7 research outputs found

    The French Navy: Friend or Rival

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    An analysis of French naval power reveals a unique set of similarities between French and U.S. Navy strategic commitments and requirements. Conversely, certain elements of French naval power not only compete with, but potentially threaten, U.S. economic and political interests. Is the French Navy a friend or a rival? Is some form of strategic marriage a possibility for the navies of the United States and France, or will French naval power evolve to threaten U.S. national interests, requiring an even greater arm\u27s length policy and wary competition


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    Volume: 27Start Page: 67End Page: 7

    Fast Prolog with an Extended General Purpose Architecture

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    Most Prolog machines have been based on specialized architectures. Our goal is to start with a general purpose architecture and determine a minimal set of extensions for high performance Prolog execution. We have developed both the architecture and optimizing compiler simultaneously, drawing on results of previous implementations. We find that most Prolog specific operations can be done satisfactorily in software; however, there is a crucial set of features that the architecture must support to achieve the best Prolog performance. The emphasis of this paper is on our architecture and instruction set. The costs and benefits of the special architectural features and instructions are analyzed. Simulated performance results are presented and indicate a peak compiled Prolog performance of 3.68 million logical inferences per second. 1 Introduction Logic programming in general and Prolog [22] in particular have become popular for rapid software prototyping, natural language translation, and ..