3 research outputs found

    Mirror Mirror on the Wall

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    36-38Sadashiv Mohite lay dead before the big mirror. Kiran was standing near the body, with the murder weapon in his hand, blood still sloshing through the fresh wound. Two days back Kiran had a fight with him on the street in full view of all and Sadashiv, revenge in his mind, was waiting for Kiran to give him a good thrashing. But now, he himself lay dead at Kiran’s feet. </span

    Fiction - The Chimp

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    36-39Dr Eric Thompson was sitting on his haunches. At the edge of the precipice, he did not care a whit for the depth to which he would be flung to the river flowing way down

    Time Thief

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    36-38There was a hoarse cry from the man as he slumped helplessly on a chair.  It seemed as if he had lost all his energy.  Inspector Rane was looking at him with unbelieving eyes.  Slowly and slowly the man was changing.  His beautiful hair was falling about him, balding him.  The hair on his nape was graying.  His eyes, going inside their sockets were getting smaller and smaller.  Wrinkles on his forehead, cheeks shrunk.  His well-built body receded – his clothes hanging loose.  He looked like a man more than fifty. “Why,you look old!  What happened to you allof a sudden!” cried his wife. Inspector Rane was looking at him astounded, as if he were seeing a horror film.  Humans attain old age slowly over many years in a dignified way, but getting old all of a sudden – in a matter of minutes – and that too old by twenty years in such an unbelievably short time was a most unlikely happening. But it was all happening before him