67 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Faktor Modal Psikologis, Karakteristik Entrepreneur, Inovasi, Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, Dan Karakteristik UKM Terhadap Perkembangan USAha Pedagang Di Pasar Tradisional (Studi Kasus Pada Pedagang Sembako Dan Snack Di Pasar Peterongan)

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    This research intends to find out the effect of psychological capital entrepreneur, human resource management, innovation, characteristics of the entrepreneur, and SMEs characteristics to the development of businesses. The study was conducted in Semarang city, the sample were 32 merchants who employ labor at Peterongan market. The research type is explanatory research. Data analysis using linear regression. The results showed that Psychological Capital Variables, Entrepreneur Characteristics, Innovation, Human Resource Management and Characteristics Of SMEs either partially or simultaneously have an influence on the Development Of Business In Traditional Markets of Peterongan. Psychological Capital is the most influencing variable to the Development Of Business. Recommendation for trader in the traditional market is they need to always foster an optimistic attitude in running the business. This attitude can be formed by creating a bevy of fellow traders so that every issue can be resolved soon. Besides the characteristic form of motivation to strive entrepreneur must be maintained by attending various training such as retail training in financial management, merchandise arrangements that will grow the innovation and creativity that never died for business development

    Analisis Kepuasan Konsumen Pada Pedagang Kaki Lima Di Kawasan Simpang Lima Semarang

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    One area that becomes a business center in the city of Semarang is Simpang Lima. Business activities are quite high in the region resulted in many emerging informal sector. For that purpose the study was to determine the effect of location, price and service to customer satisfaction. The study was conducted in Semarang Simpang Lima Region with a sample of 100 consumers who visit and eat in Simpang Lima area for at least five (5) times in three (3) months. The results showed that the location, price and service affects customer satisfaction. Choosing the right location will enable customers to get the products sold. The appropriate price according to market prices make consumers want to buy the products offered. Likewise with the service, the more responsive the merchant in serving consumers will lead to consumers feel happy and satisfied. The variables that have the greatest influence is variable service. Advice given is the availability of parking space, considering when the weekend there is accumulation of the vehicle up to the road shoulder which causes congestion. Furthermore to improving service delivery problems, The City Goverment especially Dinas Pasar should to provide training to PKL related with satisfactory services for consumers

    Pengaruh Kepercayaan Merek Terhadap Loyalitas Merek Melalui Keputusan Pembelian. (Studi Kasus Pelanggan Kendaraan Truk Fuso Merek Mitsubishi Pada PT. Borobudur Oto Mobil Di Kota Semarang)

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    Customer loyalty to the brand is a very important concept, especially on condition that the level of competition is very tight with low growth. In such conditions on brand loyalty is needed so that the company can survive. There are four variables that will be used as independent variables in this study, namely, the predictability of the brand, the brand competence, confidence in the company, and brand preferences.This study was conducted to determine the effect of predictability brand, brand competence, confidence in the company, and brand preferences on purchasing decisions and customer loyalty Mitsubishi truck. In this study using sampling techniques respondent random sampling, the number of respondents as many as 92 respondents. Analysis of the data used is path analysis.The results showed that the predictability of the brand, the brand competence, confidence in the company, and brand preferences partially and simultaneously has significant influence on purchasing decisions and loyalty. Based on path analysis, purchasing decision is a mediating variable on customer loyalty. Suggestions for the company is better able to improve the quality of Mitsubishi products, advantages and its uniqueness, able to educate their customers and increase the safety equipment in the truck

    Pengaruhstrore Image Dan Store Atmosphere Terhadap Impulse Buying(studi Pada Konsumen Robinson Department Store Mal Ciputra Semarang

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    A fantastic development of the human need for clothing and current fashion era demands the modern retail to seek strategies to meet the needs of the consumer's desires. Recently, Robinson Department Store not stand as the only modern retail, especially in Semarang. The presence and development of other modern retails are supposed to make Robinson Department Store swiftly and began designing appropriate strategies and innovative products that can endure and must remain attractive to customers, so the company's purpose which is increasing products sales can be achieved. But in 2014, Robinson Department Store Mal Ciputra Semarang's sales profit has been decreased. Based on preliminary studies, poor quality products, less diverse products, unattractive store decoration, and unattractive arrangement of products display are found to be reasons that do not support consumers to impulse buying at Robinson Department Store Mal Ciputra Semarang.This study aims to determine the effect of Store Image and Store Atmosphere towards Impulse Buying of The Costumer of­ Robinson Department Store Mal Ciputra Semarang.Data collection techniques using purposive sampling with a sample of 100 consumers.Quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS version 15. Data were analyzed through the validity, reliability, crosstab, product moment correlation, coefficient of determination, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, t test and F test. The results showed that, Store Image has a significant effect on the Impulse Buying. Store Atmosphere has a significant effect on Impulse Buying. Then simultaneously, Store Image and Store Atmosphere have significant effect on Impulse Buying. Based on the multiple regression test, the result of the beta coefficient of Store Image shows the number 0.301, while the Store Atmosphere indicates the number 0.489. Store Atmosphere provides the most effect on Impulse Buying at Robinson Department Store Mal Ciputra Semarang.Enhancements of Store Image can be done by improving the quality and diversity of products, services of the employee (salesman), and decorations.Besides the enhancements of Store Atmosphere can be done through scent, cleanliness, colors and lighting of the room, and music. Through those things, the intention of impulse buying by consumers is expected to be increased in Robinson Department Store Mal Ciputra Semarang

