a kinematic model similar to the modified disk-overflow scenario of Hellier & Robinson (1994). The models reproduce the broad line wings, though some other details are unexplained. Using an estimate of dynamical phase based on the model, we show that the phasing of the emission- and absorption-line variations is consistent with that in (eclipsing) SW Sex stars. We therefore identify LS Peg as a low-inclination SW Sex star. Our model suggests i = 30 deg, and the observed absence of any photometric signal at the orbital frequency establishes i < 60 deg. This constraint puts a severe strain on interpretations of the SW Sex phenomenon which rely on disk structures lying slightly out of the orbital plane.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figures, to be published in PASP Feb. 199

    Impact of paddy straw mulch on germination and growth of celery (Apium graveolens L.) seedlings and associated weeds in nursery

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    A study was undertaken during three consecutive rabi seasons of 2014–15 to 2016–17 at the Research Farm, Department of Agronomy, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana (Punjab) to determine the effect of paddy straw mulch load and retention time on the germination and growth of celery and associated weeds. The experiment was conducted in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with nine treatments viz., paddy straw mulch @ 4 and 6 t ha-1 with retention time of 15, 20, 25 days after sowing (DAS), full time retention (60 DAS), and control (without mulch). The results indicated that application of paddy straw mulch @ 4 or 6 t ha-1 significantly improved the germination of celery in nursery as compared to no mulch treatment but retention of paddy straw mulch beyond 20 days after sowing suppressed the celery seedlings adversely resulting in lowering seedling population as well as fresh and dry weight of celery seedlings. Application of paddy straw mulch @ 4 or 6 t ha-1 resulted in significantly lower density and dry weight of weeds as compared to control. Further, each successive increase in retention time of paddy straw mulch from 15 DAS to full time retention (60 DAS) through 20 and 25 DAS significantly reduced the weed population in celery nursery
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