25 research outputs found

    Success of Implementation of Computer Crime Act (UU Ite No.11 2008) (a Case Study in the Higher Education Institution in Indonesia)

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    Computer crime rate grow rapidly along with the development of the digital world that has touched almost all aspects of human life. Institutions of higher education cannot be separated from the problem of computer crime activities. The paper analyses the implementation of Indonesia Computer Crime Act (UU ITE NO.11 2008) in the Higher Education Institution in Indonesia. It aims to investigate the level of computer crimes that occurred in the higher education institution environment and the act (UU ITE 11, 2008) successfully applied to prevent the crime that would arise. In this research, the analysis using Descriptive Statistics, Binary logistic regression. This paper also describes the success implementation of the Information System Security Policy (ISSP) as a computer crime prevention policy in higher education institution in Indonesia. In factor of act, clarity of objectives and purpose of the UU ITE 11, 2008 was low, the communication and socialization activities are still low to the society especially to the higher education institution, moreover the control process has been running on UU ITE 11, 2008, but at a low level

    Mempertahankan Eksistensi Traditional Travel Agency Dalam Menghadapi Ancaman Online Travel Agency

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    Online travel agencies, with their own financial capability, not only making them daring to take the initial risk by investing on great magnitude of promotions, but also dare to lower the price extremely below the normal principle that others could not compete to it, which later becomes threat to the existence of traditional travel agencies that clearly not capable of providing the same benefit due to enormous operational cost. Therefore, competitive strategies are needed to maintain the existence of traditional travel agencies from the threatening online travel agency. The reasoning of competitive strategies regarding the threatened existence of traditional travel agency in this undergraduate thesis arranged based on the study of Terminaltiket. This research begins with analyzing both internal and external situations and formulated by using strategic industrial management approach along with three supporting tools, namely TOWS matrix, IE matrix and Grand Strategy Matrix. Furthermore, the qualitative and quantitative valuations of this research have been conducted by using AHP method. The final result of this research would be suggestion from the researcher to Terminaltiket as one of the traditional travel agencies to apply product development strategy in maintaining its existence

    Analisis Kepercayaan dan Kepuasan terhadap Penggunaan Sistem Transaksi Jual Beli Online (Studi pada Konsumen “Z”)

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    This study aims to determine and analyze 1) the belief effect on the use of online trading transaction system (Study on Consumer "Z") 2) satisfaction affect the use of online transactional trading system (Study On Consumer "Z") 3) trust and satisfaction effect simultaneously on the use of transactional system of online sale (Study On Consumer "Z"). The population in this study are consumers who conduct transactions through e-commerce with the amount that can not be known for certain. Data analysis used in this research is descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The conclusion of the research results as follows: 1) Trust affects the use of online buying and selling transaction system on Consumer "Z". The results of the analysis can be seen that "Z" is a buying and selling site that should give priority to consumer confidence in order to support transactions made by consumers. 2) Satisfaction affect the use of transactional trading system. ". The results of the analysis can be seen that "Z" is a buying and selling site that must provide assurance of customer satisfaction so that it can support consumers to conduct transactions online

    АNаlisis Pеngеlolааn Lingkungаn di Dеstinаsi Pаriwisаtа (Studi Kаsus Pаdа Pеngеlolааn Sаmpаh di Kаwаsаn Komplеks Gunung Bromo Tеnggеr)

