12 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Komponen Indeks Pembangunan Manusia terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Provinsi Bali

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    Human development is one of the indicators of the achievement of economic development. Although human development was increased each year from 2004 – 2012, but human development inequality still visible between the district/city of the province of Bali. This research aims to know the influence of the health index, an index of education and purchasing power indices of Bali Province economic growth simultaneously and partial. Data used are sondary data from the central statistical agency of Bali province. Methods of analysis used is the method of regression analysis techniques and associative data panel with Pooled Least Square method. Based on the results of sports data, acquired that health index, an index of education and purchasing power index is the simultaneous and significant impact on the economic growth of the province of Bali while the partial test results obtained that the education index and index of purchasing power of society in a positive and significant impact on economic growth, while the health index did not influence significantly the economic growth of the province of Bali. Existence of a positive relationship between economic growth and human development and human development must be equitable policies to the attention of the Government

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Terhadap Hasil Belajar IPA Ditinjau Dari Minat Belajar Siswa Kelas IV Di SD 1 Banjar Anyar Tabanan

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    This research aims at acknowledging the influence of problem besed learning toward student's achievement in science being observed from student's interest of elementary school student's. This research is an experiment one with post test only control group design.The population is all students grade four of elementary academic year 2012/2013.The sample being used in this research is random sampling in gradual step. The result of the research pointed that: (1) there is a difference in student's achievement in science from the students who joined problem based learning and those who joined conventional learning (2) the student's achievement in science between students who joined problem based learning and students who joined conventional learning toward student's interests and (3)There is a positive and sinificant contribution between student's interest and their achievement for grade four elementary school of SD 1 Banjar Anyar Tabana

    Perencanaan Layanan Sistem Informasi dengan Enterprise Architecture Planning (Studi Kasus: Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah)

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    Teknologi sistem informasi yang berkembang semakin cepat sangat mempengaruhi kegiatan USAha manusia di bidang bisnis. Hal ini juga berdampak pada rumah sakit yang diberi tugas dan wewenang untuk menyelenggarakan kegiatan pelayanan kesehatan. Perencanaan sistem informasi di rumah sakit seringnya mengalami ketidak selarasan dengan bisnis dan IT yang ada. Agar dapat menyelaraskan informasi dan mensinergikan bisnis dan IT di RSUD, maka diperlukan suatu perencanaan sistem informasi. Dalam hal ini metode yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan kondisi organisasi saat ini dan merancang arsitektur enterprise adalah Enterprise Architecture Planning (EAP). Metode ini digunakan untuk menggambarkan dan merancang enterprise arsitecture yang baik untuk mencapai strategi binis Perusahaan. Penelitian ini akan menghasilkan suatu blueprint yang dapat menjadi pedoman dalam pengembangan sistem informasi pada rumah sakit tersebut

    Pengaruh Profitabilitas, Likuiditas, Kepemilikan Institusional dan Kepemilikan Manajerial terhadap Nilai Perusahaan

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    Tujuan utama Perusahaan yang sudah go public (Perusahaan yang sahamnya tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia) yaitu untuk menghasilkan profit guna meningkatkan nilai Perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh profitabilitas, likuiditas, kepemilikan institusional, dan kepemilikan manajerial terhadap nilai Perusahaan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada sektor property dan real estate yang terdaftar pada BEI periode 2014 – 2017, dengan jumlah sampel 11 Perusahaan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling. Teknis analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan analisis diperoleh hasil bahwa profitabilitas dan kepemilikan manajerial berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap nilai Perusahaan, sedangkan likuiditas dan kepemilikan institusional berpengaruh negatif terhadap nilai Perusahaan. Kata kunci: nilai Perusahaan; profitabilitas; likuiditas; kepemilikan institusional; kepemilikan manajeria

    Strategies to Apply Leadership Styles and Workloads to Hotel Employee's Morale

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    Purpose: This research aims to determine the effect of leadership style and workload partially or simultaneously on employee's morale at 4 star hotel in Kuta tourist area, southern part of Bali, Indonesia. Research methods: The samples used were 34 respondents using proportionate stratified random sampling techniques. The data collection methods are questionnaires that have been tested for validity and reliability in advance and the analysis technique used is the Classic Assumption Test, T test, F test, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis and Coefficient of Determination Analysis. Findings: The leadership style and workload variables have a significant positive partial effect on employee morale and the leadership style and workload variables have a significant positive effect simultaneously on employee morale. Implication: The influence of the leadership style is quite large in increasing hotel employee morale

    Pemberian Workplace Stretching Exercise dan Modifikasi Kondisi Kerja Dapat Menurunkan Keluhan Muskuloskletal dan Kelelahan pada Pekerja Pembuat Dodol Tradisional di Desa Tamblang – Kabupaten Buleleng

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    The activity of traditional dodol stirrer workers is done with standing position. The stirring process is done monotonically and over a long period of 5 hours. This study aims to show that workplace stretching exercise administration and modification of working conditions may decrease musculoskeletal and fatigue complaintas in traditional dodol stirrer workers. The stirring tool (siut) used by the worker does not correspond to anthropomethry, causing a work with a bent position. This study was an experimental study, with the same subject design. Period I subjects were treated with conventional working condition. Period II subjects were treated with workplace stretching exercise administration and improved working conditions in the form of re-design the stirring tool(siut) of the dodol stirrer and active rest. Musculoskeletal complaints were measured by Nordic body map questionnaires on a 4 likert scale, working fatigue using 30 item rating scales. Analysis of the collected data is started with the descriptive analysis and the normality data tested using Shapiro-Wilk. Further, the data that has normal distribution are analyzed using t-paired and the data that has not a normal distribution are analyzed using Wilcoxon test. This study indicated that the administration of workplace stretching exercise and modification of working conditions can decreasing musculoskeletal decline of 18.3 % from the mean 12.67±0.50 to 5.59±0.52 and fatigue decreased by 18.5% from the mean 12.42±1.45 to 5.34±0.66 It can be concluded that the provision of workplace stretching exercise and modification of working condition can decrease musculoskeletal complaintas and fatigue of dodol stirrer workers. So it is advisable for the dodol making industry to applied this technique of exercise to minimize complaints due to the working process of stirring dodol