267 research outputs found


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    Terdapat 9 jenis cucut botol yang tertangkap dengan pancing rawai dasar di perairan samudera Hindia yaitu Squalus sp 1; Squalus sp 1 b; Sgualus sp 2, Squalus sp 2b; Squalus sp 2c; Squalus sp 3: Squalus sp 3b; sgualus sp 4: dan squalus sp 4b; Nisbah kelamin cucut botol jantan dan betina 36.65 Sedangkan tingkat kematangan kelamin jantan cucut botol yang dijumpai dibedakan menjadi 3 kategori, yairu krasper yang belum bensi atau belum mengandung kapur (nol carsification), klasper yang telah berisr sebagian zat Kapur (full calsification)


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    This study was conducted in western Sumatera and since October 2013 to June 2014. The sampling locations in Banda Aceh and Sibolga-North Sumatera which were the largest base of fisheries in western Sumatera region. Shark landing recorded by enumerators was used  as sampling data daily . This research aim to describ sex ratio, size composition, catch composition of sharks, and length at first maturity. In Banda Aceh, the sharks as target fish collected by  sorting the bycatch from tuna longlines and tuna handlines. In Sibolga, sharks  is bycatch from fish net, bottom gillnet and purse seine. Overall, there were 20 species of shark caught in west Indian Ocean and landed at those fish landing sites, dominated by Spot tail shark (23%) and Silky shark (13%), whereas Hammerhead shark contributed about 10% and  Oceanic whitetip shark was only less than 1%. Almost of Spot tail shark, Silky shark, and Scalloped hammerhead that caught in that area were  immature, while for the almost part of Tiger shark and Pelagic thresher were  matured. The sex ratios for Spot tail shark, Silky shark, Tiger shark, Pelagic thresher, and Scalloped hammerhead caught and landed at Lampulo and Sibolga fish landing sites were not balance. The length at first maturity for Spot tail shark was Lm=87,1 cm and Lm = 213,2 cm total length for Tiger shark.

    THE MINI SEINER FLEET OF THE NORTH JAVA COAST: A Case Study of Their Fishing Activities

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    Fishing effort is often a difficult parameter to identify in halieutic st,udies and even more so if the study involves coastal and artisanal frshing spread along a coast more than 1,000 km long


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    Studies on artisanal shark fisheries in Tanjungluar - East Lombok were conducted during the year 2001-2011 (except in 2003 and 2007). A sampling method called “rapid market survey” method was employed to collect catch data from surface and bottom longlines fishing, rapidly. Biological data and fisheries data were collected during survey. Catch data for shark were also obtained from daily records filled by TPI officers in Tanjungluar between 2009 and 2010. The results showed that sharklongline fishing was conducted every month. The trend of shark catches relates to the number of fishing vessels, fishing ground, and weather conditions at sea. The period between July and September is a transitional season from East to West seasons. During this season, the wind strength is weakened and a good fishing season for the fishers. The lowest catch occurs in January (1.06 tonnes) and the highest catch in September with the total catch of 24.6 tonnes. Sharks caught by surface longline were dominated by Silky shark, Carcharhinus falciformis (40-90%) with the size range of 100-125 cm. The catch of bottom longline was mostly consisting of fish in mature condition that dominated by Grey reef shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos), Common black tip shark (C. limbatus), Spot tail shark (C. sorrah), and Scalloped hammerhead shark (Sphyrna lewini), with the size range of 125-200 cm, 170- 250 cm, 100-150 cm, and 170-300 cm, respectively. Surface longline fishing occurs in the offshore waters in depth more than 200 m to 3000 m, whereas bottom longline fishing is operated at a depth of 50-100 m around islands


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    Penelitian dilakukan pada tahun 2002 sampai dengan 2003 di tempat pendaratan ikan Muara Angke dan Laboratorium Balai Riset Perikanan Laut Muara Baru, Jakarta. Data aspek biologi reproduksi ikan pari blentik (Dasyatis cf. kuhlii), berasal dari hasil tangkapan sampingan dari alat tangkap jaring dasar yang beroperasi di Laut Jawa dan didaratkan di tempat pendaratan ikan Muara Angke. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ukuran lebar tubuh ikan pari blentik (Dasyatis cf. kuhlii) terkecil antara 170 sampai dengan 190 mm dan ukuran terbesar antara 330 sampai dengan 350 mm. Hubungan antara lebar cawan dan panjang klasper ikan pari blentik (Dasyatis cf. kuhlii) menunjukan hubungan yang linier (R2=0,7629). Kondisi klasper belum terjadi pengapuran atau sebagian mengandung zat kapur (non or partially calcified claspers) terdapat pada ukuran lebar tubuh <200 mm, sedangkan kondisi klasper penuh zat kapur (fully calcified claspers) terdapat pada ukuran lebar tubuh >250 mm. Ukuran embrio terkecil dijumpai pada bulan Januari yaitu antara 25 sampai dengan 30 mm dan terbesar antara 110 sampai dengan 115 pada bulan Agustus. Sebagian besar ikan pari blentik (Dasyatis cf. kuhlii) jantan yang tertangkap di Laut Jawa dalam kondisi matang kelamin. Berdasarkan pada uji X2, perbandingan kelamin jantan dan betina berbeda nyata (P<0,1). This study was conducted at Muara Angke fish landing site and Research Institute for Marine Fisheries Laboratory Muara Baru Jakarta on 2002 to 2003. Reproduction biology data of Dasyatis cf. kuhlii were taken from catched of bottom net fishing gear that operated in the Java Sea. The result showed that the smallest and the biggest of Dasyatis cf. kuhlii ranging from 170 to 190 mm and 330 to 350 mm disc width, respectively. Relationship between clasper length and disc width was linier (R2=0.7629). Condition of sex maturity stage of male was non or partially calcified claspers found at size <200 mm Wd, while fully calcified claspers was found at size >250 mm Wd. The smallest size embryo of ranging from 25 to 30 mm was found in January and the biggest ranging from 110 to 115 mm was found from in August. Most of Dasyatis cf. kuhlii caught in the Java Sea were mature. Sex ratio was significant different between male and female (X2 test, P<0.1)


