26 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKSistem pembacaan plat nomor  kendaraan  merupakan salah satu  ide  dalam ilmu komputer yang dapat membantu proses pengolahan data plat nomor kendaraan dengan menggunakan image processing.Barcode  adalah sebuah simbol yang melambangkan identitas suatu barang.  Barcodemerupakan instrumen yang bekerja berdasarkan asas kerja digital.  Penggunaan  barcodedapat memberikan keuntungan, seperti otomatisasi pembacaan data dengan menggunakan barcode  scanner, akurasi pembacaan data, mudah menggunakannya sehingga informasi dari pengolaan data akan lebih cepat.  Dengan kombinasi  image proscessing  dan teknologi barcode  maka akan lebih meningkatkan kinerja dari sistem kontrol  dan dapat membantu memudahkan masyarakat dalam sistem parkir.Untuk simulasi sistem parkir digunakan 2 buah motor servo sebagai pintu gerbang, mikrokontroller sebagai pengendali pintu dan pengolah data, usbtottl untuk komunikasi antara mikrokontroller dan komputer.  Dari hasil pengujian sistem pembacaan plat nomor kendaraan yang telah dibuat secara garis besar dapat terdeteksi dan menampilkan hasil karakter  berupa nomor plat yang kemudian akan menampilkan  ID  barcode. Pengolahan gambar plat dan hasil pembuatan ID barcode kemudian dicetak sebagai kartu parkir.Kata Kunci : Sistem Parkir, Kartu Barcode, Mikrokontroller.ABSTRACTSystem of read the vehicle license plate is one of idea on computer  science that can help to process vehicle license plate data using image processing.Barcode is an object identity symbol. Barcode is instrument that works based on digital work. Using barcode has advantages, such as automation data read using barcode scanner, accuracy of data read, easy to use thus information from data processing can be done faster. Combination of image processing and barcode will increase performance of control system and help to facilitate people on parking.Simulation parking system uses 2 servo motors as gate of door, microcontroller as door controlling data processing, USB to TTL to communicate between microcontroller and computer. From experiment result of license plate read system, it can detect and display character of license plate. Image processing of license plate and making of barcode ID is printed as parking card.Keywords : Parking System, Barcode Card, Microcontrolle

    Conversion of CO2 by non- thermal inductively-coupled plasma catalysis

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    CO2 decomposition is a very strongly endothermic reaction where very high temperatures are required to thermally dissociate CO2. Radio frequency inductively-coupled plasma enables to selectively activate and dissociate CO2 at room temperature. Tuning the flow rate and the frequency of the radio frequency inductively-coupled plasma gives high yields of CO under mild conditions. Finally the discovery of a plasma catalytic effect has been demonstrated for CO2 dissociation that shows a significant increase of the CO yield by metallic meshes. The metallic meshes become catalysts under exposure to plasma to activate the recombination reaction of atomic O to yield O2, thereby reducing the reaction to convert CO back to CO2. Inductively-coupled hybrid plasma catalysis allows access to study and to utilize high CO2 conversion in a non-thermal plasma regime. This advance offers opportunities to investigate the possibility to use radio frequency inductively-coupled plasma to store superfluous renewable electricity into high-valuable CO in time where the price of renewable electricity is plunging.</p

    Dry Reforming of Methane under Mild Conditions Using Radio Frequency Plasma

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    Dry reforming of methane (DRM) is a challenging process wherein methane reacts with CO2 to give syngas. This reaction is strongly endothermic, typically requiring temperatures higher than 500 °C. Catalysts can be used, but the high temperatures (which are a thermodynamic requirement) often lead to catalyst deactivation. Herein, the reaction from another conceptual direction is approached, using low‐power radio frequency inductively coupled plasma (RF‐ICP). It is demonstrated that this system can give high conversions of methane and CO2 at near‐ambient temperatures. Importantly, the energy costs in this system are considerably lower compared with other plasma‐driven DRM processes. Furthermore, it is shown that the yield of hydrogen can be increased by minimizing the C2 compound formation. The factors that govern the DRM process and discuss Hα emission and its influence on H atom recycling in the process are examined.</p

