7 research outputs found

    Increased mean platelet volume is associated with acute myocardial infarction in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2

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    Background: The correlation between diabetes mellitus and acute myocardial infarction is greater every day. The mean platelet volume (MPV), which is the determinant of platelet function, is an independent risk factor for the cardiovascular disease. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of each disease (hypothyroidism, hypertension, myocardial infarction) individually and combined on MPV in diabetic patients.Methods: The cross-sectional study included 102 patients who suffer from diabetes mellitus type 2 (DMT2), of both sexes (46 females, 56 males), with the average age of 58.91 (SD=12.93). All the patients were treated at the Primary Health Centre in Zenica from May to July 2017. All patients had diabetes mellitus and the disease had lasted for 10 years in both sexes.Results: Mean platelet volume was significantly higher in patients with myocardial infarction than in those without myocardial infarction. Age, sex, HbA1c, BMI, lipids and platelet count did not show any significance in either group of patients. Regression analysis showed that the prevalence of myocardial infarction had the highest predictive significance for MPV values, (predictor importance 0.49; coefficient 1.275, p<0.001).Conclusions: Mean platelet volume was significantly higher in patients with diabetes mellitus and myocardial infarction than in DM patients without myocardial infarction. Regression analysis showed correlation with acute myocardial infarction in patients with DMT2, but not with other chronic illnesses. The highest platelet volume indices were observed in patients with myocardial infarction. MPV can be used as a specific indicator in diabetic patients with myocardial infarction. Ā 


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    Cattle farming, as one of the most important branches of livestock production, has longbeen confronted with the chronic problem of the decline in reproductive performances. In 2005, thenumber of cattle around the world amounted to about 1,370,000,000 heads of cattle, while in 2012this number was just over a billion, which indicates the importance of applying differentreproductive protocols in order to increase production. Heat stress leads to disorders of thephysiological and reproductive processes, as the rise in body temperature caused by heat stress hasdirect negative consequences on numerous cell functions. The study included a total of 54 Holstein-Friesian cows, 28 experimental and 26 control cows from PD Butmir farm with 5 lactations onaverage. Hormone protocols for estrus and ovulation were used in June and July 2013. Cows in theexperimental group were subjected to a Presynch + 5dCoS2 protocol. Cows that did not conceiveafter this protocol were immediately subjected to resynchronization with Cosynch -72 protocol. Thesuccess rate of the Presynch + 5dCoS2 protocol was 19%, while in the case of Cosynch 72 it was33%, which was statistically significant (p <0,05). The first presynchronization and synchronizationprotocol (5dCoS2) did not significantly help to improve the conception rate after the firstinsemination postpartum, but it is evident that they had a positive effect on another protocol (COS72)in the form of reduction in embryonic mortality in the summer months when embryonic loss is thegreatest.The COS72 protocol provides satisfactory results in the summer, but good fitness and healthmanagement, as well as heat stress reduction in accordance with the location and farm design arethe preconditions for a successful estrus and ovulation synchronization program prior to artificialinsemination


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    Govedarstvo kao jedna od najznačajnijih grana stočarske proizvodnje se dugosuočava sa hroničnim problemom pada reproduktivnih performansi. U 2005 godini broj govedaÅ”irom svijeta je iznosio oko 1.370.000.000 grla, dok je u 2012 taj broj iznosio tek neÅ”to iznadmilijarde, Å”to govori o važnosti primjene različitih reproduktivnih protokola u cilju povećanjabrojnosti proizvodnih jedinki. Toplotni stres dovodi do poremećaja fizioloÅ”kih i reproduktivnihprocesa, jer rast tjelesne temperature uzrokovan toplotnim stresom ima direktne negativne posljedicena brojne ćelijske funkcije. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno ukupno 54 krave HolÅ”tajn-Frizijskepasmine, 28 eksperimentalnih i 26 kontrolnih krava, uzgojenih na PD Butmir sa prosječnomiskoristljivoŔću od 5. laktacija. Hormonalni protokoli sinhronizacije estrusa i ovulacije su koriÅ”teniu mjesecima juni i juli 2013. godine. Krave u eksperimentalnoj grupi su podvrgavanepresynch+5dCoS2 hormonalnom protokolu. Krave koje nisu ostale gravidne nakon ovog protokolaodmah su podvrgnute resinhronizaciji sa hormonalnim protokolom Cosynch 72. UspjeÅ”nostpresynch+5dCoS2 hormonalnog protokola je bila 19%, dok je u slućaju Cosynch 72 ona iznosila33%, a Å”to je bilo statistički signifikantno (p< 0,05). Prvi presinhronizacijski i sinhronizacijskiprotokol (5dCoS2) nisu značajnije pomogli u poboljÅ”anju koncepcije nakon prvog osjemenjavanjapostpartum, ali na osnovu rezultata evidentno je da su imali pozitivni efekt na drugi protokol(COS72) u vidu smanjenja embrionalnog mortaliteta u ljetnim mjesecima, kada je on najizražajniji.Protokol COS72, daje zadovoljavajuće rezultate u ljetnom periodu, ali preduvjeti za uspjeÅ”anprogram sinhronizacije estrusa i ovulacije uoči vjeÅ”tačkih osjemenjavanja su dobra kondicija izdravstveni menadžment, kao i smanjenje toplotnog stresa u skladu s lokacijom i dizajnom farme

