70 research outputs found

    Le Jardin au Bout du Monde : Terre, texte et production du paysage Ă  la Baie James

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    À l’occasion du vingtième anniversaire de la Loi 101 en 1997, la Commission de toponymie du Québec proposa de souligner l’événement par un « poème géographique » intitulé « Le Jardin au Bout du Monde ». Cherchant à rapprocher territoire et imaginaire, le projet visait à donner à 101 îles dispersées dans le réservoir Caniapiscau des noms inspirés d’oeuvres littéraires d’auteurs québécois francophones. Les Cris s’opposèrent vivement à ce projet, rappelant à la Commission deux faits importants : d’abord que ces îles avaient été des montagnes avant la montée des eaux dans le réservoir créé par Hydro-Québec ; ensuite que ce territoire avait déjà été nommé par les différents groupes de chasse qui l’avaient parcouru. Le conflit qui entoura le poème géographique offre une grille d’analyse importante sur les enjeux culturels reliés à l’exploitation des ressources et au développement économique en donnant un aperçu des ancrages symboliques des cultures crie et québécoise du Sud en territoire nordique. Qui plus est, la signature récente de l’entente « de nation à nation » (Paix des Braves) nous force à définir le contenu des identités nationales qui se rencontrent dans cet espace qui est, pour les uns, Eeyou Istchee et, pour les autres, la Baie James. Cet article a donc pour but d’explorer comment les cultures s’approprient le territoire de façon symbolique et d’insister sur l’importance de cette géographie culturelle pour l’exploitation équitable des ressources.On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Bill 101 in 1997, the Québec Commission de toponymie proposed to mark the event with a « geographical poem. » In an effort to bring together the real and imagined territory of the province, the project endeavoured to name 101 scattered islands in the Caniapiscau reservoir after literary works by French-speaking Québécois authors. The Crees strongly opposed this project, reminding the Commission of two important facts: first, that these islands had been mountains before water filled the reservoirs created by Hydro-Québec ; second, that this same territory had previously been named by the different hunting groups that had exploited the area. The conflict surrounding the geographical poems provides us with an important lens for studying the cultural stakes of resource exploitation and economic development by offering a glimpse of the symbolic anchors of the Cree and Québécois cultures in Northern Quebec. Indeed, the recent signing of a « nation-to-Nation » agreement forces us to define the content of the national identities that come into contact in this space which some refer to as Eeyou Istchee and other as James Bay. Against this background, this article explores how cultures symbolically appropriate their territory and insists on the importance of this cultural geography for the equitable exploitation of resources

    Eeyou Istchee – Baie James, vers un capital environnemental mixte ?

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    La Baie James (Eeyou Istchee) est un territoire subarctique du Québec sujet à différents types d’investissement dans l’environnement. Ceux-ci sont longtemps apparus comme le résultat d’un rapport de domination entre le gouvernement québécois – et sa vision du champ environnemental – et les Autochtones de la région – les Cris (Eeyouch). Suite à l’activisme politique de ces derniers, l’hégémonie du système de valeurs capitaliste occidental a graduellement intégré certains investissements cris dans le développement de la région. Cette redéfinition du capital environnemental de la Baie James pose un certain nombre de questionnements. Cet article a pour objectif de mettre en lumière si la construction du capital environnemental est aujourd’hui une véritable remise en question d’une vision de la nature ressourciste – mêlant alors ontologies occidentale et crie – ou bien une nouvelle forme de capitalisme socialement et moralement plus acceptable.James Bay (Eeyou Istchee) is a subarctic territory located in the province of Quebec. The region is subject to different types of environmental investment. They have been seen as the result of the power relationship between the government of Quebec – and its vision of environmental values – and the local Indigenous people – the Crees (Eeyouch). Because of Cree activism, the hegemony of the Western capitalistic system of values has gradually integrated a few indigenous investments within the development of the region. This paper aims to determine if the environmental capital construction genuinely challenges the resourcist approach to nature – mixing Western and Cree ontologies – or is simply a socially and morally more acceptable new form of capitalism

    Développement d'une échelle interdisciplinaire bilingue évaluant l'auto-efficacité à participer à l'aide médicale à mourir

