12 research outputs found

    The Effect of Engage, Study, Activate (Esa) Method to Writing Recount Text in Eight Grades of Mtsn 1 Pontianak

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    The objectives in this research are; to find out whether there is significant difference in writing skill between the students who are taught by using ESA and those who are taught without using ESA. This research is an experimental research which held at MTs N 1 Pontianak, West Kalimantan. The research subjects are eight grade students. There are two groups in this research those are experimental group and control group, which class VIII B as the experimental group, that was taught by using Engage Study Activate (ESA) and class VIII A as the control group that was taught without using ESA. The mean score of the posttest in the experimental group is higher than pretest 50.60 > 35.93 and the mean score of the posttest in the control group is higher than pretest 43.27 > 40.67. It shows that the mean score of the posttest in the experimental group is higher than posttest of the control group 50.60 > 35.93. The result of t-test shows the result of p value is lower than the significant level .00 2.045. therefore, the hypothesis is accepted. There is significant difference of writing recount text between the students who are taught using ESA and the students who are taught without using ESA of the Eight Grades Students of MTS N 1 Pontianak

    Creating a Good Atmosphere for Speaking Activity in the Classroom

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    The purpose of this article is to share to other teachers about an activity that my students have enjoyed. The objective of this article is to allow the students to practice their oral skills and express their idea in an interesting topic. Even the activity is not something new but with appropriate approach, this activity can run well and give new atmosphere in your classroom activity. This activity has applied for the tenth year of IPA of senior High School students in a private school in Sintang regency. Besides from the activity, they enjoyed the activities with group work discussion as they could learn from their friends and supported by the teacher. No student sits in their seat without involving in the activity. It can be concluded that role-play learning provides opportunities for students to use and apply their subject knowledge and skill to deepen understanding. It can be seen that the study of Role-play also can improve the students' score in speaking skill test

    English Borrowing Words In Indonesian Daily Conversation

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    The study was about the English borrowing words in Inonesian daily conversation. The subject of the study were the students who were joining the English Activity club, which consisted of 20 students. This study was aimed at (1) the process of English borrowing in Indonesian , (2) the forms of English borrowing in Indonesian (3) the meaning of English borrowing in Indonesian and (4) the reason of English borrowing words in Indonesian. The method of this research was qualitative research and the object was English borrowing words in Indonesian found in students conversation in English. To analyze the data, the writers classified the form of borrowing and classified the meaning of borrowing words.The study showed that the borrowing could be classified into three types; loan words, loan blends and loan shifts.Loan words consisted of target, solusi , adaptasi, akademik. Loan blends consisted of photokopi, antre, pabrik and krah. Loan shifts consisted of kerja sama , rumah sakit.There were two reason of borrowing the words, cultural borrowing and core borrowings. Cultural borrowing are words that fill gaps in the recipient language\u27s store of words because they stand for objects or concepts new to the language\u27s culture. Core borrowings are words that duplicate elements that the recipient language already has in its word store. They are gratuitous – by definition, another layer on the cake, because the recipient language always has viable equivalents

    An Analysis of English Textbook Relevance to the 2013 English Curriculum

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    Textbook is the heart of teaching and is also a crucial part in the curriculum. However, it is often found out that the materials of a textbook do not represent well the goal targeted in the curriculum.Given this thinking, then this study is aimed at finding out the relevancies of the materials found in the textbook with the 2013 curriculum materials. Utilizing qualitative research through interview with the teacher done on April 4th, 2017 to find teacher's rationale using the textbook and the document checklist to find the relevance of the textbook to the 2013 curriculum, this study found out that the English textbook used had been relatively relevant to the 2013 curriculum with few lack of relevance to the 2013 curriculum. Therefore, it is expected that theteacher can complete such few lack with other materials to achieve the goal targeted in the 2013 curriculum as well

    The Preservation Of Dayak Suang Ensilat Language In Dusun Nanga Entibab Desa Nanga Dangkan Kecamatan Silat Hulu Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu

