22 research outputs found

    Pemasaran Buah Nenas (Kajian Struktur, Perilaku, Dan Penampilan Pasar) Di Desa Kualu Nenas Kecamatan Tambang Kabupaten Kampar

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    This study aims to identify marketing channels and market structure pineapple, pineapple analyzing market behavior and analyzing the performance of pineapple fruit market in the village of Kualu Nenas. The data collection method is a survey method. Determination by purposive sampling of respondents and the formula slovin on pineapple growers as much as 33 farmers. Determination of the number of traders, wholesalers and agents agroindustrial determined by census where traders, wholesalers and agents agroindustrial taken based on the accumulation of 33 farmers who sell pineapples to traffickers and agro industry in the village Kualu Nenas, there are 8 traders , 6 wholesalers, and 8 players in the industry. Descriptive analysis of data on the market structure and concentration ratio harfindahl index (HI), for the behavior of markets analyzed by correlation and elasticity of the transmission, and the appearance of markets analyzed by the equation margin trading system. The results showed the market structure market share, concentration ratios, and HI traders at 0.5469, 54.69%, and 0.2990, market share, concentration ratios, and HI wholesalers at 0.6878, 68.78%, and 0.4730, and market share, concentration ratios and HI agro-industry amounted to 0.5145, 51.45%, and 0.2647 of its market structure among the three is oligopsony. Market behavior indicates correlation values 0523 and 0515 transmission elasticity analysis. Appearance market views on marketing margin is relatively large and is dominated by the great results and uneven. Apart from it can be seen also from the uneven distribution margin, the share price received by farmers is still relatively low and the ratio of benefits and costs to farmers is still low. In addition, the bargaining power of farmers is weak because prices are determined unilaterally by traders, especially on the channel I and channel II while the third channel is relatively better because of the level of efficiency is lowe

    Prospek dan Tantangan Petani Kelapa Sawit Swadaya di Desa Air Hitam Kecamatan Ukui Kabupaten Pelalawan dalam Menghadapi Sertifikasi ISPO

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    Increasing demand for palm oil and palm oil derivative products has triggered demand for oil palm fruit. This phenomena has been responded by Indonesian oil palm growers by increasing oil palm production through land expansi on. Land expansion has been claimed as the source of deforestation, land degradation, biodiversity loss, greenhouse gas emission, and land conflicts. The Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil has been established to promote sustainable oil palm production. However, the implementation of the certification program face various problem, especially at the smallholder levels. The objective of this study is to analyze the performance of independent oil palm smallholders, to assess the application of good agricultural practices in relation with the ISPO standards and to analyses prospects and chalenges toward certification ISPO. The study use agribusiness income analyses, scaling method to measure the smallholders practices based on the ISPO standard and descriptive method to analyze prospects and chalenges faced by smallholders to obtain ISPO certification. The result shows that the oil palm smallholder profits on average are above the regional wage standard. However, the smallholders compliance to the ISPO standards is only 43.5%. Certification ISPO would promote better acces to independent smalholder in market acces, financial acces and endorse sustainable production of oil palm. However, independent oil palm smallholers face various chalenges to obtain certificate of ISPO. This figure shows that there will be lots of effort to be done to get the ISPO certification

    Analisis Produktivitas, Pendapatan dan Kesejahteraan Petani Karet Eks Upp Tcsdp di Desa Semelinang Darat Kecamatan Peranap Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu

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    This study aims to analyze the productivity, the revenue, the households income structure, the pattern of households expenditure, and the welfare of households of the smallholder rubber plantation of ex-TCSDP development. Research was done by survey at Semelinang Darat Village. Data were collected from 30 small-holders rubber farmers using purposive sampling technique. Analysis of the results showed that the productivity of smallholder rubber plantation as 2.79 ton/ha/year, the revenues of smallholder rubber plantation as Rp 6.466.065/ha/year. The structure of household income derived from agriculture is 85,07 percent and 14,93 percent for non-agricultural income. The pattern of household expenditure shown that the food expenditure as 32,36 percent and non-food expenditures as 67,64 percent. Result also show that the household of the smallholder rubber plantation at Semelinang Darat Village have the total expenditure more than 240 kg of rice equivalent. The household of small-holders rubber plantation have the total expenditure above the poverty line (Rp 369.210 /capita/month). The household welfare using the 14 indicators of relative poverty by Indonesian Statistic show that 83,33 percent household have ability to fullfill the basic need or prosperous, while 16,67 percent is almost prosperous