    Primjena brucelinskog kožnog testa u seroloŔki pozitivnih goveda

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    Brucellosis is an infectious disease that affects livestock and may be transmitted to humans. Cattle may become infected with Brucella spp. by various routes, and the pathogens induce both humoral and cellular immune responses in the host organism. The aim of this study was to determine the characteristics of the cellular immune response by using a brucellin allergen in serologically positive cows, and to differentiate cross- reactions from true positive animals, and to contribute to improvement of the overall diagnostics of bovine brucellosis in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Using the Rose Bengal Test (RBT) and Complement Fixation Test (CFT) as a combined reference standard (CRS), seropositive (n=15) and seronegative (n=14) groups were defined. Cows from both groups were subjected to the Brucellin Skin Test (BST). By comparing CRS and BST results, we estimated the relative sensitivity and specificity at 93.3% and 100% for BST, respectively. The ROC analysis indicated a good accuracy score for BST of 0.9, while the calculated kappa statistic of 0.94 indicated excellent diagnostic agreement between BST and CRS. The importance of BST application may be found in the increased efficacy of diagnostics of latent brucellosis in cow populations in the country and improving the discrimination of cross- reactions caused by microorganisms with a similar antigen response in host organisms.Bruceloza je zarazna bolest od koje obolijevaju i životinje i ljudi. Bolest se lako Å”iri u stadu, a patogen u domaćinskom organizmu izaziva humoralni i stanični imunosni odgovor. Cilj ove studije bio je izazivanje stanične imunosti uporabom alergena u seropozitivnih životinja, otkrivanje lažno pozitivnih životinja i doprinos poboljÅ”anju dijagnostike bruceloze goveda u Bosni i Hercegovini. Uporabom Rose Bengal Testa (RBT) i Reakcije vezanja komplementa (RVK) ujedinjenih kao udruženi referentni standard (URS) formirali smo dvije kontrolne grupe:seropozitivnu (n=15) i seronegativnu (n=14). Goveda obje kontrolne grupe ispitivane su brucelinskim kožnim testom (BKT). Usporedbom rezultata URS i BKT, ustanovili smo senzitivnost (93,3%) i specifičnost (100%) kožnog testa. Izračunata alergija ispod ROC krivulje za BST od 0,9 predstavlja dobar rezultat točnosti BKT, a kappa statistika (0,94) ukazuje na dobro podudaranje testova. Uvođenje ovog testa doprinijelo bi poboljÅ”anju dijagnostike bruceloze poboljÅ”anjem uspjeÅ”nosti otkrivanja latentno inficiranih goveda i isključivanja lažno pozitivnih životinja kod seroloÅ”kih unakrsnih reakcija sa sličnim antigenima

    Correlation between diabetic nephropathy and diabetic retinopathy as a long term complications of diabetes mellitus

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    Background/aim: Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder of multiple etiologies characterized by a lack of insulin, with a consequent disordered metabolism of glucose, fats, and proteins. A number of complications, such as diabetic nephropathy and retinopathy, may develop as a result of long-term diabetes. The aim of this study aimed to determine the correlation between diabetic nephropathy and diabetic retinopathy as long-term complications of diabetes mellitus

    Multiorgan morphological changes caused by hyperthermia: Case study on experimental model

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    Morphologic changes in organs vary from nonspecific to specific ones, depending on causes of sudden death, e.i whether it is an acute, subacute or chronic event. The aim of this pilot study was to observe the appearance and occurrence of morphological characteristics on organs that were exposed to long-term effects of hyperthermia. A sample of 7 rats was exposed to a water temperature of 41 Ā°C, which is defined in the literature as ā€œheat stroke temperatureā€, both sexes, weighing 250 to 300 g were used. Tissue samples, obtained by dissection of rats, were fixed in 10% buffered neutral formalin, at room temperature, then incorporated into paraffin blocks, cut at 4-5 microns, mounted and stained with standard hematoxylin-eosin (HE) method. In order to prove/exclude lipid and glycogen accumulation in hepatocytes we did additional histochemical staining, using Sudan black and Periodic Acid Shiff (PAS) method, respectively. We obtained samples from kidney, liver, pancreas, spleen, lung and brain. Analyzing tissue samples of different organs obtained from seven Wistar rats, we gained insight into morphological changes caused by induced hyperthermia. All sampled organs showed congestion and some degree of oedema. The most prominent changes were observed in liver and lung samples. Tissue samples of the lung of all seven rats showed signs of acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis, together with signs of initial bronchopneumonia. We also noticed signs of focal acute emphysema as well as focal accumulations of foamy macrophages. Our study suggests that changes in the vascular bed occur soon after hyperthermia and while some organs are more tolerant to heat stroke than others, most organs show similar changes consisting of capillary dilation, congestion and interstitial extravasation, observed after 30 minutes at a temperature of 40.5 Ā°C, with the most significant changes observed in liver and lung samples