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    Thе еnvironmеntаl mаnаgеmеnt in objеct dеstinаtion еspеciаlly in nаtionаl pаrk should hаvе bе а mаin concеrn, bеcаusе bеsidеs bеing usеd to tourism industry, nаtionаl pаrk hаvе usеd to consеrvаtion аrеа thаt protеctеd by govеrmеnt too. Thе typе of rеsеаrch usеd dеscriptivе mеthod rеsеаrch with quаlitаtivе аpproаch. Thе dаtа sourcе obtаinеd from two sourcеs, thе primаry sourcе is from thе informаnts, аnd thе sеcondаry dаtа is from documеnts. Dаtа collаctеd with dirеct obsеrvаtion, intеrviеw, аnd documеntаtion. Dаtа аnаysis using four stаgеs, nаmеly dаtа collеction, dаtа rеduction, dаtа prеsеntаtion, аnd conclusion. Thе rеsults of this study showеd thаt (1) thе conditions of thе еnvironmеntаl in Bromo Tеnggеr Mountаins didnt hаvе аny chаngеs bеforе аnd аftеr thе progrаm еvеn tеnd to thе еnvironmеntаl dаmаgе if thе mаnаgеmеnt not donе еffеctivеly. (2) Bromo Tеnggеr Mountаins hаvе а good modеls mаnаgеmеnt еnvironmеnt, but in а prаcticе is not еffеctivе thаt cаn bе sееn from thе еnviromеntаl conditions, thе volumе of thе trаsh thаt not rеcordеd еvеrydаy, аnd thе lаck of instrumеnt gаrbаgе. (3) thе supporting fаctors of еnviromеntаl mаnаgеmеnt is thе аdditions of fаcilitiеs, divеrsificаtion of thе gаrbаgе, coorpеrаtе with аny institution, аnd thе sociаlizаtion to thе public. Kеywords : Еnviromеntаl Mаnаgеmеnt аnd Bromo Tеnggеr Mountаins АBSTRАK Kеаdааn lingkungаn di objеk dеstinаsi tеrutаmа di kаwаsаn tаmаn nаsionаl hаrus sаngаt dipеrhаtikаn kаrеnа sеlаin sаlаh sаtu pеmаnfааtаnnyа dаpаt dimаnfааtkаn untuk kеgiаtаn pаriwisаtа, tаmаn nаsionаl jugа dimаnfааtkаn sеbаgаi kаwаsаn konsеrvаsi yаng dilindungi. Jеnis pеnеlitiаn yаng digunаkаn аdаlаh pеnеlitiаn dеskriptif dеngаn pеndеkаtаn kuаlitаtif. Sumbеr dаtа didаpаt bеrdаsаr mеlаlui duа sumbеr yаitu dаtа primеr yаng dipеrolеh mеlаlui informаn, dаn dаtа sеkundеr yаng didаpаt mеlаlui dokumеn-dokumеn yаng bеrаdа di kаntor pеngеlolа. Tеknik pеngumpulаn dаtа dilаkukаn bеrdаsаrkаn obsеrvаsi dаn pеngаmаtаn, wаwаncаrа, dаn dokumеntаsi. Аnаlisis dаtа dilаkukаn mеlаlui еmpаt tаhаpаn yаitu pеngumpulаn dаtа, kondеnsаsi dаtа, pеnyаjiаn dаtа, dаn pеnаrikаn kеsimpulаn. Hаsil pеnеlitiаn ini mеnunjukkаn bаhwа (1) kеаdааn lingkungаn yаng аdа di Kаwаsаn Komplеks Gunung Bromo tidаk bаnyаk mеngаlаmi pеrubаhаn bаik sеbеlum mаupun sеsudаh pеnеtаpаn, bаhkаn cеndеrung kаwаsаn bisа rusаk jikа tidаk dilаkukаn pеngеlolааn dеngаn еfеktif. (2) modеl pеngеlolааn sаmpаh di Kаwаsаn Komplеks Bromo Tеnggеr sudаh аdа, nаmun dаlаm pеlаksаnааnnyа tidаk bеrjаlаn еfеktif yаng dаpаt dilihаt dаri kеаdааn lingkungаn yаng tidаk bаnyаk mеngаlаmi pеrubаhаn, tidаk аdаnyа pеncаtаtаn volumе sаmpаh pеrhаrinyа, dаn аlаt аngkut sаmpаh yаng mаsih kurаng. (3) fаktor-fаktor pеndukung pеngеlolааn sаmpаh аdаlаh pеnаmbаhаn sаrаnа dаn prаsаrаnа pеnunjаng pеngеlolааn lingkungаn, divеrsifikаsi sаmpаh, kеrjаsаmа dеngаn bеrbаgаi mitrа, pеmbаtаsаn-pеmbаtаsаn dаеrаh konsеrvаsi, dаn sosiаlisаsi yаng dilаkukаn pеngеlolа kеpаdа mаsyаrаkаt. Kаtа Kunci : Pеngеlolааn lingkungаn dаn Kаwаsаn Komplеks Gunung Bromo

    Pengaruh Kemudahan Penggunaan dan Kemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi terhadap Minat Menggunakan Situs Jual Beli Online” (Studi Kasus pada Pengguna Situs Jual Beli “Z”)

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    The objectives of this study, are: 1) To find out the impacts of the ease of using information technology toward the interest of using online trading site (case study on the users of “Z” trading site) and 2) To find out the impacts of the benefit of using information technology toward the interest of using online trading site (case study on the users of “Z” trading site). This study is used quantitative method, which the data collected are in the form of statistics with the population of the study are the users of “Z” online trading site. The data analysis that is used in this study is the analysis of multiple linear regression. The results of the study showed that a belief is influencing toward the use of online trading transaction system to Z's costumers, thus it can be said that, as is the enhancement of a belief then it can increase the use of online trading transaction system to Z's costumers. “Z” is also the trading site which gives satisfaction guarantee to the costumers, so that it can support the costumers to do online transaction. A belief and satisfaction are influencing simultaneously toward the use of online trading transaction system to Z's costumers

