1 research outputs found
Penyelesaian Klaim Asuransi Property All Risk pada PT. Asuransi Jasa Indonesia Cabang Surakarta
Risk things can happen in person’s life such as death, sick or risk of being fired. In
business, there’s risk such as loss cause fire damage, loss or damaged, and others.
Cause of that, every risk faced must be resolved so that doesn’t cause other losses. To
reduce unwanted risks in the future, such as the risk of loss, fire risk, accident risk or
other risks, insurance is needed. The purpose of this study is to determine the
implementation of all risk property insurance claims and any obstacles or problems that
arise in the implementation of all risk property insurance claims at Jasindo Surakarta
branch insurance company. This research is a descriptive research and empirical
juridical approach method. The results of this study are the implementation of all risk
property insurance claims made by the Surakarta branch of the Jasindo insurance
company that in compliance with KUHD and the Indonesian Fire Insurance Standard
Policy (PSAKI). There are several obstacles or problems in the implementation of
insurance agreements such as claims that are not in accordance with the contents of the
insurance policy, late submission of claims, and others.
Keywords: Insurance agreement, loss, clai