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    The preservation of the Dayak Suang Ensilat language in the Dusun Nanga Entibab on the family environment is still maintained, besides it is also seen in the language use in the workplace environment, shop / market environment, youth environment, parents' environment, church environment, traditional ceremonies and environment the village used the Dayak Suang Ensilat language when communicating. The researcher found that there were three factors that influenced the Dayak Suang Ensilat language, which were still maintained, namely, the factors of loyalty, pride and population

    Makna Mantra Besampi Besarih dalam Ritual Penyambutan Tamu pada Dayak Seberuang di Desa Gurung Mali Kecamatan Tempunak Kabupaten Sintang

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    Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah “Bagaimanakah makna mantra Besampi Besarih dalam ritual penyambutan tamu pada dayak Seberuang di Desa Gurung Mali Kecamatan Tempunak Kabupaten Sintang? dan bagaimanakah ritual penyambutan tamu pada dayak Seberuang di Desa Gurung Mali Kecamatan Tempunak Kabupaten Sintang?”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis makna mantra Besampi Besarih dalam ritual penyambutan tamu pada suku Dayak Seberuang, mendeskripsikan ritual penyambutan tamu. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kwalitatif. yang menghasilkan data deskriptif. Dengan pendekatan penelitian yaitu deskriptif kualitatif. Data diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam dengan informan, dan Dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut. Pertama, terdapat tiga pembagian dalam pembacaan mantra (a) pembuang sial (b) penerima rejeki (c) penimangan telapak. Kedua, penuturan mantra Besampi Besarih bisa dituturkan satu orang penutur atau lebih. Ketiga, dalam prosesnya mantra Besampi Besarih dalam ritual penyambutan tamu menggunakan delapan properti, yakni (a) tebu (b) Mandau (c) batu (d) telur (e) tanah (f) air (g) ayam (h) gong. Hasil penelitian mengenai makna leksikal dalam mantra Besampi Besarih ditemukan banyak kata yang berbeda namun artinya sama, dan banyak terdapat akhiran yang sama untuk memperindah kata serta banyak terdapat persamaan katanya

    Peningkatan Kemampuanmenganalisis Unsur Intrinsik Teks Drama Menggunakan Metode the Power of Two Pada Siswa Kelas VIII A Smpnegeri 6 Tempunak

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    Masalah umum dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah peningkatan kemampuan menganalisis unsur intrinsik teks drama menggunakan metode The Power Of Two pada siswa kelas VIII ASekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 6 Temunak tahun pelajaran 2016/2017. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa metode The Power Of Two dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menganalisis unsur intrinsik teks drama pada siswa kelas VIII A SMP Negeri 6 Tempunak. Hal tersebut digambarkan sebagai berikut: aktivitas siswa dalam pembelajaran menganalisis unsur intrinsik teks drama pada siklus I berlansung dengan baik dan siswa mengaikuti pembelajaran dengan baik, tetapi masih ada beberapa siswa yang kurang aktif mengikuti pembelajaran. Pada siklus II berjalan dengan lancar dan siswa yang terlihat sangat antusias dan termotivasi. Ada pun nilai tertinggi pada siswa pada siklus I yakni 90 dan yang terendah 65 sedangkan pada siklus II nilai tertinggi siswa yaitu 92,5 dan yang rendah 67,5.Kemampuan rata-rata menganalisis unsur intrinsik teks drama pada siklus I adalah 78,95% dan pada siklus II 89,47%. Jadi persentase peningkatan dari siklus I ke siklus II adalah 10,52%. Kata kunci: Unsur intrinsik teks drama, The Power Of TwoMasalah umum dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah peningkatan kemampuan menganalisis unsur intrinsik teks drama menggunakan metode The Power Of Two pada siswa kelas VIII ASekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 6 Temunak tahun pelajaran 2016/2017. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa metode The Power Of Two dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menganalisis unsur intrinsik teks drama pada siswa kelas VIII A SMP Negeri 6 Tempunak. Hal tersebut digambarkan sebagai berikut: aktivitas siswa dalam pembelajaran menganalisis unsur intrinsik teks drama pada siklus I berlansung dengan baik dan siswa mengaikuti pembelajaran dengan baik, tetapi masih ada beberapa siswa yang kurang aktif mengikuti pembelajaran. Pada siklus II berjalan dengan lancar dan siswa yang terlihat sangat antusias dan termotivasi. Ada pun nilai tertinggi pada siswa pada siklus I yakni 90 dan yang terendah 65 sedangkan pada siklus II nilai tertinggi siswa yaitu 92,5 dan yang rendah 67,5.Kemampuan rata-rata menganalisis unsur intrinsik teks drama pada siklus I adalah 78,95% dan pada siklus II 89,47%. Jadi persentase peningkatan dari siklus I ke siklus II adalah 10,52%