    Pengaruh Motivasi Dan Kedisiplinan Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan Bagian Produksi Pt.fumira Semarang

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    This study aimed to identify the influence of motivation and discipline on employee productivity of production department PT.FUMIRA Semarang. This study used an explanatory research approach to the 83 respondents to the census approach. The data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively using test validity, reliability testing, cross-table analysis, the correlation coefficient, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, the coefficient of determination, t test and F test with tools SPSS 18 for windows. The results obtained are the motivation and discipline, positive impact on employee productivity, and discipline variables are variables that affect the greatest impact on employee productivity

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk Dan Harga Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Pakuwon Asri Resident Kaliwungu, Kendal

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    Customer satisfaction with a product is influenced by many factors. Every individual has the desire and different taste. Product quality and price are the factors that influence consumer satisfaction, in addition to that there are many more factors that influence the level of customer satisfaction.Based on pre-survey has been made known quality product to the customer dissatisfaction on the quality of the product so thatconsumers believe that the price pais does not match with the quality of the existing. The purpose of this research are (a) to find the effect of the product quality to customer satisfactionat Pakuwon Asri Resident Kaliwungu Kendal (b) to find the effect of price to the customer satisfactionat Pakuwon Asri Resident Kaliwungu Kendal, (c) to find the effect of the product quality and price to the customer satisfaction atPakuwon Asri Resident Kaliwungu Kendal . Type is the type of research that used explanatory research. Samples were taken by 60 respondents that consumers who have bought a house in Pakuwon Asri Ressident and has been inhabited for more than 2 year. Determination of sample data collection used was proportionate stratifietpurposive sampling. Data analysis techniques using linear regression analysis. Based on these results it can be concluded that: (a) the quality of the products have a positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction Pakuwon Asri Ressident Kaliwungu Kendal, (b) the price has positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction Pakuwon Asri Ressident Kaliwungu Kendal, (c) the quality of the product and the price effect positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction Pakuwon Asri Ressident Kaliwungu Kendal. As together, Product Quality and price have an effect on customer satisfaction, anf the product Quality have a bigger efect then price of customer satisfaction. Suggestions are PT. Putra Sulardi Mandiri research should further improve product quality through improvements in quality home building. The building houses a strong and durable so as to improve customer satisfaction that has made a purchase

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Trichoderma SP Sebagai Dekomposer Limbah Serasah Karet Dan Peranannya Dalam Mengendalikan Penyakit Jamur Akar Putih

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    KKN PPM ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan Kelompok tani Tangkuban Perahu dan Kelompok tani Mekar melalui penyuluhan dan demonstrasi tentang penerapan teknologi pengendalian penyakit jamur akar putih pada tanaman karet di Kenagarian Tebing Tinggi dan Kenagarian Sungai Duo Kabupaten Dharmasraya. Metode kegiatan dilaksanakan dalam bentuk penyuluhan, pendampingan dan demontrasi plot. Respon dari mitra dalam kegiatan KKN PPM ini sangat positif dan memiliki animo yang tinggi untuk menerapkan teknogi pengendalian penyakit jamur akar putih pada tanaman karet.  Petani juga antusias untuk melakukan pembuatan kompos sebagai alternatif penggunaan pupuk dan adanya peluang USAha yang baru. Adapun output dari kegiatan ini adalah teknologi pengendalian jamur akar putih dan pembuatan pupuk kompos limbah serasah.  Setelah kegiatan ini dilakukan diharapkan mitra dapat menerapkan secara terus menerus dan dapat pula menyebarluaskan teknologi yang sudah diterima untuk diterapkan ke kelompok tani/ petani lainnya di kenagarian tersebut dan kenagarian lainnya. Kata kunci: Pengendaian JAP, Karet, Kompos, Serasah, Trcihoderma s

    Pengaruh Harga Kualitas Pelayanan dan Brand Image terhadap Keputusan Pemegang Polis dalam Memilih Asuransi (Studi Kasus pada Asuransi Jiwasraya Semarang Barat Branch Office)

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of price, service quality and brand image of the decision of policyholder in choosing Jiwasraya Insurance. Type of research is explanatory research. With a sample of 95 respondents who use Jiwasraya insurance through non probabiliti sampling technique which is purposive sampling. The analysis technique uses test validity, reliability testing, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, T test and F test with SPSS tools 16. The results of this study indicate that the price, service quality, and brand image of Jiwasraya Insurance is quite good. Purchasing decisions are also included in good categorization. The influence rate of price on purchase decisions is 35.9%. The influence rate of service quality on purchase decisions is 26.8%. The influence rate of brand image on purchase decisions is 50.5%. Simultaneously, the influence rate of price, service quality and brand image is at 58.5%. Based on data analysis, it can be inferred partially and simultaneously that the price, service quality and brand image significantly influence purchasing decisions and have a strong level of closeness relationship. It is suggested that companies need to enhance the benefits obtained, quality of service and maintain the existence of the company so that the company\u27s existence remains credible and finally leads to higher purchasing decisions
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