44 research outputs found

    Prediction of Epilepsy Seizures by Machine Learning Methods

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    According to the Globe Health Organization (WHO), more than 50 million people throughout the world are living with a diagnosis of epilepsy, making it perhaps of the most widely recognized neurological issue. Epileptic seizures are a leading cause of hospitalization and mortality across the globe. Accurate and prompt diagnosis is more crucial than ever given the increase in epileptic seizures all through the globe and their effect on individuals' lives. Epilepsy, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, thyroid disease, and many more are only some of the diseases for which machine learning approaches are being applied in prediction and diagnosis. Epilepsy is one ailment that may be treated early on to save a person's life. The main objective of this research is to use feature label extraction to the dataset in order to obtain the best ML models for epileptic seizures. In order to predict epilepsy, we used the techniques of logistic regression, SVM, linear SVM, KNN, and RNN in this study. The models employed in this research are accurate to varying degrees and have attributes including precision, recall, f1-score, and support. This study demonstrates that the model is able to accurately predict the occurrence of epilepsy. Our discoveries demonstrate that involving Examination highlight extraction in the dataset, the Regional Neural Network (RNN) model with 99.9998 % Training data accuracy and 97.78% Test data accuracy and 100% prediction probability of epilepsy seizure produces the best results and also the feature characteristics of RNN is better as compared to other models used in current research work

    Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Delonix regia (Boj. Ex. Hook)

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    The present work was to evaluate the anti-inflammatory activity of Delonix regia leaves (Family: Caesalpiniaceae). The powder of Delonix regia leaves was subjected to extraction with ethanol in soxhlet extractor. The ethanol extract after preliminary phytochemical investigation showed the presence of sterols, triterpenoids, phenolic compounds and flavonoids. The anti-inflammatory activity was studied using carrageenan-induced rat paw edema and cotton pellet granuloma at a three different doses (100, 200, and 400 mg/kg b.w. p.o.) of ethanol extract. The ethanol extract of Delonix regia leaves was exhibited significant anti-inflammatory activity at the dose of 400 mg/kg in both models when compared with control group. Indomethacin (10 mg/kg b.w. p.o) was also shown significant anti-inflammatory activity in both models


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    Objective: To develop and validate simple, rapid, linear, accurate, precise and economical UV Spectroscopic method for estimation of Lamivudine in tablet dosage form.Methods: The drug is freely soluble in analytical grade water. The drug was identified in terms of solubility studies and on the basis of melting point done on melting point apparatus of Equiptronics. It showed absorption maxima were determined in analytical grade water. The drug obeyed the Beer's law and showed a good correlation of concentration with absorption which reflects in linearity. The UV spectroscopic method was developed for estimation of lamivudine in tablet dosage form and also validated as per ICH guidelines.Results: The drug is freely soluble in analytical grade water, slightly soluble in methanol and practically insoluble in acetone. So, the analytical grade water is used as a diluent in the method. The melting point of lamivudine was found to be 160-161˚C (uncorrected). It showed absorption maxima 268 nm in analytical grade water. On the basis of the absorption spectrum, the working concentration was set on 10µg/ml (PPM). The linearity was observed between 6-14 μg/ml (PPM). The results of the analysis were validated by recovery studies. The recovery was found to be 98.7, 101 and 99.2% for three levels respectively. The % RSD for precision was found to be 0.62%.Conclusion: A simple, rapid, linear, accurate, precise and economical UV Spectroscopic method has been developed for estimation of Lamivudine in tablet dosage form. The method could be considered for the determination of Lamivudine in quality control laboratories

    A Rare unusual case presentation of the Tuberculosis of the Shoulder Joint

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    Introduction: Afflictions of shoulder by tuberculosis is rare and when it occurs its more commonly a dry lesion (caries sicca). Wet lesions in shoulder are rare and we report this case for the rarity of its occurrence. Case Report: A 55yrs old female patient presented with a painful swelling with restriction of movements of the right shoulder since six months. Patient had taken various treatments without any relief; there was no history of trauma, weight loss, recent infection in the past or any history of tuberculosis in family or contact with tubercular patient. Right shoulder revealed restricted movements with no local rise in temperature. Tenderness was present over anterior and posterior aspect of the right shoulder diffusely. External rotation and abduction movements were restricted while adduction and flexion were not restricted. Power of the muscles was unaffected with no neurological deficit. Antero-posterior and axial X-rays of the right shoulder showed no bony involvement however, ultrasonography showed lipoma. Serological investigations showed a markedly raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate (73mm / hr) and a positive C-reactive protein. Surgical excision of the mass revealed rice bodies. DNA PCR was positive for tuberculosis and patient was started on anti-tubercular treatment( Category I) for six months. Conclusion: Any patient coming with the complaints of long standing painful restriction of the movements of the shoulder associated with or without complaints swelling, shall be evaluated to rule out skeletal tuberculosis along with other differential diagnosis of periarthritis of shoulder and adhesive capsulitis. Most of the patients with skeletal tuberculosis may not necessarily present with the constitutional symptoms of fever, weight loss, etc and also because of the widespread prevalence of the organism in India. Keywords: Shoulder Tuberculosis, Caries Sicca, rice bodies

