23 research outputs found

    Analysis of Breastfeeding Practice, Infection Diseases and Sosiodemographic Factor with Children Linear Growth in Indralaya, Ogan Ilir

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    Background : Linear growth is the best indicator to assess quality of children growth. Optimal growth is influenced by direct (infections and foods intake) and indirect factor caring capacity of mother, access to health facility and foods). This research was done as one of efforts to enhance quality of children growth particularly in critically period. Methods : A non probability sampling towards 81 mothers who had children under five years old (12-60 months) in Indralaya Subdistrict. The study design was cross sectional with quantitative approach by using a structured questionnaire. Chi square was used for data analysis. Result : 56.8% children under 5 years old in this study were stunted (TB/U <-2SD, based on WHO 2005 reference). Most of them weren't practice early initiate breastfeeding (86,4 %), 88,9% were nonexclusive breastfeeding. There were 67,5% children under 5 suffered from ISPA 1 months before this research was done. More than half of mother hold basic level of education. They were housewife, had family income more than 1 million per month, had more than 1 child and part of extended family. Most of mother had low level of knowledge about breastfeeding practice and presented negative attitude. Level of education (pv 0.023), total children of mother (pv 0.043) and family composition (pv 0.009) were associated with children linear growth. Conclusion : Increasing caring capacity of mother is one of eforts that can influence better infant growth

    Association Rule Method For Information System Epidemic Dengue Mapping Based Association Of Risk Factors In Palembang

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    Endemic diseases dangerous such as dengue fever must be handling seriously for the risk minimize by the disease. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is disease has not been found vaccine or cure is powerful. It is necessary treatment to prevent the occurrence of dengue fever, especially when it came to the incidence of dengue fever endemic in certain areas by doing Epidemiologist dengue fever. Epidemiology is identification of risk factors for DHF to find level of area risk. Risk factors of hemorrhagic fever endemic must be identified to prevent the occurrence of dengue fever. Identifying risk factors and risk factors association can potential increase the occurrence of dengue fever. This study developed mapping information system Dengue epidemic through Association rule method of data mining. The information generated in the map of epidemic DHF level based association of potential risk factors that cause hemorrhagic fever endemic. Analysis with the Association Rule to determine level of DHF epidemic area based data reporting system

    Determinant of Maternal Near Miss Incidence in Indonesia (Analysis Ofsecondary Data Sdki 2007)

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    Background : According to WHO (2009) Maternal near miss is a "woman who nearly died but survived the complications that occur during pregnancy, childbirth or during the 42 days after delivery." Women who experienced maternal near miss can provide adequate information related to the state is going through. By knowing the characteristics of mothers who experienced maternal near miss and the outcome of the incident prevention can be done. Methods : This study is a further analysis of the SDKI data (2007) and using the analytical method with a cross-sectional study design. The sample of this study were women aged 15-49 years had married and had a child last born alive or dead 5 years before and have completeness complications data of pregnancy and childbirth survey; 14 559 respondents. Data analysis techniques with univariate and bivariate statistical test chi-square and weighted the attention cluster and strata. Results : The prevalence of maternal near miss was 341 (2.3%). Independent variables revealed statistically associated with the incidence of maternal near miss is that women with low education (OR = 1.45 and 95% CI = 1.02 to 2.05), spacing births (OR = 1.81 and 95% CI = 1, 19 to 2.75), where the birth (OR = 0.55 and 95% CI = 0.33 to 0.90), and women with a history of cesarean delivery (OR = 1.67 and 95% CI = 1.06 - 2.61). While perinatal outcomes associated with the incidence of maternal near miss is a low birth weight (LBW) (OR = 2.50 and 95% CI = 1.49 to 4.18), stillbirth (stillbirth) (OR = 12.18 and 95% CI 3.60 to 41.20), early infant death (early neonatal death) (OR = 2.62 and 95% CI = 1.17 to 5.83). Conclusion : Some of the variables associated with the incidence of maternal near miss can be modified to increase the traffic of atennal care to detect women who are at risk. So it can reduce the effect of maternal near miss inciden

    Relationship Sociodemographic and Antenatal Services and Knowledge of Pregnant Woman About Puerperium in Puskesmas Simpang Timbangan

