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    Abstrak: Malnutrisi merupakan keadaan yang disebabkan kekurangan gizi dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Salah satu dampak malnutrisi adalah berat badan kurang (underweight). Prevalensi anak underweight di Indonesia mencapai 17% dan di Jawa Tengah sebesar 14%. Underweight pada anak yang tidak segera ditangani menyebabkan peningkatan angka pesakitan hingga kematian anak. Salah satu upaya mengatasi anak underweight dengan pemberian MPASI dengan gizi seimbang. Metode MPASI terbagi menjadi dua yaitu secara konvensional dan Baby Led Weaning (BLW). BLW merupakan pemberian MPASI dengan cara menyediakan makanan berbentuk finger food dan bertekstur lunak kemudian membiarkan anak memilih makanan dan makan sendiri dengan tangannya. Pengetahuan diperlukan sebagai dasar penatalaksaan awal individu dalam mencukupi kebutuhan gizi anak. Penyuluhan merupakan salah satu pendekatan edukatif sebagai upaya mengubah perilaku manusia menuju arah lebih baik. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini supaya ibu dengan balita 6-24 bulan memiliki pengetahuan tentang ragam pemberian MPASI berupa BLW kebutuhan gizi anak terpenuhi dan anak memiliki berat badan normal. Metode dalam kegiatan ini berupa pengadaan penyuluhan kepada ibu dengan bantuan media power point dan booklet. Jumlah mitra yang menjadi sasaran adalah 16 ibu dengan anak 6-24 bulan. Hasil yang dicapai adalah peningkatan pengetahuan ibu mengenai BLW dengan presentase hasil pre-test yaitu kategori pengetahuan baik 43.75%, pengetahuan cukup 43.75%, dan pengetahuan kurang 12,5%. Setelah dilakukan penyuluhan maka presentase hasil post-test mengalami peningkatan dengan kategori pengetahuan baik 81,25% dan pengetahuan cukup 18.75%.Abstract: Malnutrition is a state that causes malnutrition over a long period of time. Indonesia's underweight children prevalence is 17% and 14% in central Java. Underweight in children not treated immediately leads to an increase in fatal numbers until the death of a child. One way to overcome the underweight is to provide balanced nutrition. The complementary feeding is divided into two, which is conventional, and the baby led weaning. The BLW is a step of providing food that has a soft texture so that the child can select food and eat for himself. Knowledge is needed as a basis for the early completion of the individual in providing for the nutritional needs of the child. Counseling is one of the educational approaches as attempting to change human behavior in a better direction. The aim of this activity is to enable mothers with 6-24 months of age to have a knowledge of the broad strokes in which the BLW of the child's nutritional needs is met and the children's normal weight. The method of this activity involved educating mothers with the aid of media power point and booklet. The result is an increase in mother's knowledge of BLW with a pre-test percentage in the good knowledge category 43.75%, knowledge enough 43.75%, and knowledge less 12.5 percent. After some counseling has been made, the percentage of post-test results has increased to a category of good knowledge 81.25% and enough knowledge 18.75%.

    Association between Community Perception and Willingness to Vaccinated Againts COVID-19 in Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia

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    Background: Covid-19 has been declared a pandemic since March 2020 until now, so the government requires the provision of a covid-19 vaccine for all people. The government's vaccination campaign has received various responses from the public, some people accept and some reject the Covid-19 vaccine. This study aims to determine the relationship between public perception of the acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccine in Surakarta.Subjects and Methods: The cross sectional study was conducted in Surakarta. A sample of 65 people aged >12 years was selected by random sampling. The dependent variable was the willingness to receive the covid-19 vaccine. Tthe independent variable was perception. Data was collected by online questionnaire (google form). Data were analyzed by chi square test.Results: There is a relationship between public perception of vaccination and acceptance of the covid-19 vaccine (OR=5.45 ; 95% CI= 2.57 to 11.53 ; p<0.001)Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between perceptions related to vaccines and people's willingness to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.Keywords: covid-19, acceptance, knowledge, rejection, vaccinationCorrespondence: Annita Viesta Nirmala Dewi. Midwifery Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret. Jl. Ir Sutami 36 Surakarta, Central Java. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: +6285103027268.Indonesian Journal of Medicine (2021), 06(04): 430-438https://doi.org/10.26911/theijmed.2021.06.04.0