    Enhancing CO2 plasma conversion using metal grid catalysts

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    The synergy between catalysis and plasma chemistry often enhances the yield of chemical reactions in plasma-driven reactors. In the case of CO2 splitting into CO and O2, no positive synergistic effect was observed in earlier studies with plasma reactors, except for dielectric barrier discharges, that do not have a high yield and a high efficiency. Here, we demonstrate that introducing metal meshes into radio frequency-driven plasma reactors increases the relative reaction yield by 20%–50%, while supported metal oxide catalysts in the same setups have no effect. We attribute this to the double role of the metal mesh, which acts both as a catalyst for direct CO2 dissociation as well as for oxygen recombination.</p

    Schrödinger's capsule : a (micro) capsulate that is open and closed, almost, at the same time

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    We exploit different routes for encapsulation of food additives, such as minerals or vitamins, in a polymeric capsule. The added active ingredients should remain inside the capsule for at least a year in an aqueous environment (e.g. a dairy product), since sensory properties or functionality of the ingredients may otherwise be affected. However, after intake the active compound should readily (within 1 h) be released due to the acidic environment in the stomach. First, we propose a phenomenological model in order to study how a polymeric matrix may limit the diffusion of incorporated active molecules. The relation between the release rate of the active compound and its molecular weight is elucidated. Second, the desired capsules may be obtained by specific binding between subunits within the capsule and the active ingredient. We show two examples that rely on this mechanism: amylose-lipid complexes and mixed metal hydroxides. Amylose is able to form inclusion complexes with various types of ligands, including iodine, monoglycerides, fatty acids and alcohols, where the hydrophobic parts of the ligands are entrapped in the hydrophobic helical cavity of amylose. Mixed metal hydroxides are a versatile class of inorganic solids that consist of sheets of metal cations that are octahedrally surrounded by hydroxide molecules. In between these layers anionic species compensate for charge neutrality. In this way, various metal cations (minerals) may be incorporated with a high loading, and negatively charged actives may be placed between the layers. Upon digestion the particles dissolve and the ingredients are digested. Finally, we show that nature has already developed many intriguing capsules

    CO2 conversion by plasma: How to Get Efficient CO2 Conversion and High Energy Efficiency

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    Conversion of CO2 into CO with plasma processing is a potential method to transform intermittent sustainable electricity into storable chemical energy. The main challenges for developing this technology are how to get efficient CO2 conversion with high energy efficiency and how to prove its feasibility on an industrial scale. In this paper we review the mechanisms and performance of different plasma methodologies used in CO2 conversion. Mindful of the goals of obtaining efficient conversion and high energy efficiency, as well as industrial feasibility in mind, we emphasize a promising new approach of CO2 conversion by using a thermal plasma in combination with a carbon co-reactant

    CO2 conversion by plasma: How to Get Efficient CO2 Conversion and High Energy Efficiency

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    Conversion of CO2 into CO with plasma processing is a potential method to transform intermittent sustainable electricity into storable chemical energy. The main challenges for developing this technology are how to get efficient CO2 conversion with high energy efficiency and how to prove its feasibility on an industrial scale. In this paper we review the mechanisms and performance of different plasma methodologies used in CO2 conversion. Mindful of the goals of obtaining efficient conversion and high energy efficiency, as well as industrial feasibility in mind, we emphasize a promising new approach of CO2 conversion by using a thermal plasma in combination with a carbon co-reactant.</p

    Conversion of CO2 by non- thermal inductively-coupled plasma catalysis

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    CO2 decomposition is a very strongly endothermic reaction where very high temperatures are required to thermally dissociate CO2. Radio frequency inductively-coupled plasma enables to selectively activate and dissociate CO2 at room temperature. Tuning the flow rate and the frequency of the radio frequency inductively-coupled plasma gives high yields of CO under mild conditions. Finally the discovery of a plasma catalytic effect has been demonstrated for CO2 dissociation that shows a significant increase of the CO yield by metallic meshes. The metallic meshes become catalysts under exposure to plasma to activate the recombination reaction of atomic O to yield O2, thereby reducing the reaction to convert CO back to CO2. Inductively-coupled hybrid plasma catalysis allows access to study and to utilize high CO2 conversion in a non-thermal plasma regime. This advance offers opportunities to investigate the possibility to use radio frequency inductively-coupled plasma to store superfluous renewable electricity into high-valuable CO in time where the price of renewable electricity is plunging