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    Background: Maternal mortality rate is still high in Indonesia. This is due to the many woman who died from complications of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. Complications during childbirth are expected to be prevented and detected through a visit by a medical team during puerperium. However, based on the data collected by RISKESDAS the visit during puerperium has not been performing well. Therefore, the knowledge of pregnant woman about puerperium needs to be prepared that they can pass through it normally. Method: Used a survey method with the analytic cross sectional study design. The sample in this study were all pregnant women who recorded both in village midwives, and private practice health centers midwives in the working area of Simpang Timbangan some as much as 61 people.Using accidental sampling method. Results: Maternal knowledge about puerperium-related education pendidikan (RP= 37,5; CI 95% = 4,549- 309,334), compliance of 7T (counseling points) (RP= 3,491; CI 95%= 1,204-10,123)and the fulfillment of the 7 rights of pregnant woman (RP= 3,197; CI 95%= 1,108- 9,223). Conclusion: It is known that there are three variables that have a significant relationship statistically with knowledge: education, compliance of 7T (counseling point), the fulfillment of the rights of pregnant woman. While that is not related are age, occupation, and the amount of children

    Analysis Complementary Feeding and Nutritional Status Among Children Aged 12-24 Months in Puskesmas Lesung Batu, Empat Lawang

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    Background: Complementary feeding is a supplementary food given to babies after age 6 months to 24 months of age in order to meet the nutritional needs in addition to breast milk. However, complementary feeding which is not under WHO standard become one of the causes of the increasing prevalence of malnutrition in children aged 12-24 months in the world and in Indonesia. The incidence of malnutrition at Lesung Batu Puskesmas, Empat Lawang is still quite high at 18%. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship giving complementary feeding with the incidence of nutritional status in the region. Method: This study used case control design. Sampling based on inclusion and exclusion criteria to the number of samples was 80 consisting of 40 cases and 40 controls. Data was taken from data register cases of malnutrition primer using questionnaires and anthropometric measurements of children nutritional status and using neighborhood controls. The data was analyzed by univariate, bivariate chi square. Result: Hypothesis test results indicated that the nutritional status of children associated with the frequency of complementary feeding (p value<0.0001; OR 6.6), and history of infectious disease (p value 0,04; OR 3). Meanwhile, the age of first administration of complementary feeding, the texture of foods, the variation of foods and a portion of complementary feeding were not associated with nutritional status children aged 12-24 months. Conclusion: Advice can be given that mothers who have children 6-24 months should give more attention to the provision of complementary feeding in accordance with the recommended WHO through counseling, information, education and communication related nutrition and complementary feeding practices of infants and children

    Analysis of Risk Factors for Pulmonary Tb Incidence in Work Area Health Kertapati Palembang

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    Background: Tubercullosis (TB) Lung as a public health problem that is very important and serious worldwide and is a disease that causes global emergencies. Indonesia is the country with the fourth highest prevalence. Pulmonary TB incidence is influenced by host factors (Host) and the environment. Kertapati Public health Centre with highest number of cases in 2013. Numbers of cases from October 2013 to December 2014 amounted to 89 cases. The purpose of this study was to determine the risk factors of pulmonary TB in the region Puskesmas Kertapati Palembang. Method: This study used case control design. The number of subjects was 66 consisting of 33 cases and 33 controls. Data is collected using medical records of patients at the health center program Kertapati P2TB in Palembang in 2015, using questionnaires to measure variables residential neighborhood, with consecutive sampling techniques. Data was analyzed by univariate and bivariate Result: Results of the study found that the incidence of pulmonary TB associated with age (OR=0.3; 95% CI 0.12-0.89), the last of education (OR=3.9: 95% CI 1.34-11.6), the type of floor (OR=16.7; 95% CI 4.63-60.1), ventilation (OR=27.12; 95% CI 5.49-133.84), residential density (OR=4.3; 95% CI 1,39-12.95), the contact with TB (OR=4.7; CI 95% 1,44-15,075), nutritional status (OR=16.7; 95% CI 4.96-56.4).Conclusion: The incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in Puskesmas Kertapati were age, level of education, nutritional status. Environmental factors include the density of residential housing, ventilation, types of flooring, as well as contacts with pulmonary TB patients. Suggestions for relevant agencies in order to prioritize efforts to promotive and preventive efforts to increase public knowledge about pulmonary TB

