5 research outputs found

    CSR in Islamic Financial Institution : a Literature Review

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    This study aims to provide a literature review of previous research related to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Islamic Financial Institution (IFI). This study contains review of 53 published articles throughout 2006-2016, both in the Islamic economic and financial journal and general journal. The literature review is presented into 5 sections, (a) review by journal and publication year, (b) by research type, (c) by methodology used, (d) by research topics and (e) by theme and region. Based on the review by publication year, it shows that the concept of CSR is still a fairly new topic. Most of the studies is still dominated by qualitative research with literature review method. The majority topic is still limited to the general review of the existing CSR practices, which are descriptively presented only. The results of this study are expected to provide a research mapping of CSR in Islamic Financial Institution, so it can inspire the subsequent research to explore potential areas related to this topic. This attempt becomes increasingly necessary, with regards to the rapid development of Islamic business and finance practices around the world

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Maltodekstrin Terhadap Kadar Air Dan Waktu Melarutnya Santan Kelapa Bubuk (Coconut Milk Powder) Dalam Air

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    Kelapa (Cocos nucifera L.) merupakan tanaman yang banyak dikenal di Indonesia. Sangat banyak manfaat yang didapat dari bagian-bagian tanaman kelapa. Bagian buah jika diekstrak dan ditambahkan air akan menghasilkan santan. Santan dapat dikeringkan menggunakan pengering semprot (spray dryer) menghasilkan santan kelapa bubuk (Coconut Milk Powder). Santan kelapa bubuk dapat digunakan untuk keperluan pangan misalnya sebagai bahan tambahan pada pembuatan kue, creamer pada minuman dan manfaat pada produk-produk non pangan, misalnya digunakan pada formulasi produk kesehatan, yaitu sebagai penjaga kelembaban kulit, dan perawatan untuk tubuh. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mempelajari pengaruh konsentrasi maltodekstrin terhadap kadar air dan waktu melarutnya santan kelapa bubuk dalam air. Variasi komposisi maltodekstrin (w/w) yang digunakan terdiri dari 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, 10% pada temperatur pengeringan inlet spray dryer 1500C. Metode pembuatan santan kelapa bubuk dilakukan dengan cara memisahkan skim dan krim dari santan kelapa, kemudian skim yang diperoleh ditambahkan maltodekstrin dengan berbagai variasi komposisi dan ditambahkan natrium kaseinat 3% (w/w) kemudian diaduk agar homogen. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengeringan di dalam spray dryer pada temperatur 1500C. Pengujian sifat fisik santan kelapa bubuk yang dihasilkan meliputi kadar air dan waktu melarutnya dalam air. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kadar air paling baik untuk standar produk bubuk yaitu pada konsentarsi maltodekstrin 6% (w/w) dengan persamaan regresi hubungan konsentrasi maltodekstrin (x) dan kadar air (y) mengikuti persamaan y = -0,0738x2 + 0,7255x + 6,154, R2=0,8556. Waktu melarutnya santan kelapa bubuk tercepat yaitu pada sampel dengan konsentrasi maltodekstrin (w/w) 4%, yaitu selama 283 detik dengan persamaan regresi y = 6,0179x2 – 61,664x + 437,6, R2=0,8715

    Strategi Bertutur Dalam Tindak Tutur Bertanya Pada Program Acara Afd Now

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    This research was written to describe the type of speech act in question and its speaking strategy. This type of research is qualitative which uses descriptive methods. The data source of this research is the question utterances used by the host on the AFD Now program on the CNN Indonesia television station. The results of this study are as follows. First, there are 5 types of speech acts to ask, namely (1) the speech act asks who asks for a yes/no answer or yes/no; (2) the speech act asks who asks for information about the elements of the sentence; (3) the speech act asks who asks for an excuse; (4) the speech act asks who asks for opinions; and (5) the speech act asks who asks for a reinforcing answer. The questioning act that is most often used is a questioning act that asks for information yes / no or yes / no as much as 49 data or 36%. Second, there are 4 types of narrative strategies, namely (1) strategies to speak frankly without further ado; (2) the strategy of speaking frankly with the pleasantries of positive politeness; (3) strategies to speak frankly with small talk of negative politeness; (4) strategies speak vaguely. Among the four narrative strategies, the most frequently used strategy is to speak frankly with positive politeness, as many as 31 data from 138 data or 22.8%. The host does not use the strategy of speaking silently or silently because the AFD Now program is an interactive oral dialogue between the emcee and the guest speaker