25 research outputs found

    Large Higgs-electron Yukawa coupling in 2HDM

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    The present upper bound on κe\kappa_e, the ratio between the electron Yukawa coupling and its Standard Model value, is of O(600){\cal O}(600). We ask what would be the implications in case that κe\kappa_e is close to this upper bound. The simplest extension that allows for such enhancement is that of two Higgs doublet models (2HDM) without natural flavor conservation. In this framework, we find the following consequences: (i) Under certain conditions, measuring κe\kappa_e and κV\kappa_V would be enough to predict values of Yukawa couplings for other fermions and for the HH and AA scalars. (ii) In the case that the scalar potential has a softly broken Z2Z_2 symmetry, the second Higgs doublet must be light, but if there is hard breaking of the symmetry, the second Higgs doublet can be much heavier than the electroweak scale and still allow the electron Yukawa coupling to be very different from its SM value. (iii) CP must not be violated at a level higher than O(0.01/κe){\cal O}(0.01/\kappa_e) in both the scalar potential and the Yukawa sector. (iv) LHC searches for e+ee^+e^- resonances constrain this scenario in a significant way. Finally, we study the implications for models where one of the scalar doublets couples only to the first generation, or only to the third generation.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Probing the ΔU=0\Delta U=0 Rule in Three Body Charm Decays

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    CP violation in charm decay was observed in the decays D0P±PD^0\rightarrow P^{\pm}P^{\mp} of a D0D^0 meson to two pseudoscalars. When interpreted within the SM, the results imply that the ratio of the relevant rescattering amplitudes has a magnitude and phase that are both of O(1)O(1). We discuss ways to probe similar ratios in D0V±PD^0\rightarrow V^{\pm}P^{\mp} decays, where VV is a vector that decays to two pseudoscalars, from the Dalitz-plot analysis of time-integrated three-body decays. Compared to two-body decays, three-body decays have the advantage that the complete system can be solved without the need for time-dependent CP violation measurements or use of correlated D0D^0--D0\overline{D}^0 production. We discuss the decays D0π+ππ0D^0\rightarrow \pi^+\pi^-\pi^0 and D0K+Kπ0D^0\rightarrow K^+K^-\pi^0 as examples by considering a toy model of only two overlapping charged resonances, treating the underlying pseudo two-body decays in full generality.Comment: 32 pages. Additional references and clarifications. Conclusions unchanged. Matches published versio

    A Precision Relation between Γ(Kμ+μ)(t)\Gamma(K\to\mu^+\mu^-)(t) and B(KLμ+μ)/B(KLγγ){\cal B}(K_L\to\mu^+\mu^-)/{\cal B}(K_L\to\gamma\gamma)

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    We find that the phase appearing in the unitarity relation between B(KLμ+μ)\mathcal{B}(K_L\rightarrow \mu^+\mu^-) and B(KLγγ)\mathcal{B}(K_L\rightarrow \gamma\gamma) is equal to the phase shift in the interference term of the time-dependent Kμ+μK\rightarrow \mu^+\mu^- decay. A probe of this relation at future kaon facilities constitutes a Standard Model test with a theory precision of about 2%2\%. The phase has further importance for sensitivity studies regarding the measurement of the time-dependent Kμ+μK\rightarrow \mu^+\mu^- decay rate to extract the CKM matrix element combination VtsVtdsin(β+βs)A2λ5ηˉ\vert V_{ts} V_{td} \sin(\beta+\beta_s)\vert\approx A^2\lambda^5\bar\eta. We find a model-independent theoretically clean prediction, cos2φ0=0.96±0.03\cos^2\varphi_0 = 0.96 \pm 0.03. The quoted error is a combination of the theoretical and experimental errors, and both of them are expected to shrink in the future. Using input from the large-NCN_C limit within chiral perturbation theory, we find a theory preference towards solutions with negative cosφ0\cos\varphi_0, reducing a four-fold ambiguity in the angle φ0\varphi_0 to a two-fold one

    Probing the ∆ U = 0 rule in three body charm decays

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    From Springer Nature via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2021-01-23, rev-recd 2021-04-01, accepted 2021-04-28, collection 2021-05, registration 2021-05-20, pub-electronic 2021-05-20, online 2021-05-20Publication status: PublishedAbstract: CP violation in charm decay was observed in the decays D0→ P±P∓ of a D0 meson to two pseudoscalars. When interpreted within the SM, the results imply that the ratio of the relevant rescattering amplitudes has a magnitude and phase that are both of O(1). We discuss ways to probe similar ratios in D0→ V±P∓ decays, where V is a vector that decays to two pseudoscalars, from the Dalitz-plot analysis of time-integrated three-body decays. Compared to two-body decays, three-body decays have the advantage that the complete system can be solved without the need for time-dependent CP violation measurements or use of correlated D0−D¯0 production. We discuss the decays D0→ π+π−π0 and D0→ K+K−π0 as examples by considering a toy model of only two overlapping charged resonances, treating the underlying pseudo two-body decays in full generality