    Phytochemical investigation and anti-Inflammatory activity of Coccinia indica wight and arn. (Cucurbitaceae) fruits

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    The present work was to study the anti-inflammatory activity of Coccinia indica Wight and Arn fruits belonging to family Cucurbitaceae. The fruit powder of C. indica was subjected to successive extraction with petroleum ether, chloroform, ethanol and water in a Soxhlet extractor. The ethanol extract after preliminary phytochemical investigation shown the presence of glycosides, triterpenoids, flavonoids, tannins and phenolic compounds. The anti-inflammatory activity was studied using carrageenan-induced rat paw oedema and cotton pellet granuloma at three different doses (100, 200 and 400 mg/kg b.w. p.o.) of each extract. The ethanol extract of C. indica fruits exhibited significant anti-inflammatory activity at the dose of 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg in both models when compared with control group. Indomethacin (10 mg/kg b.w. p.o) also showed significant anti-inflammatory activity in both models.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire


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    Objective: A natural gum from Vateria indica was investigated as a novel matrix forming material for sustained drug delivery using diclofenac potassium as a model drug. Methods: In the current investigation we formulated a matrix tablet using chloroform soluble gum portion of Vateria indica modified gum (VIMG) as a natural matrix forming agent. It was used with a drug-polymer ratio ranging from 1:0.5 to 1:4.5. The pre-compression study of the powder blends was done by calculating bulk density, tapped density, angle of repose, and carr’s index, compressibility, and hausner’s ratio. The tablets were prepared by direct compression method and prepared tablets were evaluated and were found according to the official guidelines by pharmacopeia. The in-vitro drug release was carried out using USP paddle type II apparatus and the release was found to be sustained. Results: The formulation VIMG-5 containing drug: polymer ratio 1:2.5 showed the 96.26% ±1.73 drug release in 12 hours. The results showed that chloroform soluble fraction of Vateria indica can be used as a drug release modifier to delay the rate of drug release which depended on the amount of gum composition, as the concentration of gum was increased there was sustained the drug release with promising accelerated stability. Conclusion: The evaluation studies on sustained release matrix tablets using Vateria indica chloroform soluble portion of gum as natural material demonstrate the multivariate applications such as matrix forming, binder, and release retardant of the gum in tablet formulation

    Correlation between Age, IPSS, Prostate size with histopathological findings and management of patients of prostatism

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    Introduction: Benign prostatic obstruction/enlargement (BPO/BPE) is one of the important aetiology for Bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) in men. Study has been planned to measure various parameters of bladder dysfunction by using Cystometry in patients of Prostatism and to find out correlation between various parameters like age, prostate size, IPSS, management of patients with Prostatism, choice of operative procedure performed and various histopathological findings. Methods: This was observational study. Total 75 patients with age> 50 year and IPSS > 19 having symptoms of Prostatism were included in the study. Patient detailed history was taken and demographic parameters with IPSS, histopathological findings, management plan, Ultrasonography findings were recorded in structured proforma. Results: It is seen that the maximum i.e. 39 (52%) cases of prostatism are observed in the age group of 60 to 70 years. The average age was 67.29 years. Maximum i.e. 31 (41.33%) cases of prostatism had prostate size in 50-70 gms.36 patients were managed by catheterisation while surgery was performed in remaining 39 patients. Transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) was performed in 36 of 39 patients. IPSS was decreased significantly from average of 26 to average of 22 after 2 weeks of operation/catheterisation. Conclusion: Prevalence of BPE increases with age as there found to be positive correlation between age and Prostate size. TURP was preferred procedure in our tertiary centre for the treatment of BPE. Significant decrease in IPPS suggests improvement in symptoms of BPE after operation/catheterisation. Keywords:  Bladder outlet obstruction; Prostatism; International Prostate Symptom Score; Transurethral resection