549 research outputs found

    Multi-criteria investigation of a pumped thermal electricity storage (PTES) system with thermal integration and sensible heat storage

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    In the present paper a multicriteria analysis of a Rankine Pumped Thermal Electricity Storage (PTES) system with low-grade thermal energy integration is performed. The system is composed by an ORC for the discharging phase and a high-temperature heat pump for the charging phase. As previously demonstrated, the low-grade thermal energy can be provided at the heat pump evaporator to boost the PTES performances. As it regards the multi-criteria analysis, a tradeoff is required when electric-to-electric energy ratio ηrt, total exergy exploitation efficiency ψut and energy density ρen, are maximized concurrently. By means of multi-objective optimization, theoretical performances of the system are derived in two different layouts, which are differentiated by the presence, or not, of internal regeneration in charge and discharge subsystems. Results showed that regeneration can be very effective, as it relaxes the tradeoff between the objectives, thus yielding better global performances. Pareto fronts are built and explored to characterize the PTES system. Configurations of interest are proposed, and PTES performances are compared with other storage technologies. Theoretical results showed that, by exploiting thermal energy at temperature lower than 80 °C, ηrt ≈ 0.55 and ρen ≈ 15 kWh/m3 can be concurrently achieved. This can be done at the cost of an inefficient exploitation of the thermal source, as ψut ≈ 0.05. If higher total exergy utilization efficiency is required, storage density can still be maintained high, but ηrt must drop down to 0.4

    Rankine carnot batteries with the integration of thermal energy sources: A review

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    This paper provides an overview of a novel electric energy storage technology. The Thermally Integrated Pumped Thermal Electricity Storage (TI-PTES) stores electric energy as thermal exergy. Compared to standard PTES, TI-PTES takes advantage of both electric and low-temperature heat inputs. Therefore, TI-PTES is a hybrid technology between storage and electric production from low-temperature heat. TI-PTES belongs to a technology group informally referred to as Carnot Batteries (CBs). As the TI-PTES grows in popularity, several configurations have been proposed, with different claimed performances, but no standard has emerged to date. The study provides an overview of the component and operating fluid selection, and it describes the configurations proposed in the literature. Some issues regarding the performance, the ratio between thermal and electrical inputs, and the actual TI-PTES utilisation in realistic scenarios are discussed. As a result, some guidelines are defined. The configurations that utilise high-temperature thermal reservoirs are more extensively studied, due to their superior thermodynamic performance. However, low-temperature TI-PTES may achieve similar performance and have easier access to latent heat storage in the form of water ice. Finally, to achieve satisfactory performance, TI-PTES must absorb a thermal input several times larger than the electric one. This limits TI-PTES to small-scale applications

    Choroidal thickness changes measured by enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomography in third trimester pregnant women

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    The aim of this article is to underline the effect of pregnancy on the variations of choroidal thickness caused by hormonal and haemodynamic changes

    Adequacy of hospitals in Rome to an unconventional event (CBRNe). TTX simulation and HTA

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    Background Rome hosts thousands of sensible targets. Healthcare reaction has been guaranteed by 6 advanced Emergency Departments (EDs) and 7 basic ones. Everyday Rome hosts 6 millions of people/die, ± 2 million in particular occasions. About National Stockpile Antidotes (SNA), Rome hosts 3 warehouses. In case of events, stockpiles are activated with a long-time call; then stockpiles are charged in delivering trucks. Methods Study analyzes PEIMAF (State of emergency plans for massive influx of injures) of advanced EDs in Rome and their adequacy in a possible CBRNe attack. Hypothesis of C/N attack on Saint Peter's Square during Angelus on Wednesday (at 12.00 AM) or E attack in Trastevere on Saturday (at 9.00 PM). Analysis of activation of SNA and travel times between SNA warehouse and EDs. Comparison with French EDs during Paris attacks. Results EDs are chronically undermanned in ordinary conditions already, and would have issues in hosting a very large number of critical patients all at once. Some hospitals do not inform their workers about PEIMAF or they do not consider CBRNe emergencies in their PEIMAF, and even if it has been considered, hardly any simulation/exercitation is ever performed. Moreover, news of the CBRNe attack may not reach immediately the healthcare personal already at work in EDs; this is extremely problematic since they could be at major risk of contamination in case of CBRNe attacks. Furthermore, without a standardize protocol active in the whole city, no cross-hospital organization can be performed. Conclusions All data point towards the weakness and fragmentation of actual organizative system. Time of activation and charging are crucials for first aid efficacy and efficiency; a smart call system can reduce the activation time of SNA. A better organization of SNA in major Rome hospitals can reduce delivering time and help save more lives

