10 research outputs found

    Detection of Simian Immunodeficiency Virus in Macaque Lymph Nodes With a SIV mac

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    A tritium‐labeled DNA envelope gene probe was used to detect Simian Immunodeficiency Virus in formalin fixed lymph nodes from rhesus monkeys experimentally inoculated with SIVmac251. Cells containing SIV RNA produced strong hybridization signal and were present in small numbers in biopsy specimens and in much greater numbers in lymph nodes collected at autopsy. SIV‐infected cells were morphologically identified as lymphocytes and macrophages


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    Molecular clones of SIVmac were constructed that differed only in sequences within the nef gene. DEAE‐transfection of viral DNA containing an open form of /ic/yiclded virus that replicated with similar kinetics and to a similar extent in macaque peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) cultures as virus with a deletion or stop codon within nef. Rhesus monkeys that received each kind of molecularly cloned virus became infected. Our results additionally suggest that mutant forms of virus are selected in vitro while open, functional forms are selected in vivo. In animals infected with virus containing a stop codon within nef, reversion of the stop codon to a coding codon was demonstrated in live of five clones analyzed. These results indicate that nef is playing some role crucial to the virus life cycle in vivo

    European Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps 2020

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    The European Position Paper on Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyps 2020 is the update of similar evidence based position papers published in 2005 and 2007 and 2012. The core objective of the EPOS2020 guideline is to provide revised, up-to-date and clear evidence-based recommendations and integrated care pathways in ARS and CRS. EPOS2020 provides an update on the literature published and studies undertaken in the eight years since the EPOS2012 position paper was published and addresses areas not extensively covered in EPOS2012 such as paediatric CRS and sinus surgery. EPOS2020 also involves new stakeholders, including pharmacists and patients, and addresses new target users who have become more involved in the management and treatment of rhinosinusitis since the publication of the last EPOS document, including pharmacists, nurses, specialised care givers and indeed patients themselves, who employ increasing self-management of their condition using over the counter treatments. The document provides suggestions for future research in this area and offers updated guidance for definitions and outcome measurements in research in different settings.EPOS2020 contains chapters on definitions and classification where we have defined a large number of terms and indicated preferred terms. A new classification of CRS into primary and secondary CRS and further division into localized and diffuse disease, based on anatomic distribution is proposed. There are extensive chapters on epidemiology and predisposing factors, inflammatory mechanisms, (differential) diagnosis of facial pain, allergic rhinitis, genetics, cystic fibrosis, aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease, immunodeficiencies, allergic fungal rhinosinusitis and the relationship between upper and lower airways. The chapters on paediatric acute and chronic rhinosinusitis are totally rewritten. All available evidence for the management of acute rhinosinusitis and chronic rhinosinusitis with or without nasal polyps in adults and children is systematically reviewed and integrated care pathways based on the evidence are proposed. Despite considerable increases in the amount of quality publications in recent years, a large number of practical clinical questions remain. It was agreed that the best way to address these was to conduct a Delphi exercise. The results have been integrated into the respective sections. Last but not least, advice for patients and pharmacists and a new list of research needs are included.Paroxysmal Cerebral Disorder