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    Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is one of the main factors of cardiovascular disiase (Heart and blood vassel disease) one the leading cause of death in developed an developing country. One barometer in orther to know the risk factor for CHD is the lipid profile, inkluding Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. This causes many people to switch to adopt a vegetarian diet. Lacto vegetarians consume foods from vegetable, vegetables and fruits, this type of vegetarians consume milk but don’t consume eggs. The goal of this study is to know the level of Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) on lacto vegetarian in Brahma Kumaris community. The type of study is descriptive and using puposive sampling tecnique. Sampling was done in the Lacto Vegetarian Brahma Kumaris community. LDL examination results obtained from 30 respondents, this is 28 people (93.4%) with optimal levels, 1 person (3.3%) with levels close to optimal, and 1 person (3.3%) with alarming levels.Penyakit Jantung Koroner (PJK) merupakan salah satu bentuk utama penyakit kardiovaskular (penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah) dan merupakan salah satu penyebab utama kematian di negara maju dan berkembang. Salah satu barometer untuk mengetahui faktor resiko PJK adalah profil lipid, diantaranya kolesterol Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL). Hal ini menyebabkan banyak orang beralih untuk menerapkan pola makan vegetarian. Lacto-vegetarian mengonsumsi makanan dari bahan nabati, sayuran serta buah-buahan. Vegetarian jenis ini juga mengkonsumsi susu namun tidak mengkonsumsi telur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kolesterol Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) pada komunitas Lacto vegetarian Brahma Kumaris. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan di komunitas Lacto Vegetarian Brahma Kumaris. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh hasil pemeriksaan LDL dari 30 responden, yaitu 28 orang (93,4%) dengan kadar optimal, 1 orang (3,3%) dengan kadar mendekati optimal, dan 1 orang (3,3%) dengan kadar yang mengkhawatirkan


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    Introduction: Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) is a type of low-density lipoprotein and the most widely transported cholesterol in the body. Increased levels of LDL in the body can be affected by genetics, age, gender, obesity, physical activity, lifestyle, drug consumption and smoking. Substances in a cigarette can cause an increase of LDL levels. Increased of LDL cholesterol levels can cause Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). The purpose of this research is to know the description of Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) levels on smoker and non-smoker adolescent in Buyan Hamlet, Pancasari Village, Sukasada District, Buleleng Bali. Method: The type of this research is descriptive. This research was conducted in April-May 2017, which used fasting blood samples of 42 respondents. Result: From the average result of LDL level in smoker adolescent that is 134,91 mg/dL higher than the average of LDL level in non-smoker adolescent that is 74,90 mg/dL. The result of LDL cholesterol levels was determined by 21 smoker adolescent respondents with the close to optimal category (100-129 mg/dL) as many as 9 people (42,8%), and 12 people (57,3%) with worry category (130-159 mg/dL). Whereas in 21 non-smoker adolescent respondents obtained  result of LDL cholesterol level test with optimal category (<100 mg/dL) counted 18 people (87,71%) and 3 person (14,30%) with close to optimal category (100-129 mg/dL). Discussion: Based on the results of this research can be concluded that in smoker adolescent obtained LDL levels with close to optimal category and worrying whereas in non-smoker adolescents obtained LDL levels in the optimal category and close to optimal.Pendahuluan: Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) merupakan jenis lipoprotein densitas rendah dan merupakan lipoprotein yang paling banyak mengangkut kolesterol di dalam tubuh. Peningkatan kadar LDL di dalam tubuh dapat dipengaruhi oleh genetik, usia, jenis kelamin, obesitas, aktifitas fisik, pola hidup, konsumsi obat-obatan dan merokok. Zat-zat di dalam rokok dapat menyebabkan peningkatan kadar LDL. Kadar kolesterol LDL meningkat yang dapat menyebabkan Penyakit Jantung Koroner (PJK). Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran kadar Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) pada remaja perokok dan bukan perokok di Dusun Buyan Desa Pancasari Kecamatan Sukasada Buleleng Bali. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan April-Mei 2017, yang menggunakan sampel darah puasa sebanyak 42 responden. Hasil: Dari hasil  rerata kadar LDL pada remaja perokok lebih tinggi yaitu 134,91 mg/dL dibandingkan dengan rerata kadar LDL pada remaja bukan perokok 74,90 mg/dL. Hasil pemeriksaan kadar kolesterol LDL pada 21 orang responden remaja perokok dengan kategori mendekati optimal (100-129mg/dL) sebanyak 9 orang (42,8%), dan 12 orang (57,3%) dengan kategori mengkhawatirkan (130-159mg/dL). Sedangkan pada 21 orang responden remaja bukan perokok diperoleh hasil pemeriksaan kadar kolesterol LDL dengan kategori optimal (<100mg/dL) sebanyak 18 orang (87,71%) dan 3 orang (14,30%) dengan kategori mendekati optimal (100-129mg/dL).Diskusi: Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada remaja perokok didapatkan kadar LDL dalam kategori mendekati optimal dan mengkhawatirkan sedangkan pada remaja bukan perokok didapatkan kadar LDL dalam kategori optimal dan mendekati optimal


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    <p><em>The aim to determine of the simulation results and to calculate the stock price of Asian Option with Normal Inverse Gaussian (NIG) method and Monte Carlo method using MATLAB program. Results of both models are compared and selected a fair price. Besides to determine simulation accuracy of the stock price, speed of program execution MATLAB is calculated for both models for time efficiency. The first part, set variabels used to calculate the trajectory of stock prices at time t to simulate the stock price at the time. The second part, simulate the stock price with NIG model. The third part, simulate the stock price with Monte Carlo model. After simulating the stock price, calculated the value of the pay-off of the Asian Option, and then estimate the price of Asian Option by averaging the entire value of pay-off from each iteration. The last part, compare result of both models. The results of this research is price of Asian Option calculated using Monte Carlo simulation and NIG. The rates were calculated using the NIG produce a fair price, because of the pricing contract NIG using four parameters ?, ?, ?, and ?, while Monte Carlo is using only two parameters ? and ?. For execution time of the program, the Monte Carlo model is better in all iterations.</em></p