    Pengaruh Internet Advertising Terhadap Sikap Konsumen (Survei Pada Mahasiswa Program Studi Bisnis Angkatan 2013 Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya Yang Menggunakan Media Sosial Youtube)

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    This study aims to Know and analyze the influence of variables bersama-samaeously advertising objectives, the content of the message, and the message format on consumer attitudes Determine and analyze the effect of partial variable ad destination, the contents of the message, and the message formaton consumer attitudes. This type of research is explanatory research with quantitative approach. Variables examined included variable advertising purposes, the content of the message, and the message format. The population in this study is the student Force 2013 Program Business Studies Faculty of Administrative Science are usingsocial media YouTube and exposure YouTube ads. The sample used in this study were 100 respondents to the questionnaire research instruments. Sampling technique used is accidental sampling. Analysis of the data used is descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis

    Analisisndan Desainnsistemninformasi Hotel Sebagai Keunggulan Kompetitif (Studi Padanhotel Utami Sumekarnkabupaten Sumenep)

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    The location of this research was located in Utami Sumekar Hotel, Trunojoyo Street number 53, Sumenep Regency. This research were done to know the information system of front office which was applied in Utami Sumekar Hotel, to analyze the information system of front office, and to design the information system of front office in technology basis as a development system because in the administrative process of Utami Sumekar Hotel still used manual system. This research used qualitative by using action research approach and data collective method as observation, interview, and documentation. The result of this research was the information system design of front office in technology basis which could be implemented in Utami Sumekar Hotel, Sumenep Regency as an effort to solve the occuring problems in the front office administrative process and to reach the advantage competitive dimensions such as strategic, taksis, and operational advantage

    Analisis Dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Toko Untuk Mencapai Keungulan Kompetitif (Studi Pada Toko Sakinah Motor Kabupaten Sukoharjo)

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    This research aims to know the description of goods and transaction data recording system in Sakinah Motor Store (Sukoharjo Regency), analyzing problems of the current system, and to do system development in the form of store information system design. Based on the results of the research, the system of goods and transaction data management in Sakinah Motor Store (Sukoharjo Regency) still used conventional methods that used paper media as a place to record data. The problems that arise such as inefficient time used to serve consumer demand for a good because they have to find and calculate manually the requested goods; The frequent occurrence of void stock of goods caused by the mismatch between the data amount of goods recorded in the stock card with the actual amount of goods; data security that was not guaranteed because the data in the form of sheets that are prone to damage, lost, and swapped; and in making reports that still take a long time. A store information system design with information technology-based can be applied to Sakinah Motor Store as an effort to overcome the problems in the management of goods and transaction data and to achieve competitive advantages. Kеywords: Store Information System, Recording Data, Managing Data, Computer-Based Information System, Competitive Advantages АBSTRАK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran dari sistem pencatatan data barang dan data transaksi yang ada di Toko Sakinah Motor Kabupaten Sukoharjo, menganalisis permasalahan-permasalahan sistem saat ini, dan untuk dilakukan pengembangan sistem yang berupa perancangan sistem informasi toko. Berdasar hasil penelitian, bahwa sistem pengelolaan data barang dan data transaksi pada Toko Sakinah Motor Kabupaten Sukoharjo masih menggunakan metode konvensional yakni dengan menggunakan media kertas sebagai tempat merekam data. Peneliti menemukan beberapa masalah yang timbul diantaranya adalah tidak efisiennya waktu yang digunakan untuk memenuhi permintaan konsumen terhadap suatu barang sebab harus mencari dan menghitung secara manual barang yang diminta tersebut; seringnya terjadi kekosongan stok barang yang disebabkan oleh tidak cocoknya antara data jumlah barang yang tercatat di kartu stok dengan jumlah barang yang sesungguhnya; keamanan data yang tidak terjamin dikarenakan data berupa lembaran-lembaran yang rawan rusak, hilang, dan tertukar; serta pembuatan laporan yang masih membutuhkan waktu yang lama. Sebuah rancangan sistem informasi toko berbasis teknologi informasi dapat diterapkan pada Toko Sakinah Motor sebagai suatu upaya untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah dalam pengelolaan data barang dan transaksi dan membantu mencapai keunggulan kompetitif. Kаtа Kunci: Sistem Informasi Toko, Pencatatan Data, Pengelolaan Data, Sistem Informasi Berbasis Komputer, Keunggulan Kompetiti