39 research outputs found

    Modelling of dynamical effects related to the wettability and capillarity of simple and complex liquids

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    This Thesis explores physical phenomena characteristic for thin liquid films and small droplets of simple and complex liquids on solid substrates for which wettability and capillarity control their statical and dynamical properties. We start by discussing the general concepts of wettability and capillarity and introduce the common mathematical framework of the lubrication approximation for studies of thin liquid films and small contact angle drops. We demonstrate the derivation of the generic equation describing the evolution of a film of simple liquid from the Navier-Stokes equations. We show how this model can be further extended to incorporate various effects relevant to the case of complex liquids. The results described in the Thesis comprise three projects with the common main theme of the influence of wettability and capillarity on the statics and dynamics of the studied systems, namely (i) Evaporating sessile droplets fed through the solid substrate - a geometry that allows us to discuss steady states of the system and their role in the time evolution of freely evaporating droplets without influx in an isothermal case; (ii) The influence of a solute--dependent wettability on the stability, static and dynamical properties of thin films and drops of non-volatile mixtures, suspensions and solutions; (iii) A parameter-passing scheme between particle-based Molecular Dynamics simulations and the continuum lubrication model which allows us to discuss equilibrium properties of small polymeric droplets. We present the physical questions arising in the three systems and discuss approaches and results as well as possible extensions

    Professional capacity development: New Bulgarian University Library case study

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    The New Bulgarian University Library (NBU Library) is an open data-sharing institution, where experience, projects and initiatives are public transparent. As an academic library, we are challenged to work for the constant improvement and sustainability of librarianship in Bulgaria. We were aware that investing in human capital will repay us in the near future. We realized the necessity to redesign the career pathway for librarians, based on defined stages of achievement, self-directed participation in library-wide projects, promoting team-working and demonstrated commitment to lifelong learning. The NBU Library has design a three-stage training program for continuing education and professional capacity development -formal education, group training and individual training. Librarians were stimulated to acquire Master Degree, either in a subject field or in Librarianship, according their occupation requirements and ensuring better service level. To acquire new or improve the level of their competences, librarians are attending close group trainings within the Library. We have specialized group training on e-resources accessibility and functionalities, which is open for wide group of professionals. NBU Library personnel also attend group training in specialized courses of the National Center for Continuing Education of Librarians and trainings at other libraries. Library staff participates actively in joint local and international projects, conferences and workshops to exchange innovations and practices, and share experience. The Library has developed a network for exchange of knowledge and is voting for continuing qualification of library personnel and distributed librarianship. In 2000 year the Library added a new communication channel – the first open access professional library and information science e-journal “Bibliosphere” (http://bibliosphere.eu/), indexed in DOAJ, Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek and „Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts with Full Text (EBSCO Information Services). In 2008 the Library has launched an own blog (http://www.nbulibrary-blog.eu/), with daily updates, and since 2010 we also have our Facebook representation. The necessity to build a knowledge base for permanent distribution of library achievements was realized. A long-term project (started in 2014), to build a complete open access archive, collecting 20 years of library staff publications, has been initiated, to make the Library a tribune for experience exchange. To increase accessibility and visibility of library output, publications are also deposited in the International digital repository for Library and Information Science „e-LIS“ and the network “ResearchGate”. The project pursues to demonstrate the NBU Library innovative approach to knowledge transfer as a step to build an open science environment in Bulgaria in the field of library and information science. Thus, we have built a digital image of a modern Bulgarian library and have laid the foundations to collaborate on exploiting new processes, solutions and innovations, ensuring that open output is integrated in the ultimate research frame of the futur

    Professional capacity development: New Bulgarian University Library case study

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    The New Bulgarian University Library (NBU Library) is an open data-sharing institution, where experience, projects and initiatives are public transparent. As an academic library, we are challenged to work for the constant improvement and sustainability of librarianship in Bulgaria. We were aware that investing in human capital will repay us in the near future. We realized the necessity to redesign the career pathway for librarians, based on defined stages of achievement, self-directed participation in library-wide projects, promoting team-working and demonstrated commitment to lifelong learning. The NBU Library has design a three-stage training program for continuing education and professional capacity development -formal education, group training and individual training. Librarians were stimulated to acquire Master Degree, either in a subject field or in Librarianship, according their occupation requirements and ensuring better service level. To acquire new or improve the level of their competences, librarians are attending close group trainings within the Library. We have specialized group training on e-resources accessibility and functionalities, which is open for wide group of professionals. NBU Library personnel also attend group training in specialized courses of the National Center for Continuing Education of Librarians and trainings at other libraries. Library staff participates actively in joint local and international projects, conferences and workshops to exchange innovations and practices, and share experience. The Library has developed a network for exchange of knowledge and is voting for continuing qualification of library personnel and distributed librarianship. In 2000 year the Library added a new communication channel – the first open access professional library and information science e-journal “Bibliosphere” (http://bibliosphere.eu/), indexed in DOAJ, Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek and „Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts with Full Text (EBSCO Information Services). In 2008 the Library has launched an own blog (http://www.nbulibrary-blog.eu/), with daily updates, and since 2010 we also have our Facebook representation. The necessity to build a knowledge base for permanent distribution of library achievements was realized. A long-term project (started in 2014), to build a complete open access archive, collecting 20 years of library staff publications, has been initiated, to make the Library a tribune for experience exchange. To increase accessibility and visibility of library output, publications are also deposited in the International digital repository for Library and Information Science „e-LIS“ and the network “ResearchGate”. The project pursues to demonstrate the NBU Library innovative approach to knowledge transfer as a step to build an open science environment in Bulgaria in the field of library and information science. Thus, we have built a digital image of a modern Bulgarian library and have laid the foundations to collaborate on exploiting new processes, solutions and innovations, ensuring that open output is integrated in the ultimate research frame of the futur

