12 research outputs found

    Multiculturalism and ethnic minorities in Europe

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    'In the past year immigration and asylum, multiculturalism and race relations have been high up the political agenda in Germany and the UK. Both countries are home to a diverse range of ethnic communities, religions, cultures and languages. These communities enrich our societies and are a source of strength and innovation. But multiculturalism also presents challenges. How do we give people the rights and status they require to integrate into society, while maintaining social cohesion? How can we ensure our institutions do not discriminate against minority ethnic groups? How should our societies combat the fears and anxieties amongst our indigenous populations about levels of immigration? What does it mean to be British or German? The UK and Germany have traditionally taken different approaches to meeting these challenges. But it is important for us to co-operate increasingly closely, both bilaterally and within the EU. These issues have become all the more pertinent, in the light both of EU enlargement, which will extend freedom of movement to hundreds of thousands more people; and of demographic change throughout the EU, which is leading to increasing willingness on the part of governments to open up their labour markets to immigrants. The British Embassy Berlin and the Center for European Integration, Bonn (ZEI) addressed these questions at a seminar held in Berlin on 1 December 2000. We focused particularly on what governments can and should do to combat racism and promote integration; on the lessons the UK and Germany can learn from one another; and on the role of the European Union and the impact of increasing numbers of ethnic minorities and foreigners in the EU on European identity. The contributions to this seminar are reproduced here, with the aim of contributing to a deeper debate, of vital importance to Europe's future.' (extract). Contents: Frank Ronge, Susannah Simon: Foreword (5-6); Sir Paul Lever: Opening remarks (7-8); Ludger Kuehnhardt: Introduction (9-12); Baroness Scotland: Creating a multicultural Europe: the British approach (13-20); Cornelie Sonntag-Wolgast: Integrating foreigners: a German view (21-24); Dieter Oberndoerfer, Trevor, Phillips, Barbara John: Multiculturalism - enrichment of society or cause for conflict? (25-40); Josef Voss, Vural Oeger, Gurbux Singh: Combating racism and promoting integration - the role of government (41-60); Pal Csaky, Elizabeth Meehan, Peter Fleissner: Ethnic minorities in the light of European integration (61-86)Inhaltsverzeichnis: Frank Ronge, Susannah Simon: Foreword (5-6); Sir Paul Lever: Opening remarks (7-8); Ludger Kuehnhardt: Introduction (9-12); Baroness Scotland: Creating a multicultural Europe: the British approach (13-20); Cornelie Sonntag-Wolgast: Integrating foreigners: a German view (21-24); Dieter Oberndoerfer, Trevor, Phillips, Barbara John: Multiculturalism - enrichment of society or cause for conflict? (25-40); Josef Voss, Vural Oeger, Gurbux Singh: Combating racism and promoting integration - the role of government (41-60); Pal Csaky, Elizabeth Meehan, Peter Fleissner: Ethnic minorities in the light of European integration (61-86)German title: Multikulturalismus und ethnische Minderheiten in EuropaSIGLEAvailable from http://www.zei.de/download/zei dp/dp c87 ronge.pdf / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Glossar Biowissenschaften und Bioethik

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    'Fragen der Biowissenschaften und der Bioethik sind in aller Munde. Und es kommt sicher nicht sehr haeufig vor, dass eine breite oeffentliche Debatte mit einem solch emotionalen Engagement und solch intellektueller Lebendigkeit zu einem Thema gefuehrt wird, das lange Zeit Fachkreisen vorbehalten war und auch jetzt noch viel Fachvokabular hervorbringt und erfordert. Die Diskussion um Rolle, Gestaltung und Verantwortung der Biowissenschaften braucht ein Ruestzeug, um angemessen gefuehrt zu werden. In der vorliegenden Publikation werden daher von Experten aus Naturwissenschaften, Philosophie und Theologie die haeufigsten und wichtigsten Stichworte der Debatte in zusammenfassender Form dargestellt. Es kann daher kein Anspruch auf Vollstaendigkeit und Ausfuehrlichkeit erhoben werden. Die Debatte geht weiter. Das Ziel der Autoren ist es, einen Beitrag zu leisten, dass nicht Stimmungen und vorschnelle Urteile ihren Ausgang bestimmen.' (Textauszug)SIGLEAvailable from http://www.kas.de/db files/dokumente/zukunftsforum politik/7 dokument dok pdf 174.pdf / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman