6 research outputs found

    Identification, Selection, and Response of Radiation Induced Towuti Mutant Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) in Drought Stress Conditions

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    Climate change with the impact of drought stress has become a major environmental problem for rice (Oryza sativa L.). The use of gamma ray radiation at a dose of 300 Gy is one way to develop drought tolerant rice varieties with little change to the characteristics of the Towuti variety. However, research is still needed to determine its resistance to drought stress. This study aims to identify characters for selection, genotype selection, and determine the response of Towuti mutant rice to drought stress conditions.The characters that can be used to select rice genotypes under drought stress conditions are plant height, number of leaves, number of tillers, and SPAD chlorophyll value. The Towuti mutant has the best tolerance to drought stress compared to other genotypes. Tolerance to drought stress in the Towuti mutant is not caused by the stay-green gene

    Human influenza A H5N1 in Indonesia: health care service-associated delays in treatment initiation.

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    BACKGROUND: Indonesia has had more recorded human cases of influenza A H5N1 than any other country, with one of the world's highest case fatality rates. Understanding barriers to treatment may help ensure life-saving influenza-specific treatment is provided early enough to meaningfully improve clinical outcomes. METHODS: Data for this observational study of humans infected with influenza A H5N1 were obtained primarily from Ministry of Health, Provincial and District Health Office clinical records. Data included time from symptom onset to presentation for medical care, source of medical care provided, influenza virology, time to initiation of influenza-specific treatment with antiviral drugs, and survival. RESULTS: Data on 124 human cases of virologically confirmed avian influenza were collected between September 2005 and December 2010, representing 73% of all reported Indonesia cases. The median time from health service presentation to antiviral drug initiation was 7.0 days. Time to viral testing was highly correlated with starting antiviral treatment (p < 0.0001). We found substantial variability in the time to viral testing (p = 0.04) by type of medical care provider. Antivirals were started promptly after diagnosis (median 0 days). CONCLUSIONS: Delays in the delivery of appropriate care to human cases of avian influenza H5N1 in Indonesia appear related to delays in diagnosis rather than presentation to health care settings. Either cases are not suspected of being H5N1 cases until nearly one week after presenting for medical care, or viral testing and/or antiviral treatment is not available where patients are presenting for care. Health system delays have increased since 2007

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Blabak Trarerodi pada Materi Geometri Transformasi: Tahap Expert Review

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    Pembelajaran matematika pada umumnya hanya menggandalkan buku dan kemampuan guru dalam menyampaikan materi, sehingga terjadi beberapa permasalahan di kelas. Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut maka diperlukan suatu media untuk membantu pembelajaran di kelas. Blabak Trarerodi merupakan salah satu media yang dapat digunakan pembelajaran di kelas khusus pada materi geometri transformasi. Blabak Trarerodi terdiri atas materi translasi, refleksi, rotasi dan dilatasi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengembangan dengan yang dilakukan peneliti adalah analisis, mendesain media, mengembangkan, mengujicobakan dan merefleksi. Akan tetapi pada penelitian ini hanya sampai tahapan pengembangan media. Hasil dari media ini tentunya sudah diperlihatkan kepada ahli media. Ahli yang memberikan validasi adalah dua teman sejawat yang dalam pembelajarannya juga menggunakan media dengan menggunakan angket yang isinya tentang tampilan dan keefektifan media Ketika digunakan. Hasil dari validasi ini menunjukkan media sudah bisa digunakan dengan beberapa revisi dari masukan validator. Selain itu, media ini juga dapat dibuat sendiri oleh siswa karena langkah dan tata cara penggunaan media juga tersedia. Mathematics learning in general only relies on books and the teacher's ability to convey material, so that there are several problems in the classroom. To overcome this, we need a media to help learning in the classroom. Trarerody Blabak is one of the media that can be used for learning in special classes on transformation geometry material. Trarerody Blabak consists of material translation, reflection, rotation and dilation. The method used in this research is development with what researchers do are analysis, media design, development, testing and reflection. However, in this study only up to the stage of media development. The results of this media must have been shown to media experts. The experts who provided validation were two colleagues who in their learning also used the media by using a questionnaire whose contents were about the appearance and effectiveness of the media when used. The results of this validation show that the media can already be used with several revisions from the validator's input. In addition, this media can also be made by students themselves because the steps and procedures for using the media are also available

    Effect of Tackifier Addition on Cushion Compound Formulation for Tire Retreading Application

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    Tire retreading is a prospective industry. Old tires are repaired and retreaded with suitable tread compounds to fulfill the requirement as the new ones. One of the important components in tire retreading process is cushion compound. Cushion compound consists of unsaturated rubber, in this case natural rubber Hevea Brasiliensis was used, less phr of filler compared to the retread compound, and additives such as peptizer, tackifier, processing oil, antioxidant, activator, accelerator and curatives. Tackifier is an important component in cushion compound since its role to make a bonding between different layer, the initial tire after buffing and new retread layer. Tackifier should has good resistance, good compatibility and does not affect the rheological and dynamical properties of bonded rubber. The general tackifier that used in industries are hexamethyl tetramine as methylene donor and resorcinol as methylene acceptor. There is certain reaction between those two additives that determine how good the performance of cushion compound and its effect to retreading process. To obtain optimum reaction, comparison between resorcinol and hexamethyl tetramine were varied as 1:1 (FRR1), 1:2 (FRR2) and 1:3 (FRR3). Hardness test, compression test, rebound resilience, tensile and tear strength, and FTIR were done to observe the optimum variation for retread application. Compared to the control with no tackifier at all, FRR2 showed the optimum result with 21.75 MPa (min. 19 Mpa) and 454,54% elongation at break (min. 450%). The most interesting result was observation by using FTIR, it was detected that the crosslink density was significantly higher than other formulation. It is a new breakthrough which is minimum tackifier with certain treatment could give better performance