    Feasibility study to realize an anaerobc digester fed with vegetables matrices in central Italy

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    In the present paper we have analysed the possibility to realize an anaerobic digester in a bio-Energy Park located in CittĂ  della Pieve, a small town in Central Italy. The use of anaerobic digesters is quite common in Europe for reducing the environmental impact of manure in a co-digestion procedure with vegetables materials. In addition, for several areas of Central Italy there is the need to find alternative productions to improve farmer's incomes, as traditional cropping systems are loosing convenience. An interesting alternative seems to be cultivation of energy crops because of the favourable conditions of the electric energy market. We are suggesting a low input cropping system to be implemented in areas where low input food/feed crops are no more profitable. In particular our case-study is an example based on the use of a forage legume, alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), together with other crops, like sorghum, to realize small-size bio-digesters plants. Alfalfa: is a highly sustainable crop as it is able to fix nitrogen and therefore it does not require this fertilization with the consequence of avoiding underground water pollution. Moreover alfalfa residual products are nitrogen rich thus improving soil structure and fertility more than popular graminaceous energy crops such as corn. Beside, alfalfa mostly does not need irrigation in the typical Central Italy environment, all these traits make it one of the species with the lowest energy needs for growing. The aims of this feasibility study are: i) optimization of plant materials feeding the bio-digester, ii) typology of bio-digester, iii) size of bio-digester in relation with land availability for growing energetic cultures, iv) the utilization of bio-gas produced by bio-digester plant to produce electric and thermal energy using cogeneration engines, vi) disposal of waste-water produced according to regional and national laws. The final aim of this study is to verify the possibility to develop an alternative economical use of marginal soils in relatively dry areas of Central Italy that would be replicable in other European areas with a similar climatic situation

    Influence of emitter-receiver number on measurement accuracy in acoustic pyrometry

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    Acoustic pyrometry is an interesting technique that may find several useful applications in turbomachinery. As the speed of sound is directly related a medium temperature, this measurement technique estimates the temperature of a gas by considering the time of flight of an acoustic wave moving through it. If only an acoustic emitter-receiver couple is used, only the average temperature along the acoustic path can be determined. If multiple emitter-receiver couples laying on the same plane are used, a reconstruction of the temperature map in the section is possible. This estimation is performed by considering that multiple acoustic paths travel across the same sub-portions of the section and, therefore, the temperature of each sub-portion affects the time of flight along several sound paths. Many parameters affect the accuracy of the measurement, and they are related to the physic of the phenomena involved in the measurement, the accuracy of the instrumentation used, the interaction between the acoustic wave and the flow velocity and the hardware set-up. In this study, the impact of some set-up parameters on the accuracy of the measurement was investigated and, in particular, the number of sound emitter-receiver couples and the number of investigation sub-portions in which the section is divided. A reference temperature map has been considered as a benchmark. This study, which is a preliminary investigation on this technique, was useful to assess the capability of this methodology to correctly describe a temperature distribution in an ideal condition. Therefore, it represents a first step in the set-up of an experimental investigation with an acoustic pyrometer.