    The portrayal of Emperor Kôken/Shôtoku in historical sources and belletristic works, and the circumstances which played a part in it

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    This paper examines the portrayal of the last female ruler of Nara Japan, Emperor Kôken/Shôtoku, in different sources (chronicles, graphic images, novels, and modern historiography) and the social, political, cultural and religious factors which (could) have influenced the said narrative. Having been the last woman who ascended the Imperial throne of Japan and who had actually been able to exert real authority over the court, Emperor Kôken/Shôtoku could be considered a controversial figure in the history of the Imperial House of Japan and its rulers, and had thus become an object of either criticism of praise, with some authors even holding the opinion that her politics during her two reigns are the main reason why females were excluded from the order of succession of the Imperial House of Japan. Incorporating evidence from chronicles, graphic images, novels and modern historiography, this study demonstrated that the portrayal of Emperor Kôken/Shôtoku either in a good or in a bad light depended on a set of different factors. On the one hand there are always outer elements to consider such as the political situation, the cultural or religious influences in Japan at the time of the compilation of the particular source, as well as the author’s own opinion on the Imperial House of Japan and the role of the emperor in society. On the other hand inner factors such as the fact that Kôken/Shôtoku had been the first, and so far the last, female Crown Prince in the history of the Imperial House, her reascension to the throne after dethroning her successor, her political determination and cunning, which enabled her to compete with the male courtiers and even emerge victorious from their political struggles, or her unusual preference for the Buddhist monk Dôkyô during her second reign also played a major role in the way she had been perceived by the contemporary and later authors. As a result, there are as many sources which criticise her as there are such that praise her, which contributes to the creation of the full portrait of the woman and the ruler Kôken/Shôtoku

    Refractory epilepsy - New treatment technologies. chance and future for the children

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    Епилепсията е сборно клинично понятие, което включва различни хронични заболявания на главния мозък, които се характеризират с повтарящи се пристъпи, възникващи на базата на свръхвъзбуда на определени групи неврони. Клинично се проявяват с различни преходни сетивни, двигателни, автономни, поведенчески или психически симптоми. Думата „епилепсия` идва от гръцки език „επιληψία` и означава „сграбчвам`, „нападам`, „атакувам`. Болестта е известна още като morbus sacer (от лат. свещена болест). Позната е на човечеството от хиляди години. Първите признаци могат да се появят във всяка възраст, като две възрастови групи са най-уязвими детската и след 70 години. Повече от 50% от епилепсиите започват до 10-годишна възраст, a 75% - до 20-годишна възраст. Според своята причина епилепсията се разделя на две основни груп- симптоматична епилепсия, с начало в зрялата възраст, и идиопатична (с неясна причина), която е по-характерна за детството. Диагностичният процес при болните с епилепсия преминавпрез няколко последователни етапа: характеризиране и определяне вида на епилептичния пристъп; класифициране на епилептичния синдром; изясняване на етиологията на заболяването. Основните методи на лечение са чрез антиепилептични медикаменти, хирургично лечение и кетогенна диета, като те често са взаимодопълващи се. Има обаче пациенти, при които болестта не се повлиява от медикаментите, т.нар. фармакорезистентна епилепсия. Най-честото усложнение при пациенти с тежка фарма - корезистентна епилепсия, е когнитивният дефицит, който настъпва постепенно в резултат на повтарящите се епилептични пристъпи - броят на които може да достигне до 100 на ден. С развитието на медицината днес хирургичното лечение на фармакорезистентната епилепсия приема нов облик благодарение на новите медицински технологии. Голямата медицинска и социална значимост на фармакорезистентната епилепсия се определя не само от широкото разпространение на болестта, но и поради това, че засяга предимно деца, хора в млада възраст.Epilepsy is an umbrella clinical term which encompasses various chronic conditions of the cerebrum, characterized by recurring seizures resulting from overstimulation of certain groups of neurons. Clinically, these disorders manifest in various transitory sensory, motor, autonomous, behavioural or mental symptoms. The word epilepsy comes from the Greek word `επιληψία` , meaning `to seize`, `to assault`, `to attack`. The disease is also known as morbus sacer (Latin for sacred disease). It has been known to humanity for thousands of years. The first symptoms can manifest in any age, with two age groups being most vulnerable - children and people over 70. More than 50% of the cases of epilepsy start before the age of 10 and 75% before the age of 20. Based on the cause, epilepsy is divided into two main groups - symptomatic epilepsy which starts in adult age and idiopathic (with unknown cause) epilepsy that is more common in adolescence. The diagnostic process in the case of people suffering from epilepsy involves several successive stages: characterizing and establishing the type of epileptic seizure; classifying the epilepsy syndrome; clarifying the etiology of the disease. The main treatment methods involve anti-epileptic drugs, surgery and ketogenic diet and these methods often complement each other. But in some patients, the disease is not affected by the drugs, this is the so-called refractory epilepsy. The most common complication in patients with severe refractory epilepsy is the cognitive deficit which sets in gradually as a result of the recurring epileptic seizures which can become as many as 100 per day. Today, with the development of medical science, surgical treatment of refractory epilepsy is now changing thanks to the new medical technologies. The big medical and social importance of refractory epilepsy is due not only to the wide spread of the disease but also because it affects mostly children and adolescents

