2 research outputs found

    Ensuring Access to Fair and Affordable Financial Services: A survey report on barriers faced by low-income immigrants in NYC

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    Access to fair and affordable financial services is a critical economic justice issue facing immigrant New Yorkers -- across income, language and cultural groups. Despite NYC's sizable immigrant population -- nearly 40% of New Yorkers, or close to three million people, are foreign-born -- and despite New York's status as the nation's banking capital, NYC banks are conspicuously not at the national forefront in providing services to immigrants.In 2006, the Network designed and implemented a city-wide Immigrant Banking Survey to increase understanding about immigrant New Yorkers' financial services experiences and needs. The survey gathered information about immigrants' access to bank accounts, as well as their use of credit and methods of sending remittances to their home countries. The Network survey team interviewed approximately 600 immigrant New Yorkers between August 2006 and January 2007. Surveys were gathered at community fairs, workshops, schools, churches, food pantries and other locations, as well as through on-the-street interviews. All surveys were conducted verbally by trained staff and volunteers, in respondents' native languages or a language in which they were proficient. Survey results did not differ significantly between randomly interviewed community members and constituents of nonprofit organizations. Findings presented in this report are based on 546 valid surveys completed by immigrants from 74 countries. Findings may be applied to the NYC immigrant population as a whole. The size and diversity of the sample, however, does not allow us to make generalized comparisons among all nationalities.NEDAP released a preliminary summary of survey findings in 2007. This report provides more detailed findings and includes recommendations for expanding equitable financial services access in immigrant communities

    Relaci贸n entre los comportamientos asociados con el trastorno por d茅ficit de atenci贸n e hiperactividad y los estilos de crianza desde la apreciaci贸n de los adultos

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    The present study proposes to characterize the relationship between upbringing styles and ADHD related behaviors. This involved the participation of 46 parents of children belonging to the elementary school Juan A. Mateos, who were asked to respond to the Adaptation of the Parenting Questionnaire, and the survey of diagnostic criteria for Attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity. We performed an X2 test of the data obtained for the variables of upbringing style and suspected ADHD referred by adults (parents and teachers), suggesting a relationship between authoritarian parenting style and non-suspected ADHD by parents, also showing according to the appreciation of teachers a relationship between permissive parenting style and suspected ADHD.El presente estudio propone caracterizar la relaci贸n entre los estilo de crianza de padres y las conductas relacionadas con TDAH. Para ello se requiri贸 la participaci贸n de 46 padres de los ni帽os pertenecientes a la escuela primaria Juan A. Mateos, a los cuales se les solicit贸 contestaran la Adaptaci贸n del Cuestionario de Crianza Parental (PCRI-M), y la encuesta de criterios de diagn贸stico de trastorno por d茅ficit de atenci贸n e hiperactividad.Se realiz贸 un an谩lisis X2 de los datos obteniendo para las variables de estilo de crianza y sospecha de TDAH referida por los adultos (padres y profesores), sugiriendo una relaci贸n entre el estilo de crianza autoritario y la no sospecha de TDAH por parte de padres, mostr谩ndose tambi茅n seg煤n la apreciaci贸n de los profesores una relaci贸n entre el estilo de crianza permisivo y la sospecha de TDAH