220 research outputs found

    Robust job-sequencing with an uncertain flexible maintenance activity

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    In this study, the problem of scheduling a set of jobs and one uncertain maintenance activity on a single machine, with the objective of minimizing the makespan is addressed. The maintenance activity has a given duration and must be executed within a given time window. Furthermore, duration and time window of the maintenance are uncertain, and can take different values which can be described by different scenarios. The problem is to determine a job sequence which performs well, in terms of makespan, independently on the possible variation of the data concerning the maintenance. A robust scheduling approach is used for the problem, in which four different measures of robustness are considered, namely, maximum absolute regret, maximum relative regret, worst-case scenario, and ordered weighted averaging. Complexity and approximation results are presented. In particular, we show that, for all the four robustness criteria, the problem is strongly NP-hard. A number of special cases are explored, and an exact pseudopolynomial algorithm based on dynamic programming is devised when the number of scenarios is fixed. Two Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) models are also presented for the general problem. Several computational experiments have been conducted to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the MIP models and of the dynamic programming approach

    Streaming H.264 scalable video over data distribution service in a wireless environment

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    The Data Distribution Service (DDS) middleware is enjoying a rapid adoption in high-performance, mission-critical networks. At the same time, the H.264 Scalable Video Coding (SVC) has been recently standardized and it is deemed to be an effective solution for video streaming over a channel with time-varying bandwidth, like the wireless one. In these conditions, it is critical to adapt the video bit-rate to the actual wireless capacity, and bit-rate adaptation is extremely simple for a H.264 SVC video. In this paper we devise, evaluate and demonstrate a technique for streaming H.264 SVC video over a DDS middleware. The contribution is threefold: i) we design a structure of the DDS data-unit able to carry H.264 SVC video-units; ii) we devise a receiver-driven rate-control mechanism based on our DDS data-unit and exploiting specific DDS functionality; iii) we implement and show the effectiveness of our mechanism in an 802.11 wireless scenario, comparing our proposal with other solution

    Optimum channel allocation in OFDMA multi-cell systems

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    This paper addresses the problem of allocating users to radio resources (i.e., sub-carriers) in the downlink of an OFDMA cellular system. We consider a classical multi-cellular environment with a realistic interference model and a margin adaptive approach, i.e., we aim at minimizing total transmission power while maintaining a certain given rate for each user. We discuss computational complexity issues of the resulting model and present a heuristic approach that finds optima under suitable conditions, or "reasonably good" solutions in the general case. Computational experiences show that, in a comparison with a commercial state-of-the-art optimization solver, our algorithm is quite effective in terms of both infeasibilities and transmitted powers and extremely efficient in terms of CPU times. © 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg

    Cross-layer H.264 scalable video downstream delivery over WLANs

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    Thanks to its in-network drop-based adaptation capabilities, H.264 Scalable Video Coding is perceived as an effective approach for delivering video over networks characterized by sudden large bandwidth fluctuations, such as Wireless LANs. Performance may be boosted by the adoption of application-aware/cross-layer schedulers devised to intelligently drop video data units (NALUs), so that i) decoding dependencies are preserved, and ii) the quality perceived by the end users is maximized. In this paper, we provide a theoretical formulation of a QoE utility-optimal cross-layer scheduling problem for H.264 SVC downlink delivery over WLANs. We show that, because of the unique characteristics of the WLAN MAC operation, this problem significantly differs from related approaches proposed for scheduled wireless technologies, especially when the WLAN carries background traffic in the uplink direction. From these theoretical insights, we derive, design, implement and experimentally assess a simple practical scheduling algorithm, whose performance is very close to the optimal solution

    CaloCube: a novel calorimeter for high-energy cosmic rays in space

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    In order to extend the direct observation of high-energy cosmic rays up to the PeV region, highly performing calorimeters with large geometrical acceptance and high energy resolution are required. Within the constraint of the total mass of the apparatus, crucial for a space mission, the calorimeters must be optimized with respect to their geometrical acceptance, granularity and absorption depth. CaloCube is a homogeneous calorimeter with cubic geometry, to maximise the acceptance being sensitive to particles from every direction in space; granularity is obtained by relying on small cubic scintillating crystals as active elements. Different scintillating materials have been studied. The crystal sizes and spacing among them have been optimized with respect to the energy resolution. A prototype, based on CsI(Tl) cubic crystals, has been constructed and tested with particle beams. Some results of tests with different beams at CERN are presented.Comment: Seven pages, seven pictures. Proceedings of INSTR17 Novosibirs

