15 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Variasi Konsentrasi Air Jeruk Nipis (Citrus Aurantifolia) dalam Menurunkan Kadar Kadmium (Cd) pada Daging Kerang Darah (Anadara Granosa)

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    Blood clams many consumed by Semarang\u27s community. Blood clams can accumulate metals in the body because its accumulated and filter feeder. Blood clams in Gayamsari\u27s Semarang market containing cadmium of 0.695 ppm, the level exceeds the threshold of the ILO / WHO is 0.1 ppm. This research to reduce cadmium in blood cockle using lime water. The aim of research was to determine the effect of variation lime water (Citrus aurantifolia) concentrations in reducing the levels of cadmium (Cd) in blood cockle meat (Anadara granosa). This type of research was quasi exsperiment using non randomized pretest posttest control group design. Sample population were blood clams from Gayamsari\u27s Semarang market. The research sample as many as 30, with 5 repetitions, 5 treatment with lime water variation of 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%. Data analysis used normality test of Shapiro – Wilk, Kruskal – Wallis and Mann – Whitney The results showed decreased levels of cadmium from 0.695 ppm to 0.278 ppm (59.80%). Kruskal-Wallis test results demonstrate the value of p = 0.000 (p <0.05) means that there is a significant difference between the variations in the concentration of lime water with the levels of cadmium in blood clams meat. Based on the Mann – Whitney, concentrations of lime water is most effective to reduce levels of cadmium (Cd) in the blood cockle meat is 70%. Variations of lime water concentration of proved influential in reducing levels of cadmium in blood cockle meat (Anadara granosa)

    Determinan Gangguan Kepekaan Kulit Pada Petani Bawang Merah Desa Wanasari Kecamatan Wanasari Kabupaten Brebes

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    The whole of onion farmers in Wanasari Village are using pesticide in minimum third times in one week through two months on onion planting dates. In long term exposure, the chemical ingredients in pesticide can affect chronical effect, such as loss of skin sensitivity that will led into the beginning of more serious disease. In primary research, it showed that there were 2 of 5 farmers have had skin sensitivity disorder. The aim of this research was to determine factors that affect skin sensitivity disorder among onion farmers in Wanasari Village. This research was conduct observational with cross sectional design. The population in this research was the whole of farmers in Wanasari Village onion farmland's with 40 samples which derived by propotional cluster random sampling method. The data analysis was using chi square test. According to skin sensitivity disorder test, it showed that 25 of 45 respondents have had skin sensitivity disorder. The result of bivariate analysis showed that variable which has relationship with skin sensitivity disorder among onion farmers were PPE using, the duration of work, and personal hygiene. This research showed that 55,6% respondents have hadskin sensitivity disorder and there were relationship between PPE using (p-value 0,015; POR 2,429; CI = 1,121-5,260), duration of work (p-value 0,032; POR 2,111; CI = 1,051-4,241), and personal hygiene (p-value 0,0001; POR 3,958; CI = 1,956-8,009) with skin sensitivity disorder among onion farmers in Wanasari Village. Researcher recommends to respondents to pay attention in hygiene and health during working with using PPE and conduct working time limitation in onion farmland

    Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan Pencemaran Nitrat (No3) pada Air Sumur Gali di Kawasan Pertanian Desa Tumpukan Kecamatan Karangdowo Kabupaten Klaten

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    In amount of 67.69% Tumpukan village is an agricultural area where has been contribute nitrate in the groundwater through fertilization activity. The use of urea fertilizer in Indonesia 400-600 kg urea / ha, it exceeds the government's recommendation (200-260 kg urea / ha). The aims of this research is to determine the risk level of exposure nitrate in Tumpukan Village. The research uses a descriptive observational with design study cross sectional and field study ARKL approach. The analysis of data use ARKL method (hazard identification, dose-response analysis, exposure analysis and risk characteristics). The object of population is all wells in the Tumpukan village and the subjects of population are people who use wells for drinking water . The sample object of research is 16 wells were used as sources of drinking water with a distance <50 meters from the area of agriculture and the sample subjects were 89 respondents who use the sample object as sources of drinking water. The results showed an average weight, rate, nitrate's concentration is 52.59 kg and 1.89 liter, 21,26 mg/L. There are nine respondents (10.1%) which have RQ> 1. The conclusion is the risk of nitrate exposure in Tumpukan village is quite low (10.1% of research subjects who are at risk of health problems noncarcinogenic), the risk will appear in the next 10 years for children and 52 years for Adult. The suggestions are farmers can fertilize with organic and inorganic N fertilizer in a balanced way and conducted with the dose and the right time

    Pengaruh Variasi Lama Kontak Fitoremediasi Tanaman Kiambang (Salvinia Molesta) Terhadap Kadar Kadmium (Cd) Pada Limbah Cair Home Industry Batik β€œX” Magelang

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    Batik industry "X" has a potential to produce hazardous waste in the form of Cadmium (0.72 mg/L). It can cause environmental pollution if there is no wastewater treatment plant. One of the methods which used to reduce the levels of Cd is phytoremediation using Salvinia molesta. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of contact time variation by using Salvinia molesta towards the levels of Cd in liquid waste of batik. The type of research used a quasi-experiment research with pretest-posttest with control design. The population in this research were the liquid waste of the batik which was produced from the batik\u27s dying process. The sample that used were 150 liters of liquid waste of dying output that has diluted 25 % to 9 replications and 3 controls. The level of the Cd decline efficiency by using Salvinia molesta during 9 days contact time showed the highest decline 58.80%. From the Kruskal Wallis test, significance value of 0.0001 ( < 0.05) was obtained. The variation of the contact time affected the value decreased levels of Cadmium (Cd). Continued test with Mann Whitney concluded that there were significant differences in the average of cadmium level decrease by using Salvinia molesta in the variation of the contact time during 3 days to 6 days and 9 days. The conclusion of this study was the variation of the contact time using Salvinia molesta affected on decreased levels of Cd in liquid waste of batik X. Prolonged the contact time of the plant; therefore, the Cd levels of the liquid water will be lower

    Perbedaan Perilaku Penjamah Makanan Sebelum dan Sesudah Mendapatkan Penyuluhan Higiene Sanitasi Makanan pada Warung Makan di Terminal Terboyo Semarang

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    Behaviour improvement was required by food handlers to overcome failure hygiene and food sanitation that produce eligible quality of food consumed by the public. Improved knowledge, attitude and practice is required by food handlers to improve hygiene and sanitation of food. Based on preliminary studies of laboratory test results obtained from six samples of food, there are 4 positive food samples E. coli, so that shows the quality of food at the food stalls in Terminal Teboyo not eligible. The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences in the behavior of food handlers before and after getting counseling hygiene and sanitation of food at the food stalls at Terminal Terboyo Semarang. The method of this research was a Quasi Experiment, with pretest and posttest research design. Sampling was done by total sampling as 35 peoples. The research data were taken using a questionnaire and observation sheet. The statistical test used is non parametric test - McNemar, at the 95% confidence level and borderline significance p <0,05. The results showed that the food handler knowledge's before counseling were unfavorable 20 (57%) and after counseling were favorable 29 (82,9%), where as food handler attitude's before counseling were unfavorable 19 (54,3%) and after counseling were favorable 28 (80,0%), then practice before counseling were unfavorable 21 (60.0%) and after counseling were favorable 19 (54,3%). A total of 35 food samples are 23 (65.7%) positive E. coli. There is a difference of knowledge (p = 0.001) and attitude (p = 0.004) before and after counseling, there is no difference before and after the practice of education (p = 0.500). There is no correlation between knowledge (p = 0.151) and attitude (p = 0.670) with the presence of E. coli, there is a connection with the practice of the presence of E. coli (p = 0.03). There is no difference in behavior (practice) before and after counseling. The need for ongoing counseling and oversight of all food vendors in Terminal Terboyo

    Kemampuan Koagulan Kitosan dengan Variasi Dosis dalam Menurunkan Kandungan Cod dan Kekeruhan pada Limbah Cair Laundry (Studi pada Rahma Laundry, Kecamatan Tembalang, Kota Semarang)

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    Laundry liquid waste contains several chemical substances in detergent raw materials such as phosphate, surfactants, ammonia, and total suspended solids. The existence of detergent in high concentrations and exceeds the quality standards that have been estabilished in a body of water can lead to cases of enviromental pollution in the form of increased turbidity an Chemical Oxygen Demands (COD) levels. Therefore in order to maintain and to ensure the availabillity of water in terms of quality, it requires coagulation-flocculation process to laundry liquid waste before discharging into water bodies. This study aims to determine the decrease of COD levels and turbidity level in laundry liquid waste using chitosan coagulant in Rahma Laundry, Tembalang District, Semarang. The research is a quasi experimental study with pretest-posttest with control group research design with 6 times replication. The total samples are 60 in wich 24 tested for the levels of turbidity and 6 controls. The test results of Kruskal-Wallis with significance p-value < 0,05 indicates that dosage variation (p=0,000) gives different levels of COD and dosage variation (p=0,000) provide 755,97 mg/l and the advantage levels of turbidity before treatment was 516,20 NTU. The optimum dosage of chitosan coagulant is on the dose of 200 mg/l with the effectiveness decrease of COD levels and turbidity levels on 72,67% an 98,67% respectively

