1,166 research outputs found
Louise de Marillac: Come Winds or High Waters
Originally published by the Compagnie des Filles de la Charité in 1988 as Contre Vents et Marées: Louise de Marillac, this title has been newly translated, redesigned as an e-book, illustrated, and republished by the V.S.I., with the permission of the Daughters of Charity. Numerous quotes within the text have also been updated and reannotated to meet the English language standard provided by recent translations of Louise and Vincent’s letters and words. Sr. Charpy presents this biography of Louise de Marillac as woman, wife, mother, foundress, and indispensable collaborator with Vincent de Paul in founding the Vincentian tradition. In so doing, she seeks to highlight the spiritual insights Louise gained and then expressed in her life as a mystic, and as a hands-on servant of the poor.https://via.library.depaul.edu/vincentian_ebooks/1043/thumbnail.jp
Correspondence, Conferences, Documents, Volume I. Correpsondence vol. 1 (1607-1639).
First volume of the English translation of the writings of St. Vincent de Paul (1581-1660). It contains letters 1-416.
Translated, edited, and annotated from the 1920 edition of Pierre Coste, C.M.
Edited by Sr. Jacqueline Kilar, D.C.
Translated by Sr. Helen Marie Law, D.C., Sr. John Marie Poole, D.C., Rev. James R. King, C.M., and Rev. Francis Germovnik, C.M.
Annotated by John W. Carven, C.M.https://via.library.depaul.edu/vincentian_ebooks/1025/thumbnail.jp
L'Inter – mars 1963
Pour toute demande de reproduction de contenu se trouvant dans cette publication, communiquer avec l’Association des diplômés de l’UdeM
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