    Children Behaviour of Snacks Preference at SD N 23 in Palembang

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    Background : The habit of eating snacks is popular among Indonesian people, especially in school aged children. Snacks preference is behaviour that was influenced by many factors whether internally or externally. This study aims to know how to children behavior snack preference in elementary students. Method : This study is a descriptive analytic research design based on a cross-sectional approach. Samples are gained from grade V and VI of the students at SD N 23 Palembang year of 2012 are 181 respondent. That the samples are selected based on simple random sampling. Bivariat results of this analysis will be presented in cross tabulation. Result : The results shown that the children behaviour of snack preference at SD N 23 in Palembang Year of 2012 are poor behaviour as many as 96 respondent (53,0%). And There was no significant relationship between age respondent (p-value = 0,651), sex (p-value = 0,890), breakfast (p-value = 1,000), money for snack purchase (p-value = 0,540), The respondent\u27s knowledge (p-value = 0,847), the respondent\u27s attitude (p-value = 0,399), mother\u27s age (p-value = 0,543), Mother\u27s formal education (p-value = 0,699), mother\u27s activity (p-value = 0,881), family income (p-value = 1,000), and mother\u27s knowledge (p-value = 0,100) with the respondents behaviour of snacks preference. It is recommended for school to better monitor the food sold in kantin school and sellers of food in the school environment. And for parents is expected to better monitor the behavior of a child snacks, especially in terms of snacks preference and are able to provide food supplies so that children are not eating snacks at random at the school. Conclusions : There was no significant relationship between age respondent, sex, breakfast, money for snack purchase, The respondent\u27s knowledge, the respondent\u27s attitude, mother\u27s age, Mother\u27s formal education, mother\u27s activity, family income, and mother\u27s knowledge with the respondents behaviour of snacks preference

    Resistances of Early Initiation of Breastfeeding Implementation at Bhayangkara Hospital Palembang 2014

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    Background: The government of Indonesia has made early initiation of breastfeeding policy in Government Policy No. 33 2012 where health workers and providers of health facilities are required to do early initiation of breastfeeding. But, based on Basic Health Research, the implementation of early initiation of breastfeeding in Indonesia is only 29,3% and 29,2% in South Sumatra. Method: This research is descriptive research that uses qualitative approaching. The informants of this research consist of 11 people. The data collecting method used in this research is in-depth interview and observation. The data collecting tools are interview guidance and observation checklist. The data analysis technique used in this research is content analysis. The data then interpreted in tables and narration in order to interpret those data. Result: The communication in socializing early initiation of breastfeeding at Bhayangkara Hospital Palembang to the health workers had not been done yet. On the other side, the procedure operating standard of early initiation of breastfeeding had not been made yet so that the health workers were only guided by the information they got from college. While the abilities and skills of health workers were not good enough although the number of health workers were enough, whereas facilities, structures, and fund for supporting early initiation of breastfeeding had not been provided yet by Hospital. The response of health workers to early initiation of breastfeeding was different from each other. There were some health workers who did not supported. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the resistances of early initiation of breastfeeding at Bhayangkara Hospital Palembang are communication, structure, resources and response

    Analysis of Performance Implementing Officers of Stimulation of Early Detection and Early Growth and Development (Sdidtk) in Keramasan Public Health Centre

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    Background: Toddler and pre-school coverage of Stimulation of Early Detection and Early Growth and Development (SDIDTK) in Keramasan Public Health Centre Kertapati-District in 2 the last year (2013 and 2014) didn't reach a target for strategic planning of Palembang Health Department. The level of activeness the SDIDTK implementing officers in working area Keramasan Public Health Centre only reached 78%. This study aimed to determine the factors that influence the implementing officers performance in the implementation of SDIDTK in Keramasan Public Health Centre Kertapati-District 2015. Method: This study used a cross-sectional. The Samples are implementing officers of SDIDTK, totaling 88 persons selected by simple random sampling. Taking data was done in Keramasan Public Health Centre 2015 using questionnaire. The analysis were performed using chi-square test and multiple logistic regression test. Result: Bivariate analysis results showed knowledge (p=0,000), motivation (p=0,016), infranstructures (p=0,000), funding (p=0,001), and monitoring system (p=0,02) correlated with the performance of SDIDTK implementing officers. Reward (p=0,599) didn't have correlation with it. Multivariate analysis results showed that the most dominant factor with it was knowledge (Exp(B)=76,262). Conclusion: The performance of the implementing officers in implementation of the SDIDTK didn't reach a target which targeted by Indonesian Health Ministry 2008 is influenced by knowledge, motivation, infrastructures, funding, and monitoring system. Be expected to goverments, it is Keramasan Public Health Centre and Palembang Health Department as a stakeholders to take measures to improve the performance of the implementing officers in implementation of SDIDTK