11 research outputs found

    Shifting Distributions of Adult Atlantic Sturgeon Amidst Post-Industrialization and Future Impacts in the Delaware River: a Maximum Entropy Approach

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    <div><p>Atlantic sturgeon (<i>Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus</i>) experienced severe declines due to habitat destruction and overfishing beginning in the late 19<sup>th</sup> century. Subsequent to the boom and bust period of exploitation, there has been minimal fishing pressure and improving habitats. However, lack of recovery led to the 2012 listing of Atlantic sturgeon under the Endangered Species Act. Although habitats may be improving, the availability of high quality spawning habitat, essential for the survival and development of eggs and larvae may still be a limiting factor in the recovery of Atlantic sturgeon. To estimate adult Atlantic sturgeon spatial distributions during riverine occupancy in the Delaware River, we utilized a maximum entropy (MaxEnt) approach along with passive biotelemetry during the likely spawning season. We found that substrate composition and distance from the salt front significantly influenced the locations of adult Atlantic sturgeon in the Delaware River. To broaden the scope of this study we projected our model onto four scenarios depicting varying locations of the salt front in the Delaware River: the contemporary location of the salt front during the likely spawning season, the location of the salt front during the historic fishery in the late 19<sup>th</sup> century, an estimated shift in the salt front by the year 2100 due to climate change, and an extreme drought scenario, similar to that which occurred in the 1960’s. The movement of the salt front upstream as a result of dredging and climate change likely eliminated historic spawning habitats and currently threatens areas where Atlantic sturgeon spawning may be taking place. Identifying where suitable spawning substrate and water chemistry intersect with the likely occurrence of adult Atlantic sturgeon in the Delaware River highlights essential spawning habitats, enhancing recovery prospects for this imperiled species. </p> </div

    Acoustic receiver locations and 1 km detection radius overlain on the sediment composition map of the Delaware River (adapted from Sommerfield and Madson 2003), location of the salt front shown given four different scenarios, urban areas indicated through dark shading.

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    <p>Acoustic receiver locations and 1 km detection radius overlain on the sediment composition map of the Delaware River (adapted from Sommerfield and Madson 2003), location of the salt front shown given four different scenarios, urban areas indicated through dark shading.</p

    Density of observations by distance from salt front for telemetered adult Atlantic sturgeon in the Delaware River during the likely period of spawning from 2009-2012.

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    <p>Density of observations by distance from salt front for telemetered adult Atlantic sturgeon in the Delaware River during the likely period of spawning from 2009-2012.</p

    Projected areas of adult Atlantic sturgeon occurrence for 4 different salt front location scenarios: a- contemporary location (rkm 103), b-historical location (rkm 92), c- location given climate change (rkm 114), d- location given drought conditions (rkm 164).

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    <p>Projected areas of adult Atlantic sturgeon occurrence for 4 different salt front location scenarios: a- contemporary location (rkm 103), b-historical location (rkm 92), c- location given climate change (rkm 114), d- location given drought conditions (rkm 164).</p

    Number of days adult Atlantic sturgeon were observed occupying each substrate type with expected number of days by each sediment type: FD- Fine Deposition, UR- Uniform Reworking, MR- Mixed Reworking, CR- Coarse Reworking, BL- Bedload, ND- Nondepositional.

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    <p>Number of days adult Atlantic sturgeon were observed occupying each substrate type with expected number of days by each sediment type: FD- Fine Deposition, UR- Uniform Reworking, MR- Mixed Reworking, CR- Coarse Reworking, BL- Bedload, ND- Nondepositional.</p

    Tagging and recapture information for adult Sand Tigers <i>Carcharias taurus</i> implanted with VEMCO Mobile Transceivers (VMTs).

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    <p>Tagging and recapture information for adult Sand Tigers <i>Carcharias taurus</i> implanted with VEMCO Mobile Transceivers (VMTs).</p

    VEMCO Mobile Transceiver (VMT) insertion procedure.

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    <p>a) Location of the ~5cm incision made just off the midline on the ventral side of the animal. The incision went through the body wall and into the peritoneal cavity. Adapted from [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0148617#pone.0148617.ref028" target="_blank">28</a>]. b) Martin Uterine ½ circle reverse cutting needle (size 6) inserted through the serosal surface of the peritoneal cavity, but not protruding through the skin. The non-absorbable nylon monofilament was twice looped through this tissue. c) Example of the surgical knots that were tied to secure the 4 loose ends of nylon monofilament looped through the serosal surface of the peritoneal cavity. Four surgical knots were tied with the two pairs of loose ends and ends were trimmed.</p

    Tag attachment setup.

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    <p>Non-absorbable 18kg nylon monofilament was threaded through the Martin Uterine ½ circle reverse cutting needle (size 6), and attached to the VEMCO Mobile Transceivers (VMTs) by threading the monofilament through a factory-drilled hole on the VMTs. The ends were tied using four surgical knots.</p

    Presence and absence of telemetered sharks.

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    <p>Detections of 20 adult Sand Tigers <i>Carcharias taurus</i> outfitted with VEMCO Mobile Transceivers (VMTs) on VEMCO VR-2W moored acoustic receivers located in the Delaware Bay, Delaware USA, the surrounding coastal ocean, and outside receiver arrays along the East Coast United States part of the Atlantic Cooperative Telemetry Network (ACT). All sharks were detected one or two years after surgery except Shark 1.</p