    Improving Students' Vocabulary Through Songs

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    The study was about improving students' vocabulary through English song. The subject of the study were first semester students of English language study program, STKIP Persada Khatulistiwa Sintang,Academic Year 2018/2019 which consisted of 22 students. This study aimed to increase students' vocabulary through songs.The method of this research was qualitative research and the object was teaching vocabulary through English song.This was classroom action research which consisted of one cycle.In collecting the data, the researchers used observation sheet, Fieldnotes and test. The result of this research showed that the use of song succeeded improving students' vocabulary. The result of the test shown that mean score was 80,25, it was good cathegory.The improvement of the teaching learning process was based on the improvement of teaching learning behaviour in the classroom. The change of behaviour was notified from the classroom observation, fieldnotes which were discussed with the collaborator in the reflection stage. Song was found out helpful to improve students' vocabulary mastery for first semester students of English language study program, STKIP Persada Khatulistiwa Sintang, Academic year 2018/2019

    Pronunciation Problems Of English Stop Sound Made By The Second Graders Of SMA Panjura Malang

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    Pronunciation is the most important part in English. As we knows students are always marked by different activities, such as learning activities, private lessons, and course, students can learn better from these activities. This study is aimed to know the pronunciation problems of certain significant English stop sound among the second graders of SMA Panjura Malang and in what position of words the problems occur. This research was a qualitative desctiptive design. The instruments were 50 words, containing voiceless stop of /p/, /t/, /k/ in initial, medial, and final position; each contains five or six intended sounds in different position of words to test the students, and a cell phone to record the pronunciation of the students. The results showed that the most problematic sounds for the students were the aspirated consonants /p/, /t/, /k/ which appeared in initial, medial, and final positions of words. The comparison of both Indonesian and English for the most problematic words showed that one factor that might cause the pronunciation problems of English stop sounds are: (1) there are sounds in English which are phonemic, but they are not phonemic in Indonesian, (2) there are some sounds which do not exist Indonesian, but they exist in English, (3) there are sounds which are voiced in English but they are voiceless in Indonesian, (4) these are sounds pronounced with aspiration in English, but not in Indonesian. Another indication of the cause is the unfamiliarity of the students toward the words. The results are hoped to be the feedback for the teachers to give model in minimal pairs to the students and be able to improve the pronunciation problems of their students.Keywords; pronunciation, segmental sounds, voiceless stop, consonants

    An Analysis of Students' Ability in Writing Recount Text in SMA Joseph Khatulistiwa

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    The research was carried out due to students having low ability in writing. The research aims are to describe students' ability in writing recount text and students' errors in using language features in writing recount text. This research used qualitative research. Data were collected using documentation techniques. Data collection tools are documents. The average of students' ability in content aspect is 35%, organization aspect is 23%, vocabulary aspect is 17%, grammar aspect is 20% and mechanic's aspect is 5%. The number of students' errors in writing recount text is 79 items. The omission error was 35 (44%), addition error was 13 (17%), misformation was 23 (29%) and misordering was 8 (10%). It was concluded the most mastered ability of students in writing recount text was content aspect and the lowest was in mechanic's aspect. The type of students' errors using language features was omission and the lowest in misordering