8 research outputs found

    Profil Lipid Darah pada Monyet Ekor Panjang (Macaca Fascicularis) yang Diinduksi Diet Tinggi Lemak

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    Diet berenergi tinggi dengan sumber dari lemak dapat mendorong perkembangan obesitas yang biasanya disertai dengan Perubahan profil lipid darah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh diet energi tinggi dengan sumber lemak hewani dan kuning telur sebagai diet obesitas terhadap profil lipid darah monyet ekor panjang (Macaca fascicularis) yang diberikan selama empat bulan. Lima belas ekor monyet jantan dewasa dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok diet secara acak menjadi kelompok 1) lemak tinggi dari lemak hewani tanpa kuning telur, atau 2) lemak tinggi dengan kuning telur, (lemak 19,62% pada kedua diet), atau 3) diet standar monkey chow sebagai kontrol (lemak 5,55%). Pengukuran dilakukan tiap bulan untuk berat badan, profil lipid darah seperti kolesterol, trigliserida, kolesterol lipoprotein densitas tinggi (HDL-C) dan kolesterol lipoprotein densitas rendah (LDL-C), dan pada akhir studi, konsumsi lemak dan kecernaan dievaluasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hewan konsumsi lemak tinggi dengan kuning telur meningkat bobot badannya secara signifikan pada minggu ke-4 dan 8 (

    Students and Teachers' Perception of Using CBT Seagull Training Lab for Learning Maritime English in PIP Semarang

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    This study attempts to explore how students and teacher perceive the usefulness of Computer Based Training (CBT) Seagull Training Lab software for teaching, and learning Maritime English in PIP Semarang. This software is used by Marine Navigation, Marine Engineering and Port and Shipping Department's students. The study adopted the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) by Davis (1989) focusing on the perceived acceptance of the software. This study employed the survey research design with simple random sampling as the sampling technique. The questionnaires and interviews were used as the method of data collection. The population participated are 374 students and 3 teachers. The data were analyzed and interpreted descriptively. The analysis was done under 4 headings: perceived of ease, perceived usefulness, attitude towards using, and behavior intention to use. The results show that students and teachers perceived the software both positively and negatively. It also reveals that a positive impact of the usage has a positive impact on teaching. Moreover, the negative perception is also uncovered

    Liberal Feminism of the Main Characters in Mirror Mirror Movie Based on Sociological Approach

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    The research is to know liberal feminism of main characters that occur in Mirror Mirror movie. Based on the problems it can be formulated into the general research question; How is the role a liberal feminism in the movie, how is the gender equality appear in the mirror mirror movie, how is the influence of a liberal feminism in the mirror mirror movie based on sociological approach. Descriptive qualitative method is used to do the research, in which the data is analyzed through the used of the dialogue and picture. To get information means collect the data like watching the movie and searching the related literature. Learn, collect, and summarize the redesign reference books related to the preparation of this to get data and information as needed. Analysis of mirror mirror movie used by Hollow's theory for the liberal feminism in the mirror mirror movie. Mulia's theory for the gender equality appear in the the mirror mirror movie. Mooney, knox, and Schacht for the liberal feminism based on sociological approach. Finding the data analysis are: (1) the role a liberal feminism is the movie is the natural biological traits of men and women. (2) gender equality shows cultural concepts that appear the role, behavior, mentality, and emotional characteristic between men and women. (3) the influence of a liberal feminism based on sociological approach are the symbolic interactionism, functionalism, and conflict theory

    The Historical Study of Prostitution Practices and Its Fiqh Analysis

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    The practice of prostitution in Indonesia occurred from the time of the kingdom until after independence. In this country, prostitution is illegal, and the practice still exists today; prostitution is sexual activity between sellers and buyers in pleasure in the form of money or goods. This study will explain the historical study of prostitution in Indonesia. Through a qualitative approach, collecting relevant sources of books, articles, and online media supported by a historical-sociological approach This research results in that prostitution has long appeared, including during the time of the Prophet Muhammad. In the Prophet's time, there was still a practice of adultery narrated in the hadith that a woman complained to the Prophet that she committed adultery and wanted to be punished. The practice of sexual exploitation also occurs during the working period of Islamic Mataram through the King's concubine, who religiously must not exceed the four legal wives. Likewise, in the Dutch and Japanese, there was also prostitution. Several factors cause women to get caught up in the world of prostitution that is the most powerful there are economic factors. In normative boxing, all scholars or ulama agree that the practice of adultery through anything including localization or illegal prostitution, but in the view of the social jurisprudent, KH Sahal Mahfudz argues that localization can be a way out by eliminating it gradually and minimizing the greater negative impact

    Morfologi dan Tingkat Ekspresi Molekuler Mamosfir Asal Sel Kelenjar Susu Macaca Fascicularis yang Diiradiasi Sinar Gamma sebagai Model Onkogenesis

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    Sel punca memiliki peran penting dalam perkembangan jaringan normal maupun onkogenesis, termasuk pada kejadian kanker payudara. Keterkaitan sel punca dan pembentukan kanker payudara perlu diteliti agar dapat ditemukan metode pencegahan dan terapi baru yang efektif. Teknik kultur mamosfir telah terbukti memperkaya populasi sel punca pada sel kelenjar susu manusia dan satwa primata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model onkogenesis kelenjar susu secara in-vitro dengan induksi sinar gamma pada kultur mamosfir yang berasal dari kelenjar susu monyet ekor panjang (Macaca Fascicularis). Analisis morfologi sfir dan uji imunofluoresensi untuk γH2AX dilakukan setelah pajanan iradiasi 4 Gy selama 62 detik pada kultur mamosfir. Penanda molekuler sel punca dewasa dan sel punca kanker dievaluasi menggunakan qRT-PCR. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa iradiasi sinar gamma menimbulkan kerusakan DNA (double strand break) di dalam sel-sel penyusun mamosfir. Pajanan radiasi juga mengubah morfologi sfir. Ekspresi penanda untuk sel punca dewasa kelenjar susu (CD49f atau Integrin Alpha 6; ITGA6) dan sel punca kanker (CD133 atau Prominin-1; PROM1 dan CD44) lebih tinggi pasca iradiasi dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa kultur mamosfir iradiasi yang berasal dari kelenjar susu monyet berpotensi dikembangkan sebagai model in-vitro untuk studi onkogenesis, terutama yang berkaitan dengan deregulasi sel punca dan risiko kanker payudara