5 research outputs found
A Novel Technique for Secure Data Cryptosystem Based on Chaotic Key Image Generation
أحدثت التطورات في تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات، خلال العقود الماضية، تغييراً كبيراً في نمط نقل معلومات الأشخاص عبر الإنترنت/الشبكات أو تخزينها. لذا، فإن أحد التحديات الرئيسية هو الحفاظ على هذه المعلومات بصورة آمنة ضد الهجمات. أدرك العديد من الباحثين والمؤسسات أهمية وفوائد التشفير في تحقيق الكفاءة والفاعلية بمختلف جوانب الاتصال الآمن.يتبنى هذا العمل تقنية جديدة لنظام تشفير البيانات الآمن على أساس نظرية الفوضى. تولد الخوارزمية المقترحة مصفوفة مفاتيح ثنائية الأبعاد لها ذات أبعاد الصورة الأصلية والتي تتضمن أرقاما عشوائية تم الحصول عليها من الخريطة الفوضوية اللوجستية أحادية الأبعاد وفق معطيات معاملات التحكم، والتي تتم معالجتها بعد ذلك من خلال تحويل الأجزاء العشرية منها عن طريق دالة إلى مجموعة من الأرقام غير المتكررة التي تؤدي إلى عدد هائل من الاحتمالات الغير قابلة للتوقع (مفكوك ناتج ضرب الصفوف في الأعمدة). يتم إجراء بعثرة مزدوجة للصفوف والأعمدة لقيم الأرقام لعدد محدد من المراحل. بعد ذلك، يتم تنفيذ عمليات XOR بين مصفوفة المفاتيح والصورة الأصلية، والتي تمثل حلاً فعالاً لتشفير البيانات لأي نوع من الملفات (النصية، الصورية، الصوتية، الفيديوية، ... إلخ).أثبتت النتائج أن تقنية التشفير المقترحة تعتبر جدا واعدة وفقا لمعايير القياسات الأمنية حيث أدت إلى تسطيح Histogram للصور المشفرة مقارنة بما هو عليه بالصور الأصلية، في حين أن متوسطات MSE عالية جدا (10115.48) و PSNR منخفضة جدا (8.17)، إلى جانب مؤشر Correlation هو قريب من الصفر و Entropy القريبة من 8 (7.997).The advancements in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), within the previous decades, has significantly changed people’s transmit or store their information over the Internet or networks. So, one of the main challenges is to keep these information safe against attacks. Many researchers and institutions realized the importance and benefits of cryptography in achieving the efficiency and effectiveness of various aspects of secure communication.This work adopts a novel technique for secure data cryptosystem based on chaos theory. The proposed algorithm generate 2-Dimensional key matrix having the same dimensions of the original image that includes random numbers obtained from the 1-Dimensional logistic chaotic map for given control parameters, which is then processed by converting the fractional parts of them through a function into a set of non-repeating numbers that leads to a vast number of unpredicted probabilities (the factorial of rows times columns). Double layers of rows and columns permutation are made to the values of numbers for a specified number of stages. Then, XOR is performed between the key matrix and the original image, which represent an active resolve for data encryption for any type of files (text, image, audio, video, … etc). The results proved that the proposed encryption technique is very promising when tested on more than 500 image samples according to security measurements where the histograms of cipher images are very flatten compared with that for original images, while the averages of Mean Square Error is very high (10115.4) and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio is very low (8.17), besides Correlation near zero and Entropy close to 8 (7.9975)
Audio Reading System is used to help blind people to read the text based on camera as input device and speaker as output device. The system used the OCR algorithm to extract the text from input image and Text-to-Speech algorithm to convert text into corresponding voice. In this paper, we review newest research of audio reading system. We discuss the hardware and software, which is used, on system for different types approach. Finally, the result of this paper that is: Raspberry pi, python and tesseract are best tools used in Audio reading system. Also the braille and finger print devices are not efficient and not easy to use
Mobile Phishing Websites Detection and Prevention Using Data Mining Techniques
Abstract— The widespread use of smart phones nowadays makes them vulnerable to phishing. Phishing is the process of trying to steal user information over the Internet by claiming they are a trusted entity and thus access and steal the victim's data(user name, password and credit card details). Consequently, the need for mobile phishing detection system has become an urgent need. And this is what we are attempting to introduce in this paper, where we introduce a system to detect phishing websites on Android phones. That predicts and prevents phishing websites from deceiving users, utilizing data mining techniques to predict whether a website is phishing or not, relying on a set of factors (URL based features, HTML based features and Domain based features). The results shows system effectiveness in predicting phishing websites with 97% as prediction accuracy
Mobile Phishing Websites Detection and Prevention Using Data Mining Techniques
Abstract— The widespread use of smart phones nowadays makes them vulnerable to phishing. Phishing is the process of trying to steal user information over the Internet by claiming they are a trusted entity and thus access and steal the victim's data(user name, password and credit card details). Consequently, the need for mobile phishing detection system has become an urgent need. And this is what we are attempting to introduce in this paper, where we introduce a system to detect phishing websites on Android phones. That predicts and prevents phishing websites from deceiving users, utilizing data mining techniques to predict whether a website is phishing or not, relying on a set of factors (URL based features, HTML based features and Domain based features). The results shows system effectiveness in predicting phishing websites with 97% as prediction accuracy
ABSTRACT The paper is concerned with the use of fingerprint (FP)features for protection against unauthorized access. Wavelet features for both closed and open-set FP recognition are studied here to verify persons' identity. Fingerprints of 49 persons (32-authorized and 17-unauthorized) were taken as testing data. Each authorized person is asked to give 10-instances of his right forefinger print. In the closed-set FP recognition, the obtained recognition rates are below 90% due to the imperfections in the FP images that negatively affect the recognition rate. Preprocessing operations such as: noise-removal, segmentation, normalization and binarization are considered to improve the resulting recognition rates. A method that relies on a new selection process for wavelet decomposition bands is proposed, which enhance the recognition rates further to get about 100% in some favorable conditions. The results have shown that the wavelet descriptors using the proposed Wavelet-Bands Selection Features (WBSF) are efficient representation that can provide reliable recognition for large input variability. The open-set FP verification mode is also presented for 290 trials from 29 persons, where the obtained verification rates are greater than 97% for both Euclidean and city-block distance measures