    Analisis Efisiensi Produksi Usahatani Kelapa di Kecamatan Pulau Burung Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis efisiensi produksi USAhatani kelapa. Pada penelitian digunakan metode Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), yang merupakan metode non parametrik berbasis pada Linear Programming. Hasil survei menunjukkan bahwa USAhatani kelapa di Kecamatan Pulau Burung belum menggunakan teknik budidaya sesuai standar. Sebagian besar USAhatani kelapa tidak menggunakan pupuk dan pestisida. Begitu juga dengan aktivitas pemeliharaan tanaman relatif tidak dilakukan dengan baik, seperti pembersihan lahan dan pembumbunan. Aktivitas USAhatani yang aktif dilakukan hanyalah pemanenan dan penanganan pasca panen. Berdasarkan analisis efisiensi produksi dapat disimpulkan bahwa: Pertama, sebagian besar USAhatani kelapa tidak efisien secara teknis, ditunjukkan oleh penggunaan tenaga kerja yang sudah melebihi dari kapasitas yang seharusnya. Kedua, sebagian besar USAhatani kelapa juga tidak efisien secara alokatif, ditunjukkan oleh harga input yang dibayar petani lebih besar dari harga output yang mereka terima. Ketiga, sebagian besar USAhatani kelapa yang tidak efisien secara teknis dan alokatif, mengindikasikan sebagian besar USAhatani kelapa tidak efisien secara ekonomi. Untuk mewujudkan USAhatani kelapa yang efisien secara ekonomi, maka perlu intervensi pemerintah untuk memotivasi petani agar melakukan USAhatani kelapa sesuai dengan rekomendasi teknik budidaya kelapa. Disamping itu perlu upaya pengendalian harga input dan peningkatan harga output. Mengingat struktur pasar yang bersifat monopsoni mengakibatkan harga kelapa yang diterima petani lebih rendah dari yang seharusnya

    Analisis Persepsi Petani Kelapa Sawit Pola Swadaya Menghadapi Sertifikasi Rspo di Kecamatan Ukui Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    Oil palm plays an important role in Indonesian economy. Development of palm oil supply chain creates a large number of employment, reduces poverty, increases foreign exchange earnings, and improves rural welfare. However, oil palm expansion has been claimed to be the source of deforestation, biodiversity loss, GHG emision, land and forest fires and land conflicts. Some private and non-governmental organizations have established a certification system, “the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil”, to mitigate the negative impacts of oil palm production. All oil palm growers have to comply with the Principle and Criteria of RSPO to be included in the global market. However, the smallholders are the most vulnerable party to meet the standard because of their limited access to various inputs, finance, and information. Certification is a new challenge for smallholders in a global oil palm supply chain. The objective of this study is to analyse farmers' perception on RSPO certification. This research use the likert scale to measure farmers' perception. The data were collected through a survey on the farmers. The size of sample selected from the population are 59 independent smallholders. The result shows that the farmers' perception on certification is “very good”. There are an increasing awareness of the farmers on sustainable oil palm production. The study also found that most of the farmers participate in the process of certification. However, the implementation of the Principles and Criteria carried out by oil palm growers is still below the certification standard i.e., only 57.17%

    Analisis Keragaan Petani Kelapa Sawit Pola Plasma di Desa Mekar Jaya Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Tengah Kabupaten Kampar dan Pola Swadya di Desa Bukit Lembah Subur Kecamatan Ukui Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    Rapid growth of palm oil demand has provoked land expansion to grow oil palm. However, deforestation caused by land expansion has negative impacts to the environment. Some internaltional non-governmental organizations have established certification program to mitigate these impacts. The objective of Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil is to promote sustainable production in Palm Oil supply chain. The standard of RSPO certification consists of Principles and Criteria that must be complied by oil palm growers to be included in Palm Oil supply chain. The objective of this study is to analyse the performance of scheme and independent smallholders, to compare the performance of the two model of smallholders, and to assess the gap between the existing performance and the RSPO standard. Using a survey method the data were collected from selected farmers from the two farmers' group. The result shows that the performance of scheme smallholders is better than the independent smallholders. The assessment on productivity and farm income also shows that scheme smallholders are higher than the independent smallholders. Finally, the scheme smallholders applied good agricultural practices more than the independent smallholders

    Studi Komparatif Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Rakyat Pola Plasma dan Pola Swadaya dalam Menghadapi Sertifikasi Rspo

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    In the last decade, there has been a spate of interest in how to reduce negative impacts of rapid oil palm plantation expansion caused by increasing demand for crude palm oil and fresh fruit bunches. Some International institutions proposed a certification program to ensure a sustainable oil palm production. However, certification become a huge challenge for oil palm smallholders. There are some barriers that the farmers face in accesing inputs, financial and marketing. The purpose of the present study was to analyse oil palm smallholders' performance and challenges toward certification issues in palm oil supply chain. A survey was conducted to collect data in two types of smallholders, i.e. scheme and independent smallholders. The number of samples selected from the population is 150 samples consist of 70 independent smallholders' samples and 80 scheme smallholders' samples. The study assessed the existing performance of the smallholders plantation including farm income, oil palm productivity, and best practices in oil palm production. The study used household income analyses, comparative analyses, and assessment on the application of RSPO standards. The result shows that the performance of scheme smallholders are better than the Independent smallholders. There would be an increasing farm costs to comply with the RSPO standard. However, there would be no guarantte on premius price