    Evaluation of potential drug-drug interactions in psychiatric patients: a pilot study

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    Introduction: Drug-drug interactions (DDIs) are common but avoidable causes for adverse drug reactions.Aim: The present pilot study aimed to assess the prevalence of potential DDIs (pDDIs) among patients with psychiatric disorders by evaluation of patients` hospital records and their discharge medication lists.Materials and Methods: A retrospective review of medication information was conducted for 47 male patients consecutively admitted for a period of one month to the acute unit of a university-based psychiatric clinic. Potential DDIs were checked with Medscape drug interaction checker and standard references on drug interactions, and were classified as major, moderate, or minor according to their severity. The statistical analysis included: Chi-square test, Student`s t-test, and correlation analysis.Results: For the duration of the hospitalization a total of 121 interacting drug pairs were detected, potentially capable of inducing DDIs (2.57 per patient). Out of all the patients 44 (94 %) were exposed to at least one pDDI and 7 (15%) to at least one serious pDDI. The most common potential risk was the additive sedative effect, involving 58 drug pairs with an average rate of 1.23 per patient. QTc prolonging drug combinations were found in 11 (23%) patients, drug combinations with potential risk of hematologic toxicity in 10 (21%) patients and such with potential risk of hepatic/metabolic toxicity in 9 (19%). CYP-mediated pDDIs were identified in 8 (17%) patients. At hospital discharge fewer pDDIs per patient (1.13) were detected.Conclusion: A high prevalence of pDDIs among the psychiatric inpatients was recorded. Caution is warranted to limit the exposure of the patients to pDDIs

    Exact solutions for the wrinkle patterns of confined elastic shells

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    Thin elastic membranes form complex wrinkle patterns when put on substrates of different shapes. Such patterns continue to receive attention across science and engineering. This is due, in part, to the promise of lithography-free micropatterning, but also to the observation that similar patterns arise in biological systems from growth. The challenge is to explain the patterns in any given setup, even when they fail to be robust. Building on the theoretical foundation of [Tobasco, to appear in Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., arXiv:1906.02153], we derive a complete and simple rule set for wrinkles in the model system of a curved shell on a liquid bath. Our rules apply to shells whose initial Gaussian curvatures are of one sign, such as cutouts of saddles and spheres. They predict the surprising coexistence of orderly wrinkles alongside disordered regions where the response appears stochastic, which we confirm in experiment and simulation. They also unveil the role of the shell's medial axis, a distinguished locus of points that we show is a basic driver in pattern selection. Finally, they explain how the sign of the shell's initial curvature dictates the presence or lack of disorder. Armed with our simple rules, and the methodology underlying them, one can anticipate the creation of designer wrinkle patterns.Comment: Extended text including Supplementary Information. Heavily revised to focus the exposition and incorporate new results; title chang

    The relation of steady evaporating drops fed by an influx and freely evaporating drops

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    We discuss a thin film evolution equation for a wetting evaporating liquid on a smooth solid substrate. The model is valid for slowly evaporating small sessile droplets when thermal effects are insignificant, while wettability and capillarity play a major role. The model is first employed to study steady evaporating drops that are fed locally through the substrate. An asymptotic analysis focuses on the precursor film and the transition region towards the bulk drop and a numerical continuation of steady drops determines their fully non-linear profiles. Following this, we study the time evolution of freely evaporating drops without influx for several initial drop shapes. As a result we find that drops initially spread if their initial contact angle is larger than the apparent contact angle of large steady evaporating drops with influx. Otherwise they recede right from the beginning