    Techno-economic evaluation of biomass-to-fuels with solid-oxide electrolyzer

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    Thermochemical biomass-to-fuel conversion requires an increased hydrogen concentration in the syngas derived from gasification, which is currently achieved by water–gas-shift reaction and CO2 removal. State-of-the-art biomass-to-fuels convert less than half of the biomass carbon with the remaining emitted as CO2. Full conversion of biomass carbon can be achieved by integrating solid-oxide electrolyzer with different concepts: (1) steam electrolysis with the hydrogen produced injected into syngas, and (2) co-electrolysis of CO2 and H2O to convert the CO2 captured from the syngas. This paper investigates techno-economically steam- or co-electrolysis-based biomass-to-fuel processes for producing synthetic natural gas, methanol, dimethyl ether and jet fuel, considering system-level heat integration and optimal placement of steam cycles for heat recovery. The results show that state-of-the-art biomass-to-fuels achieve similar energy efficiencies of 48–51% (based on a lower heating value) for the four different fuels. The integrated concept with steam electrolysis achieves the highest energy efficiency: 68% for synthetic natural gas, 64% for methanol, 63% for dimethyl ether, and 56% for jet fuel. The integrated concept with co-electrolysis can enhance the state-of-the-art energy efficiency to 66% for synthetic natural gas, 61% for methanol, and 54% for jet fuel. The biomass-to-dimethyl ether with co-electrolysis only reaches an efficiency of 49%, due to additional heat demand. The levelized cost of the product of the integrated concepts highly depends on the price and availability of renewable electricity. The concept with co-electrolysis allows for additional operation flexibility without renewable electricity, resulting in high annual production. Thus, with limited annual available hours of renewable electricity, biomass-to-fuel with co-electrolysis is more economically convenient than that with steam electrolysis. For a plant scale of 60 MWth biomass input with the renewable electricity available for 1800 h annually, the levelized cost of product of biomass-to-synthesis-natural-gas with co-electrolysis is 35 $/GJ, 20% lower than that with steam-electrolysis

    Woodchip size effect on combustion temperatures and volatiles in a small-scale fixed bed biomass boiler

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    Biomass combustion performance is greatly affected by the particle size distribution, which influences heat and mass transport phenomena. The present work investigates the effect of woodchip size distribution on combustion in a 140 kW underfeed stoker boiler. Three different fuel sizes were prepared, and their combustion performance was measured by monitoring temperatures inside and above the fire pit and the gas composition above the fuel bed. The gas composition was then correlated to the particle mean diameter. Although minor effects could be detected in the temperature and composition of the flue gases, a more uniform spatial distribution of volatiles was observed when employing bigger woodchips. The present results can improve the understanding of the impact of fuel size on the performance of woodchip-fired boilers and can be valuably used for numerical model validation

    Modelling piezoelectric energy harvesters by a finite integration technique formulation for electromechanical coupled problems

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    A detailed analysis and optimization of piezoelectric devices, which nowadays are of widespread use in electronic applications, requires numerical analysis. Numerical models based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) have already been proposed in literature. The Finite Integration Technique (FIT) provides stable and consistent discretization schemes for coupled multiphysics problems. A FIT formulation with unstructured meshes, for 2-D/3-D coupled electromechanical static or dynamic problems, is presented. Piezoelectric bimorph cantilevers, with a realistic multilayered geometry, can be analyzed. Comparisons with FEM show the validity and the accuracy of the method

    An Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Exhaust Gas Recirculation in a Small-Scale Fixed Bed Biomass Boiler

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    Exhaust gas recirculation is a technique that allows for controlling the combustion chamber temperature and reducing the NOx and particle matter emissions. Moreover, it helps to mitigate soot formation and ash agglomeration in combustion systems. The present study investigated the effect of exhaust gas recirculation on combustion temperatures of a 140 kW underfed stoker biomass boiler. To this purpose, a wide range of operating conditions were used, collecting data regarding flue gas and fixed bed temperatures. It turned out that the recirculating ratio has a significant effect on the temperatures in the primary combustion zone, affecting the thermal gradient and the main thermal zones of the biomass combusting bed. The obtained results can be useful for lumped parameter modeling, or CFD validation purposes