    Hubungan Masa Kerja terhadap Gangguan Fungsi Paru pada Petugas Penyapu Jalan di Protokol 3, 4 dan 6 Kota Semarang

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    Transportation activities contributed significantly to air pollution, one of which was a parameter of dust. Workers were exposed to dust in the work environment can lead to accumulation of dust particles in the lungs. Officers street sweeper was a high-risk workers exposed to dust while working, especially in Protocol 3, 4 and 6 of Semarang where approaching the location of the measurement sample ambient air quality that exceeds the threshold value. The purpose of this study was the relationship working duration against lung function disorder on a street sweeper in Protocol 3, 4 and 6 Semarang. This type of research was observational research with cross sectional approach. The population was Street Sweeper in Protocol 3, 4 and 6 of Semarang, amounting to 61 people with a sample of 38 people with purposive sampling method. Results of univariate analysis found an average of forced vital capacity (FVC%) of 84.515%, the average forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1%) of 82.875% and an average of 90.230%. Bivariate analysis of the relationship between the working duration and lung function disorder used Chi Square test show p-value of 0,034 (PR = 4.371; 95% CI = 1.074 to 17.79). The conclusion was significant association between the work duration and lung function disorder on street sweeper in a street sweeper in Protocol 3, 4 and 6 Semarang. The Suggestions in this study is expected to be a consideration for the relevant agencies in general and the Cleanliness and Landscaping Departement can be used as a reference for the implementation of programs related to the effects of exposure to dust on the street sweeper

    Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan Paparan Nitrogen Dioksida (No2) Pada Pedagang Kaki Lima Di Terminal Pulogadung Jakarta Timur

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    Pulogadung bus station is one terminal with a solid transport activity and potentially contribute a lot of air pollution. Motorized transport will produce a variety of gases including NO2 which can cause bad effect on health for example respiratory problems, throat irritation and eye irritation, especially for street vendors who almost 24 hours in the bus station.The purpose of this study was to analyze the risk of exposure to NO2 in Pulogadung Bus Station to transportation activities. The design study is an cross sectional approach of Environmental Health Risk Assessment (ARKL). The population of subject is140 street vendors in Pulogadung Bus Station and a population of object is ambient air in Pulogadung Bus Station. Sample subjects were 60 vendors in Pulogadung Terminal and sample objects the ambient air at four points around the Pulogadung Bus Station. Analysis of data using the steps in ARKL namely hazard identification, dose-response analysis, exposure analysis and risk characteristics.The results showed an average of NO2 concentration measurement results in Pulogadung Terminal in East Jakarta is 0.07141 mg / m3. While the average weight of street vendors in Pulogadung terminal in East Jakarta is 58.32 kg, with an average daily exposure time street vendors is 13 hours per day, the average frequency of exposure per year is 329 days per year and the average duration of exposure street vendors is 15 years old. The conclusion is the concentration of NO2 in Pulogadung Terminal is still below the quality standards established and the average exposure in real time and lifetime of street vendors in Pulogadung Bus Station is still under 1 and otherwise still safe. The calculation of risk estimates in Pulogadung Terminal vendors be at risk of non-cancer due to exposure to NO2 in the next 40 years. The suggestions in this study is street vendor should using PPE when working and reducing working hours

    Analisis Pencemaran Logam Berat Timbal di Badan Sungai Babon Kecamatan Genuk Semarang

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    Babon River is a river that flows in the Genuk industries region and has decreased water quality due to contaminated residential waste and industrial waste. The industry includes coal heap, garment industry, leather tanning industry, light brick industry, plastic industry, and industrial ice cubes. This research aims to determine the lead content in the sediments and biota Sulcospira testudinaria along the Babon river from the mouth to the dam of Pucang Gading. This research was a descriptive observational research with quantitative approach. The results of supporting variable are water temperature 260C-280C, water pH 6, dissolved oxygen 2,2 mg/l – 3,6 mg/l, the salinity of fresh water from 0,20/00 – 0,60/00, Salinity brackish water 300/00 reseacrh sites. Analysis of water quality data is using Pollution Index. The result of using AAS is obtained levels of lead sediments in Babon river is the highest for 7,256 mg/kg and the lowest is 4,170 mg/kg. Levels of lead heavy metals Sulcospira testudinaria biota is the highest 2,403 mg/kg and the lowest is 1,8 mg/kg. The pollution index was lightly polluted with the amount of 1,96 which was the highest in Penggaron Kidul and the lowest is 1,13 in border between Banjardowo and Trimulyo. It can be concluded lead in sediments does not exceed the quality standards Sediment Quality Guideline 2003, while levels of lead heavy metals Sulcospira testudinaria biota has exceeded food quality standard SNI 7387:2009