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    Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) is a complex process involving the person seeking care and their relatives. MAiD involves physical, psychosocial and spiritual needs, and consequently the involvement of an interdisciplinary team is beneficial. Therefore, updating the knowledge and skills of healthcare and social services professionals is critical. An interdisciplinary team from Laval University (Quebec, Canada) has developed a continuous training program for all health care and social services professionals who could be involved in the care of persons who request MAiD and their loved ones. It is crucial to assess whether the objectives of the continuous training program are being met, especially since this new training addresses several complex issues (legal, ethical, and clinical). Bandura's self-efficacy theory has been widely used to develop scales for assessing the impact of training programs and identifying knowledge gaps. Bandura's theory states that feeling secure in one's self-efficacy leads to self-determined motivation. Although there are various scales intended to measure self-efficacy in palliative care, none include self-efficacy for participating in the process surrounding MAiD. As a result, we aim to create a bilingual (English-French) interdisciplinary scale to assess self-efficacy for participating in the process surrounding MAiD. The scale will allow decision-makers and researchers to identify current knowledge gaps. It will also be useful for assessing the impact of current and future training programs addressing this end-of-life practice. In this work in progress, we briefly introduce the training program and the future steps in the development and validation of the scale.L'aide médicale à mourir (AMM) est un processus complexe impliquant la personne qui demande le soin et ses proches. L'AMM implique des besoins physiques, psychosociaux et spirituels. Par conséquent, l'implication d'une équipe interdisciplinaire est bénéfique et la mise à niveau des connaissances et des compétences des professionnel.es est essentielle. Une équipe interdisciplinaire de l'Université Laval (Québec, Canada) a développé un programme de formation continue destiné aux professionnelles de la santé et des services sociaux susceptible d'être impliqué es dans ls soins et services des personnes qui demandent l’AMM et de leurs proches. Il est crucial d'évaluer si les objectifs du programme de formation continue sont atteints, d'autant plus que cette nouvelle formation aborde plusieurs questions complexes (juridiques, éthiques et cliniques). La théorie du sentiment d'auto efficacité de Bandura a été largement utilisée pour développer des échelles permettant d'évaluer l'impact des programmes de formation et d'identifier les lacunes en matière de connaissances. Cette théorie stipule que le fait de se sentir sûre de son efficacité personnelle conduit à une motivation intrinsèque à accomplir le comportement visé. Bien qu'il existe plusieurs échelles destinées à mesurer l'auto-efficacité dans le domaine des soins palliatifs, aucune n'inclut l'auto-efficacité pour la participation au processus entourant l’AMM. Par conséquent, nous développons une échelle interdisciplinaire bilingue (anglais-français) pour évaluer l'auto-efficacité à participer au processus entourant l’AMM. L'échelle permettra aux décideuses, décideurs et aux chercheuses et chercheurs d'identifier les lacunes actuelles en matière de connaissances. Elle sera également utile pour évaluer l'impact des programmes de formation actuels et futurs portant sur cette pratique de fin de vie. Dans cet article, nous présentons brièvement le programme de formation et les étapes futures du développement et de la validation de l'échelle

    Development of a bilingual interdisciplinary scale assessing self-efficacy for participating in Medical Assistance in Dying

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    Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) is a complex process involving the person seeking care and their relatives. MAiD involves physical, psychosocial and spiritual needs, and consequently the involvement of an interdisciplinary team is beneficial. Therefore, updating the knowledge and skills of healthcare and social services professionals is critical. An interdisciplinary team from Laval University (Quebec, Canada) has developed a continuous training program for all health care and social services professionals who could be involved in the care of persons who request MAiD and their loved ones. It is crucial to assess whether the objectives of the continuous training program are being met, especially since this new training addresses several complex issues (legal, ethical, and clinical). Bandura's self-efficacy theory has been widely used to develop scales for assessing the impact of training programs and identifying knowledge gaps. Bandura's theory states that feeling secure in one's self-efficacy leads to self-determined motivation. Although there are various scales intended to measure self-efficacy in palliative care, none include self-efficacy for participating in the process surrounding MAiD. As a result, we aim to create a bilingual (English-French) interdisciplinary scale to assess self-efficacy for participating in the process surrounding MAiD. The scale will allow decision-makers and researchers to identify current knowledge gaps. It will also be useful for assessing the impact of current and future training programs addressing this end-of-life practice. In this work in progress, we briefly introduce the training program and the future steps in the development and validation of the scale

    Development of a bilingual interdisciplinary scale assessing self-efficacy for participating in Medical Assistance in Dying

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    Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) is a complex process involving the person seeking care and their relatives. MAiD involves physical, psychosocial and spiritual needs, and consequently the involvement of an interdisciplinary team is beneficial. Therefore, updating the knowledge and skills of healthcare and social services professionals is critical. An interdisciplinary team from Laval University (Quebec, Canada) has developed a continuous training program for all health care and social services professionals who could be involved in the care of persons who request MAiD and their loved ones. It is crucial to assess whether the objectives of the continuous training program are being met, especially since this new training addresses several complex issues (legal, ethical, and clinical). Bandura's self-efficacy theory has been widely used to develop scales for assessing the impact of training programs and identifying knowledge gaps. Bandura's theory states that feeling secure in one's self-efficacy leads to self-determined motivation. Although there are various scales intended to measure self-efficacy in palliative care, none include self-efficacy for participating in the process surrounding MAiD. As a result, we aim to create a bilingual (English-French) interdisciplinary scale to assess self-efficacy for participating in the process surrounding MAiD. The scale will allow decision-makers and researchers to identify current knowledge gaps. It will also be useful for assessing the impact of current and future training programs addressing this end-of-life practice. In this work in progress, we briefly introduce the training program and the future steps in the development and validation of the scale
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