7 research outputs found

    Proses Pemiskinan Dan Eksploitasi Sumber Daya Alam Di Desa IV Koto Setingkai

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    Desa penelitian studi dianostik ini adalah Desa IV Koto Setingkai yang terletak di Kecamatan Kampar Kiri dengan ibukota kecamatan di Lipat Kain dan memiliki luaswilayah sebesar 1.961,41 Km2

    Analisis Distribusi Ayam Broiler di Propinsi Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA

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    Production of broiler chicken at Yogyakarta Province exceeds its consumption so that Yogyakarta province becomes one of suppliers of chicken for other regions, especially Jakarta. The objective of this research is to formulate distribution channel of broiler chicken, to determine transmission price elasticity and to estimate margin among distribution chan¬nels. The results show that pattern of production system consists of non-cooperative sys¬tem and cooperative (nucleus-core) system. Distribution channel of the non-cooperative system is more various than of that nucleus-core system. The margin of former system is also more efficient but more risky. Finally, producers are less responsive to price changes than distributors

    Elasticity and Competitiveness of Indonesia's Palm Oil Export in India Market

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    This study examines the elasticity and competitiveness of Indonsia's palm oil export in the India market, 1990 -2014. The methods used are Error Correction Model (ECM) and Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) approach. The results shows that the price is inelastic in short-term but it is elastic in long-term. The income and exchange rate are elastic in the long-term. There is also a decline in competitiveness in the market India. These findings also demonstrate that palm oil is normal goods and can be easily substituted with the same products of other countries or other vegetable oils. It threatens the Indonesian palm oil competitiveness in the Indian market

    Valuation of Mount Merapi National Park: a Travel Cost Analysis

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    This study estimates recreational value of Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi (TNGM – Mount MerapiNational Park) in Kaliurang, Yogyakarta with a travel cost method. Since the visitors are not the frequentones, the paper estimates the visitor's utility using a categorical regression technique. Applyingin-depth interview on visitors from August 1st until August 15th 2009, the results suggest that the utilityfunction for recreation at volcano national park is better estimated using the negative binomialdistribution model. It also finds that the economic value of recreation at volcano national park is Rp222,000, and that the total consumer surplus for recreation national park is Rp 31.2 billion