5 research outputs found

    Hasil cek similarity"Efektivitas Kombinasi Plasma Jet Non -Thermal Dan Spray Aloe vera (L). Burm. f . Pada Penyembuhan Luka Diabetes"

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    Plasma jet non thermal has benefit in wound healing, but less control can to accumulation of reactive oxygen species. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the combination of plasma jet and A. vera spray 1% for wound healing in diabetic wounds mice model with parameters of malondialdehyde levels, the skin wound ratio, and blood profile. This study used male Balb/C were induced by a streptozotocin (STZ) and divided into 4 groups, namely groups of untreated diabetic mice wounds (N), groups of diabetic mice wound with A. vera spray 1% (Av), groups of diabetic mice wound with plasma jet non thermal at distance of 20 mm for 3 minutes (P), and groups of diabetic mice wound with plasma jet non thermal at distance of 20 mm for 3 minutes and A. vera spray 1% (PAv). The solution of A. vera spray 1% preparation consists of A. vera, DMSO, and aquabidest extracts. The wounds of all groups treated for 14 days then the malondialdehyde, skin wound ratio and blood profile were calculated by SPSS Statistic. The results of blood glucose before treatment were 241.74 dL ± 51.99. The combination of plasma jet and A. vera spray 1% groups were significant (p 0.05), and not effect on blood profile data (p> 0.05). In conclusion, A. vera spray 1% can reduce the side effects of plasma jet in diabetic wounds by reducing malondialdehyde levels

    Implementation of The PjBL Learning Model Through Google Classroom in Learning to Write Procedure Texts During the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Distance learning activities are a big challenge for teachers because they have never experienced it before. Project-based learning through Google Classroom is an alternative method that can be applied by teachers in distance learning activities (PJJ). The purpose of this study was to determine whether the project-based learning model through Google Classroom could be applied to the learning activities of class IX-9 students of SMP Negeri 8 Pematangsiantar. Project-based learning grammar, namely, first, basic questions, second, designing product plans, third, preparing a manufacturing plan, fourth, monitoring project activities and development, fifth, test results, and sixth, evaluating the learning experience. The results showed that the average student could write the program text correctly. Student performance can be described with an average score of 82 points, the highest score of 95 points, and the lowest score of 70 points. There is 1 person with a score of 95, 3 students with a score of 89, and 7 students with a score of 89. 86, 2 students have 85 points, 6 students have 83 points, 3 students have 79 points, 2 students have 77 points, and 71 students have 7 points

    Analysis of Ability to Understand Text Reading on Students of English Education Study Program

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    This research was conducted with the title Analysis of the second semester students' ability of the English Education Study Program in understanding reading texts. The purpose of this research is to examine the students' ability to understand the text. This study uses a qualitative method. The population used is the second semester students of HKBP Nommensen Pematangsiantar University for the 2020/2021 academic year. The sample taken is 32 people. The research data were collected from the given text. During the test, 30 questions were given. The type of test given is an objective test. After collecting the data, the writer then analyzed the students' scores. From these students, it was found that almost all students could not understand the text. There are 19 students (59.37%) who score below 65 and that makes them still need more attention than to help them improve their ability to understand the text

    Hasil cek similarity" Efektivitas Kombinasi Plasma Jet Non -Thermal dan Spray Aloe vera (L). Burm. f . Pada Penyembuhan Luka Diabetes"

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    Plasma jet non thermal has benefit in wound healing, but less control can to accumulation of reactive oxygen species. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the combination of plasma jet and A. vera spray 1% for wound healing in diabetic wounds mice model with parameters of malondialdehyde levels, the skin wound ratio, and blood profile. This study used male Balb/C were induced by a streptozotocin (STZ) and divided into 4 groups, namely groups of untreated diabetic mice wounds (N), groups of diabetic mice wound with A. vera spray 1% (Av), groups of diabetic mice wound with plasma jet non thermal at distance of 20 mm for 3 minutes (P), and groups of diabetic mice wound with plasma jet non thermal at distance of 20 mm for 3 minutes and A. vera spray 1% (PAv). The solution of A. vera spray 1% preparation consists of A. vera, DMSO, and aquabidest extracts. The wounds of all groups treated for 14 days then the malondialdehyde, skin wound ratio and blood profile were calculated by SPSS Statistic. The results of blood glucose before treatment were 241.74 dL ± 51.99. The combination of plasma jet and A. vera spray 1% groups were significant (p 0.05), and not effect on blood profile data (p> 0.05). In conclusion, A. vera spray 1% can reduce the side effects of plasma jet in diabetic wounds by reducing malondialdehyde levels

    Hasil cek similarity" Efek Perlakuan Kombinatif Plasma Medis dan Ekstrak Daun Binahong Terhadap Penyembuhan Luka Fase Proliferasi Pada Mencit Diabetik"

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    Plasma medicine is a relatively new and multidisciplinary study involving the study of plasma science, biomedicine, pharmacy, and other health sciences to utilizing plasma for medical therapy. Plasma is the fourth substance, after solids, liquids, and gases. Plasma can produce biological molecules of Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species (RON) which, if controlled in the right dose, can be beneficial for health. This animal study examines the effect of combinative treatment of medicine plasma and binahong leaf extract on proliferation phase wound healing in a diabetic test model. The study used Balb mice 7-8 years old which were induced by STZ with acute wounds which were divided into 4 groups, namely the wound group of diabetic mice without treatment (C), the group of diabetic mice with the treatment of binahong leaf extract (B), the group of combined treatment wounds plasma jet (P) and the wound group of diabetic mice treated with a combination of plasma and, binahong leaf extract (PB). Binahong leaf extract concentration 1% in DMSO solvent. The jet type medicine plasma treatment was carried out every day from day 0 to day 6. Macroscopic observation of the wound was carried out every day from day 0 to day 7. On day 7 it appears that the size of the wound area for P is much smaller than for C, B, and PB. The size of area B and PB is relatively the same, but smaller than C. The results of this study indicate that the binahong leaf extract tends to inhibit the performance of medicine plasma in accelerating the healing of the proliferation phase