5 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pemaparan Logam Berat Pb (Timbal) terhadap Perubahan Warna dan Peningkatan Persentase Anakan Jantan Daphnia Spp. [Effect Of Heavy Metal Pb (Lead) Expossure To The Color Change And Increase The Percentage Of Male Offsprings Of Daphnia Spp. ]

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    Pb (lead) was a metal that does'nt regulated by water organisms so that the metal was constantly acumulated in organisms tissue. Currently, the pollution Pb in the waters of Indonesia have exceeded the maximum threshold of pollution defined by the government.Daphnia spp. is the organism that have been developed as a bioassay in some developed countries like U.S. and Japan because it has a rapid life cycle that is about three weeks, are sensitive to the chemical in the waters ecology and has an important role in the ecology of freshwater as the first of trophic level in the waters ecology. Target of this research is to obtain information about the concentration of heavy metals Pb that correlated with of Daphnia spp. color changes and increase of male offsprings of Daphnia spp.. This research was th thconducted on november 24 , 2008 until December 8 , 2008 in the Laboratory Education of fisheries, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine, Airlangga University. This research use method of experimental design with Completely Randomized Design (RAL) with five treatments and four rerplicates. Treatment A (control), exposure of Pb in concentration 0 mg/L. Treatment B, Pb concentration 0.90 mg/L, Treatment C, Pb concentration 1.8 mg/L, Treatment D, Pb concentration 2.7 mg/L, and Treatment E with Pb concentration 3.63 mg/L. Collected data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with error rate or á = 0,05, if there are a different, hence continued with Duncan's Multiple Range Test. Collected data were analyzed again using linear regression graph to estimate the enhanced in every treatment. The results of research indicates that the heavy metal Pb exposure with different concentrations to the adult female Daphnia spp. did not showing significant different of the daphnia spp. color change. This is because the condition of Hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) more dominant than the increase of methyl farnesoate to influence increase of Daphnia spp.'s haemoglobin synthesa. Besides, research also indicates that the heavy metals Pb exposure with different concentrations to the adult sex Daphnia spp. provide a very significant percentage of male Daphnia spp. offsprings. This happens due to the increase of methyl farnesoate in Daphnia spp. inhibit the formation of female sex of Daphnia spp. offsprings by adult Daphnia spp. that expossured by Pb. Result of processing data using linear regression is a formula y = 18.76x + 3.104. this formula can be used to estimate concentration of Pb in water based on percentage of male offsprings of Daphnia spp. Water quality during research showed the waters pH range between 8.2 - 8.5, dissolved oxygen (DO) oranged between 8.0 - 8.5 mg/L, waters temperature was 26 C and ammonia level was 0.03 mg/L. This Conditions of water quality was the optimal conditions to support Daphnia spp. life

    Toxic Effect of Robusta Coffee Extract (Coffea Canephora) on Bali Cattle Spermatozoa After Equilibration

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    The aim of this study was examine the effect of robusta coffee in Bali cattle semen. A total of six cattles cement were given four treatments each P0 without adding Robusta coffee extract, P1 was given an additional 5%, P2 10%, and P3 15%. The results are observed by assessing motility, viability, and abnormalities. The data obtained were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and continued with the duncan. Based on the analysis of variance in obtaining the results of the study, it was shown motility of P0 was significantly different from P1, P2, and P3 (p<0.05). Viability of P0 (control) different significantly from P1 , P2, and P3 (p<0.05). P3 motility different significantly from P0, P1, and P2 (p<0.05). Addition of robusta coffee extract of 10% and 15% decreased spermatozoa quality

    The Risk Factor of Subclinical Mastitis Incident in Dairy Cattle in KPSP Ijen Makmur, Banyuwangi

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    Mastitis is an inflammatory disease in the internal tissue of the mammary gland. Subclinical mastitis does not show any changes in the shape of the mammary gland and to detect it can be examined the number of somatic cells in milk. Subclinical mastitis uses the California Mastitis Test (CMT) method as preliminary research to obtain preliminary data on the incidence of subclinical mastitis in KPSP Ijen Makmur, Licin District, Banyuwangi Regency. This research is descriptive research. The detection for this research was carried out by taking milk samples in cows per purposive and reacted CMT reagents issued circularly for 10-15 seconds. Observation of results is determined based on changes inconsistency with the existence of gel and the results of interview farmers as supporting data. The results showed that the influencing factors incidence of subclinical mastitis in KPSP Ijen Makmur, Licin District, Banyuwangi Regency were milk production, age and amount of lactation. In contrast, the biggest factor for reducing the risk of subclinical mastitis is udder health followed by body conditions measured by Body Condition Score

    Pola Pertumbuhan Ayam Broiler Strain Lohmann Berdasarkan Osteometri Tulang Sayap

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pola pertumbuhan dan osteometri serta untuk mengetahui titik osteometri tulang sayap ayam broiler strain Lohmann. Pengukuran tulang sayap dilakukan dengan mengukur panjang, lebar, keliling dan barat tulang dengan menggunakan jangka sorong dengan ketelitian 0,05 mm. Hasil penelitian pola pertumbuhan ayam broiler strain Lohmann tulang sayap pada umur 7, 21 dan 35 hari, diperoleh hasil yang signifikan (p<0.05) terhadap nilai rata-rata panjang, lebar (proximal, corpus dan distal), keliling (proximal, corpus dan distal) dan berat pada os scapula, os coracoid dan os clavicula dan tulang-tulang alat penyusun gerak bebas yang terdiri dari os humerus, os radius, os ulna, os metacarpal I, os metacarpal II, os metacarpal III, ossa digiti I, ossa digiti II dexter phalang I dan Phalang II, ossa digiti II sinister Phalang I dan Phalang II serta os digiti III. Data di analisis menggunakan Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) selanjutnya diuji menggunakan uji Post Hoc Duncan. Ayam broiler strain Lohmann memiliki titik pertumbuhan maksimum saat berumur 21 hari yang ditunjukkan dengan terlihat ada titik optimal dan di lanjutkan dengan pertumbuhan yang melambat. Pada titik ini memicu pembentukan daging pada ayam broiler strain Lohmann sebelum ayam mencapai batas pertumbuhan

    Hindlimb Osteometry of Lohmann Broiler on 7, 21 and 35 Days

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    Patterns of growth can be determined one of them through quantitative measurements, namely osteometry. The aim of this study was to determine the growth of patterns of Lohmann broiler chickens based on hindlimb osteometry at the age of 7, 21 and 35 days. This study used 30 Lohmann broiler chickens aged 7, 21 and 35 days. Osteometry techniques are performed on all the bones of hindlimb with variable Greatest length (GL), Breadth of the proximal end (Bp), Breadth of the distal end (Dd), Minimum breadth of diaphysis (Sd), Circular of the proximal end (Cp), Circular of corpus (Cc), and Circular of distal end (Cd). The data obtained is recorded in units of centimeters (cm). Data of body weight and weight of each bone are also recorded in grams (g). Data were analyzed by ANOVA test, if the result obtained with a significance of 5% then the test continued with Pos Hoc Duncan. The results showed that from 6 osteometry variables, body weight, and bone mass obtained significant differences (p<0.05). The Fastest growth rate is reached when Lohmann broiler chickens are 21 days old