    Light yield non-proportionality of inorganic crystals and its effect on cosmic-ray measurements

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    The multi-TeV energy region of the cosmic-ray spectra has been recently explored by direct detection experiments that used calorimetric techniques to measure the energy of the cosmic particles. Interesting spectral features have been observed in both all-electron and nuclei spectra. However, the interpretation of the results is compromised by the disagreements between the data obtained from the various experiments, that are not reconcilable with the quoted experimental uncertainties. Understanding the reason for the discrepancy among the measurements is of fundamental importance in view of the forthcoming high-energy cosmic-ray experiments planned for space, as well as for the correct interpretation of the available results. The purpose of this work is to investigate the possibility that a systematic effect may derive from the non-proportionality of the light response of inorganic crystals, typically used in high-energy calorimetry due to their excellent energy-resolution performance. The main reason for the non-proportionality of the crystals is that scintillation light yield depends on ionisation density. Experimental data obtained with ion beams were used to characterize the light response of various scintillator materials. The obtained luminous efficiencies were used as input of a Monte Carlo simulation to perform a comparative study of the effect of the light-yield non-proportionality on the detection of high-energy electromagnetic and hadronic showers. The result of this study indicates that, if the calorimeter response is calibrated by using the energy deposit of minimum ionizing particles, the measured shower energy might be affected by a significant systematic shift, at the level of few percent, whose sign and magnitude depend specifically on the type of scintillator material used. © 2022 IOP Publishing Ltd and Sissa Medialab

    CaloCube: an innovative homogeneous calorimeter for the next-generation space experiments

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    The direct measurement of the cosmic-ray spectrum, up to the knee region, is one of the instrumental challenges for next generation space experiments. The main issue for these measurements is a steeply falling spectrum with increasing energy, so the physics performance of the space calorimeters are primarily determined by their geometrical acceptance and energy resolution. CaloCube is a three-year R&D project, approved and financed by INFN in 2014, aiming to optimize the design of a space-born calorimeter. The peculiarity of the design of CaloCube is its capability of detecting particles coming from any direction, and not only those on its upper surface. To ensure that the quality of the measurement does not depend on the arrival direction of the particles, the calorimeter will be designed as homogeneous and isotropic as possible. In addition, to achieve a high discrimination power for hadrons and nuclei with respect to electrons, the sensitive elements of the calorimeter need to have a fine 3-D sampling capability. In order to optimize the detector performances with respect to the total mass of the apparatus, which is the most important constraint for a space launch, a comparative study of different scintillating materials has been performed using detailed Monte Carlo simulation based on the FLUKA package. In parallel to simulation studies, a prototype consisting in 14 layers of 3 x 3 CsI(Tl) crystals per layer has been assembled and tested with particle beams. An overview of the obtained results during the first two years of the project will be presented and the future of the detector will be discussed too

    CALOCUBE: An approach to high-granularity and homogenous calorimetry for space based detectors

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    Future space experiments dedicated to the observation of high-energy gamma and cosmic rays will increasingly rely on a highly performing calorimetry apparatus, and their physics performance will be primarily determined by the geometrical dimensions and the energy resolution of the calorimeter deployed. Thus it is extremely important to optimize its geometrical acceptance, the granularity, and its absorption depth for the measurement of the particle energy with respect to the total mass of the apparatus which is the most important constraint for a space launch. The proposed design tries to satisfy these criteria while staying within a total mass budget of about 1.6 tons. Calocube is a homogeneous calorimeter instrumented with Cesium iodide (CsI) crystals, whose geometry is cubic and isotropic, so as to detect particles arriving from every direction in space, thus maximizing the acceptance; granularity is obtained by filling the cubic volume with small cubic CsI crystals. The total radiation length in any direction is more than adequate for optimal electromagnetic particle identification and energy measurement, whilst the interaction length is at least sufficient to allow a precise reconstruction of hadronic showers. Optimal values for the size of the crystals and spacing among them have been studied. The design forms the basis of a three-year R&D activity which has been approved and financed by INFN. An overall description of the system, as well as results from preliminary tests on particle beams will be described
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