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    Penelitian mengenai keragaman jenis Elasmobranchi dilakukan pada bulan Januari sampai dengan Desember 2002 di pelabuhan-pelabuhan perikanan PPI Cilacap, TPI Palabuhanratu, TPI Kedonganan-Bali, dan PPI Tanjung Luar-Lombok Timur. Cucut botol Squalus sp. merupakan jenis cucut laut dalam yang paling sering dijumpai selama penelitian berlangsung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cucut botol betina lebih sering tertangkap dibandingkan cucut jantan pada setiap waktu pengamatan. Frekuensi panjang cucut botol tertinggi dijumpai pada bulan Juni danAgustus yaitu berkisar antara 62 sampai dengan 68 cm. Nisbah kelamin cucut botol antara jantan betina selama pengamatan adalah 1:1,83. Hubungan antara panjang total tubuh dan panjang klasper cenderung linier dengan nilai R2=0,634326. Puncak musim penangkapan cucut botol terjadi sekitar bulan Agustus. Sedangkan daerah penangkapan cucut botol adalah di perairan Samudera Hindia. A study on diversity Elasmobranchi of was conducted using market surveys method from January to December 2002 at several fish landings in southern Indonesia, i.e. the Cilacap, Palabuhanratu, Kedonganan- Bali, and Tanjung Luar-East Lombok landing sites.A deep water shark, Indonesian shortnose spurdog (Squalus sp.), was the most common deep water sharks captured in the area during the study. Results show that females sharks were caught more frequent at every observation than those of males. The most abundant of Indonesian shortnose spurdog was recorded in June and August ranging from 62 to 68 cm in total length. Sex ratio between males and females of Squalus sp. during the study was 1:1.83, and the relationship between total length and claspers length of dogfish shark was linier (R2=0.634326). The peak fishing season of Indonesian spurdog was occurred in August with the fishing area was in the Indian Ocean


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    Ikan pari air tawar (Himantura oxyrhyncha) merupakan salah satu komoditas perikanan yang mempunyai nilai ekonomis penting. Salah satu jenis ikan pari air tawar yang sampai saat ini masih dieksploitasi adalah Himantura oxyrhyncha. Jenis ikan pari ini habitatnya di sekitar muara sungai yang berhubungan dengan Sungai Kapuas pada kedalaman 1-3 m. Himantura oxyrhyncha merupakan spesies sasaran tangkapan dari alat tangkap jaring pukat mini yang beroperasi di sekitar SungaiKapuas, Kalimantan Barat. Spesies ini dimanfaatkan sebagai ikan hias dan dapat diekspor ke mancanegara. Status konservasi dalam daftar merah yang dikeluarkan IUCN termasuk dalam kategori spesies yang rawan mengalami kepunahan. Sedangkan di Indonesia meskipun belum menjadi catatan sebagai spesies yang rawan tetapi harus menjadi perhatian serius, mengingat populasinya diduga sudah menurun

    Biological Aspects, Stock and Conservation Status of Giant Oceanic Manta Ray, Manta birostris in the Indian Ocean

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    March 18-19, 2013The giant oceanic manta ray (Manta birostris) is a ray species of the Family Mobulidae, the largest type of rays in the world. A study on Manta rays from the Indian Ocean was conducted from April 2001 to August 2005 at Cilacap-Central Java and Tanjungluar-East Lombok fish landings. Catch data of Cilacap fishing port from 2006 to 2011 are also presented in this paper. The methodology utilized was direct observations and data collection by enumerators. The results show that Manta rays were caught as by-catch of tuna gillnet and tuna longline fishing in the Indian Ocean. There were three age groups (cohorts) of the Manta birostris caught in the Indian Ocean, i.e. size class between 200-300 cm disc width (DW) as a young group, 301-400 cm DW (subadult group), and 401-500 cm DW (adult group), respectivelly. The sex ratio of males to females of Manta birostris was 1:1 (P>0.05). Monthly production of Manta birostris during six years (2006-2011) indicated that the highest production occurred in the period between May and September. Almost all of the body of this species were utilised, for instance, the gill plates and cartilages were used for medicines, and meat for consumption. Based on IUCN Red List, the conservation status of Manta birostris is near threatened and vulnerable in South-East Asia


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    Pari gitar ( (Rhinobatus sp.) merupakan salah satu jenis pari yang mempunyai nilai ekonomb tinggi. Jenis pari ini sering tertangkap dengan alat tangkap jaring dasar, karena mereka hidup di dasar perairan yang berpasir. Penentuan kematangan jenis kelamin jantan dapat diketahui berdasarkan pada kondisi klasper, yang dikelompokan menjadi 3 tingkatan yaitu 1) klasper dalam kondisi lunak belum atau sedikit berisi zat kapur; 2) klasper berisi zat kapur dalam kondisi agak keras dan 3) klasPEr berisi penuh zat kaPur dalam kondisi keras. Ukuran panjang klasper berhubungan secara linier terhadap panjang tubuh pari gltar Sedangkan trekuensi panjang pari gitar berfluktuasi berdasarkan pada waktu dan Jenis kelamin


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    Penelitian cucut dan pari di Laut Jawa bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaan tipe dan spesifikasi alat tangkap, komposisi hasil tangkapan dari beberapa alat tangkap termasuk komposisi jenis cucut dan pari yang tertangkap, musim, dan daerah penangkapan sebagai bahan alternatif kebijakan pengelolaan sumber daya perikanannya. Penelitian ini dilakukan di empat lokasi pendaratan ikan utama yaitu di Tempat Pendaratan Ikan Muara Angke (Jakarta), Tempat Pendaratan Ikan Kejawanan - Cirebon (Jawa Barat), Tempat Pendaratan Ikan Juwana Pati (Jawa Tengah), dan Tempat Pendaratan Ikan Brondong (Jawa Timur). Data dan informasi perikanan cucut dan pari diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode pencatatan langsung hasil tangkapan cucut dan pari dari kapal dan data hasil tangkapan harian kapal yang menangkap cucut dan pari dari enumerator serta wawancara dengan nelayan atau nahkoda kapal untuk mengetahui alat tangkap yang digunakan dan daerah penangkapannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat sembilan jenis alat tangkap cucut dan pari yang beroperasi di Laut Jawa yaitu jaring liongbun, jaring insang dasar mata kecil, jaring tiga lapis, jaring arad, jaring hanyut tuna, pancing senggol, rawai dasar, rawai tuna dan bubu. Komposisi jenis ikan cucut dan pari yang tertangkap bervariasi berdasarkan atas jenis alat tangkap yang digunakan. Jenis cucut yang tertangkap rawai dasar berturut-turut didominansi oleh Carcharhinus sorrah (35%), Carcharhinus falciformis (30%), Sphyrna lewini (15%), Isurus oxyrhynchus dan Chylocylliumpunctatum masing-masing adalah 10%. Sedangkan pancing rawai dasar terdiri dari atas Rhynchobatus djiddensis (30%), Himantura gerrardi dan Himantura undulata masing-masing (25%), dan Gymnura zonura (20%). Komposisi jenis pari dari hasil tangkapan cantrang didominansi oleh Himantura undulata (30%), Neotrygon kuhlii (20%), dan secara berturut-turut diikuti oleh Himantura gerrardi (15%), Pastinachus sephen, Himantura uarnacoides dan Dasyatis microps masing-masing (10%), dan Himantura jenskinsii (5%). Di Laut Jawa puncak musim penangkapan cucut terjadi bulan September sedangkan puncak musim penangkapan ikan pari terjadi pada bulan Maret, Juni dan September. Research on performance shark and ray fishery in the Java Sea aims to obtain data and information as alternative fishery resource management policies. The study was conducted in four major fish landing sites namely, Muara Angke (Jakarta), Cirebon (West Java), Juwana-Pati (Central Java) and Brondong (East Java). Source of data was based on daily catch that recorded by enumerators and interviews with fishermen as well. The results showed that there were nine types of shark and ray fishing gear in the Java Sea, i.e. large demersal bottom gillnet, small demersal bottom gillnet, trammel net, danish seine, tuna drift gillnet, rays bottom long line fisheries bottom long line, tuna long line and portable traps. Fish species composition of shark and ray were caught varies by type of fishing gear used. Type of shark caught by bottom long line was dominated by Carcharhinus sorrah (35%), Carcharhinus falciformis (30%), Sphyrna lewini (15%), Isurus oxyrhynchus, and Chiloscyllium punctatum was 10%, respectively. Whilst demersal longlines consisted of Rhynchobatus djiddensis (30%), Himantura undulate, Himantura gerrardi was 25%, respectively and Gymnura zonura (20%). Stingray species composition of the catch was dominated by Himantura undulata (30%), Neotrygon kuhlii (20%), and followed by Himantura gerrardi (15%), Pastinachus sephen, Himantura uarnacoides, and Dasyatis microps each (10%), and Himantura jenskinsii (5%). The peak fishing season of shark occured in September while the ray occured in March, June and September in the Java Sea