27 research outputs found
Development of a sensitive diagnostic multiplex platform based on digitally encoded microcarriers
In answer to the ever-increasing need in biomolecular research and clinical diagnostics to carry out many assays simultaneously in on tube, several microcarrier-based multiplex technologies (suspension arrays) have arisen in the past few years. Simultaneous detection of different target molecules that are present in one sample is possible by incubating the sample with a mixture of differently encoded microcarriers, each carrying another probe which can specifically interact with one of the targets. This means that each target will bind to a differently encoded microcarrier. When the targets are caught, several methods exist to label those 'positive' microcarriers. By means of this label, and by means of the code, it becomes possible to verify whether a target was caught at its surface, and which target was caught, respectively. Those multiplex measurements work quantitatively, because the more a target is present in the sample, the more targets will bind to their corresponding microcarrier. Five years ago, our research group proposed the use of spatial selective photobleaching, as an alternative method for the development of digitally encoded microcarriers, which were called 'memobeads'. It was suggested that this method could overcome the multiplexing limitations of existing technologies. The present study aimed to optimize the surface characteristics of t hose memobeads, and to verify whether they could then be applied to multiplex protein tests and nucleic acid tests. Furthermore, it was investigated in which way these memobead assays (and in general the assays performed with every kind of suspension arrays) could be improved to make them more efficient and sensitive
Long non-coding RNA expression profiling in the NCI60 cancer cell line panel using high-throughput RT-qPCR
Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) form a new class of RNA molecules implicated in various aspects of protein coding gene expression regulation. To study lncRNAs in cancer, we generated expression profiles for 1707 human lncRNAs in the NCI60 cancer cell line panel using a high-throughput nanowell RT-qPCR platform. We describe how qPCR assays were designed and validated and provide processed and normalized expression data for further analysis. Data quality is demonstrated by matching the lncRNA expression profiles with phenotypic and genomic characteristics of the cancer cell lines. This data set can be integrated with publicly available omics and pharmacological data sets to uncover novel associations between lncRNA expression and mRNA expression, miRNA expression, DNA copy number, protein coding gene mutation status or drug response
Target enrichment using parallel nanoliter quantitative PCR amplification
Background: Next generation targeted resequencing is replacing Sanger sequencing at high pace in routine genetic diagnosis. The need for well validated, high quality enrichment platforms to complement the bench-top next generation sequencing devices is high.
Results: We used the WaferGen Smartchip platform to perform highly parallelized PCR based target enrichment for a set of known cancer genes in a well characterized set of cancer cell lines from the NCI60 panel. Optimization of PCR assay design and cycling conditions resulted in a high enrichment efficiency. We provide proof of a high mutation rediscovery rate and have included technical replicates to enable SNP calling validation demonstrating the high reproducibility of our enrichment platform.
Conclusions: Here we present our custom developed quantitative PCR based target enrichment platform. Using highly parallel nanoliter singleplex PCR reactions makes this a flexible and efficient platform. The high mutation validation rate shows this platform’s promise as a targeted resequencing method for multi-gene routine sequencing diagnostics
Measurable impact of RNA quality on gene expression results from quantitative PCR
Compromised RNA quality is suggested to lead to unreliable results in gene expression studies. Therefore, assessment of RNA integrity and purity is deemed essential prior to including samples in the analytical pipeline. This may be of particular importance when diagnostic, prognostic or therapeutic conclusions depend on such analyses. In this study, the comparative value of six RNA quality parameters was determined using a large panel of 740 primary tumour samples for which real-time quantitative PCR gene expression results were available. The tested parameters comprise of microfluidic capillary electrophoresis based 18S/28S rRNA ratio and RNA Quality Index value, HPRT1 5′–3′ difference in quantification cycle (Cq) and HPRT1 3′ Cq value based on a 5′/3′ ratio mRNA integrity assay, the Cq value of expressed Alu repeat sequences and a normalization factor based on the mean expression level of four reference genes. Upon establishment of an innovative analytical framework to assess impact of RNA quality, we observed a measurable impact of RNA quality on the variation of the reference genes, on the significance of differential expression of prognostic marker genes between two cancer patient risk groups, and on risk classification performance using a multigene signature. This study forms the basis for further rational assessment of reverse transcription quantitative PCR based results in relation to RNA quality
External oligonucleotide standards enable cross laboratory comparison and exchange of real-time quantitative PCR data
The quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) is widely utilized for gene expression analysis. However, the lack of robust strategies for cross laboratory data comparison hinders the ability to collaborate or perform large multicentre studies conducted at different sites. In this study we introduced and validated a workflow that employs universally applicable, quantifiable external oligonucleotide standards to address this question. Using the proposed standards and data-analysis procedure, we obtained a perfect concordance between expression values from eight different genes in 366 patient samples measured on three different qPCR instruments and matching software, reagents, plates and seals, demonstrating the power of this strategy to detect and correct inter-run variation and to enable exchange of data between different laboratories, even when not using the same qPCR platform
RNA pre-amplification enables large-scale RT-qPCR gene-expression studies on limiting sample amounts
Background : The quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) is a widely utilized method for gene-expression analysis. However, insufficient material often compromises large-scale gene-expression studies. The aim of this study is to evaluate an RNA pre-amplification method to produce micrograms of cDNA as input for qPCR.
Findings : The linear isothermal Ribo-SPIA pre-amplification method (WT-Ovation; NuGEN) was first evaluated by measuring the expression of 20 genes in RNA samples from six neuroblastoma cell lines and of 194 genes in two commercially available reference RNA samples before and after pre-amplification, and subsequently applied on a large panel of 738 RNA samples extracted from neuroblastoma tumours. All RNA samples were evaluated for RNA integrity and purity. Starting from 5 to 50 nanograms of total RNA the sample pre-amplification method was applied, generating approximately 5 microgams of cDNA, sufficient to measure more than 1000 target genes. The results obtained from this study show a constant yield of pre-amplified cDNA independent of the amount of input RNA; preservation of differential gene-expression after pre-amplification without introduction of substantial bias; no co-amplification of contaminating genomic DNA; no necessity to purify the pre-amplified material; and finally the importance of good RNA quality to enable pre-amplification. Conclusion : Application of this unbiased and easy to use sample pre-amplification technology offers great advantage to generate sufficient material for diagnostic and prognostic work-up and enables large-scale qPCR gene-expression studies using limited amounts of sample material