12 research outputs found

    Perancangan Aplikasi Video Streaming Untuk Pemantauan Air Laut Ketika Terjadi Gempa

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    The geographical position of Indonesia is located in an earthquake-prone area that is potentially most earthquake-tsunami, it takes a transmission medium to connect the cameramonitoring results between the sender and receiver of information or data that may provide information to the natural disasters. The transmission media can be a media streaming seawater and alarm monitoring that is connected with vibration sensor that functions as a medium for early warning of natural disasters. From the test results it can be concluded that the alarm system warning of earthquakes, able to work well as vibration sensor detects vibration. As well as video streaming process can run well on a LAN network using HTTP protocol 8080. Society as a client can access the video streaming server via the address specified by the application server

    Perancangan Aplikasi untuk Peralatan Pemantau Suhu Menggunakan Radio Frequency (Rf)

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    Temperature is a part of the natural condition that related to human activities. Many human activity is affected by temperature fluctuation factors. For example, in this case is a temperature monitoring at these broiler farms and database monitoring center computer. Room temperature for places are two examples of the human activities that the temperature factor is concerned. Until now, time temperature monitoring activity is done manually, thus it is need a monitoring tool that can be viewed from the computer interface.To save time and cost, application for temperature monitoring equipment is made so that the results can be seen from a distance. The applications are user friendly, so users can easily find out the temperature value.Application for temperature monitoring equipment is useful to support the activities of monitoring the temperature. From the experimental results, the application for temperature monitoring equipment that uses radio frequency results can be viewed from a computer interface, so as to streamline the performance of temperature monitoring

    Pengaruh Jarak terhadap Kualitas Gambar dalam Pengiriman Citra Digital melalui Jaringan Wireless pada Kamera Ls Y201

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    Digital image was needed us a medium of information that can be transmitted by cable or wireless media. To obtain digital images must use a tool such as a camera. Users can use the camera to get a digital image with the remote sensing method on an object in a particular place. In the daily activities, users can take advantages of the digital image (pictures or video) that are useful for media documentation, monitoring system in somewhere and others. The design of this tool using LS_Y201camera to capture a digital image and wireless as a data transmission media. In this case a wireless media use Ultra High Frequency transmitter and receiver that support for remote sensing. Users run the tool through an application that is connected with a wireless media. This application is designed byDelphi7. Applications and wireless camera was made for simulation media of remote sensing and monitoring system in the blank spot area. The test result of applications and tools that use the Ultra High Frequency (wireless), can be viewed from a computer interface. In this case, the signal strength ofthe transmitter greatly affect the maximum distance that can be taken to make capture process. The test results are as follows: the best results at a distance of 10 meters = 011110102 (12210); distance of 20 meters = 011100112 (11510); distance of 30 meters = 011110102 (12210); distance of 40 meters =011011112 (11110); distance of 50 meters = 011100102 (11410). So the best distance to digital images transmission through a wireless networks are at a distance of 40 meters

    Rancang Bangun Alat Ukur Jarak dan Peringatan pada Visual Docking Guidance System Menggunakan Sensor Lidar

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    The limited ground marshall, yellow line and others at an airport will affect when parking aircraft. Aviation technology has provided solutions, among others, by attaching to aircraft equipment known as the Visual Docking Guidance System (VDGS), is a tool provided by the airport to help a pilot park his plane without the help of a marshaller to direct the movement of planes to the correct parking. However, not all airports are equipped with sophisticated equipment. So this research aims to create a system that can make it easier for pilots to park aircraft while in Apron. To overcome this problem, a VDGS tool was designed which was designed using a TF Mini Lidar sensor and programmed for aircraft parking systems at pioneering airports. This tool is able to provide information on the distance of the plane as far as 12 meters given a condition that the aircraft will display identification of guidance or collision prevention that will STOP if the aircraft is at a distance of 1-3 meters, and GO identification if the aircraft is at a distance of 4-12 meters so that this tool can serves as a guide to the position of the aircraft when parking right in the designated parking area and prevent aircraft crashes when parking when entering the apron area at the pioneer airport

    Simulasi Komunikasi Data Altitude dan Airspeed Pesawat pada ARINC 429 Menggunakan Visual Basic 2010 Express

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    Communication is the process of delivering information from a node to other nodes. In general, communication in the form of voice and data must be understood by both nodes. Flight data communication is used for pilots to collect information from the devices used. In this research, ARINC 429 data communication system is simulated using visual basic 2010 express. By using a GUI, the input data is obtained from the flight radarpro24 application. The data are representation of altitude and airspeed of Lion Air commercial flight JT922. The 32 bits of binary data are converted into decimal format. It was concluded that the altitude and airspeed data can be read and analyzed using this format

    Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Daun Tembakau sebagai Inhibitor Korosi pada Logam Baja Karbon dan Aluminium

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    Ekstrak daun tembakau dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai inhibitor korosi pada logam baja karbon dan aluminum di dalam larutan HCl. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh konsentrasi ekstrak daun tembakau terhadap laju korosi serta efisiensi inhibisi korosi logam baja karbon dan aluminium di dalam media larutan HCl 0,1 M. Laju korosi logam baja karbon dan aluminium dianalisis menggunakan metode polarisasi linear. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan konsentrasi ekstrak daun tembakau dapat menurunkan laju korosi pada logam baja karbon dan aluminium. Laju korosi minimum baja karbon dan aluminium terjadi pada konsentrasi inhibitor sebesar 700 mg/L yaitu masing-masing sebesar 0,940 mm/y dan 0,807 mm/y. Peningkatan konsentrasi inhibitor menyebabkan peningkatan efisiensi inhibisi korosi baja karbon dan aluminium. Hasil SEM menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan konsentrasi inhibitor menyebabkan proteksi korosi semakin tinggi sehingga tingkat degradasi permukaan logam akibat korosi semakin rendah

    Evaluasi Emergency Respons Plan Pada Kapal 42m Crew Boat Berdasarkan Imo Interim Guidilines

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    Emergency situations that have tendency or potential harm can be happened any time and any where and carry some big damaging impacts to property damages, mental disturbances, injured and died victims. In shipping, emergencies can be happened in both at anchor or while doing loading and unloading activities at the port. The type of equipments used in emergency situations set out in SOLAS Chapter III (Life Saving Appliance) and the guidelines for evacuation analysis on passenger ships refer to the IMO Guidelines Interm MSC/Circ.909. This study aimed to determine the muster station and evacuation time on the ship 42 M crewboats with a capacity of 101passengers. This ship consists of three parts of decks, these are lower part, main deck and bridge deck. The results showed that the placement of muster station is on the bridge deck with required wide 35.35 m2. Evacuation time need by the all passengers to reach the muster station on the bridge deck is 51.59 minutes, and this is in accordance with standard evacuation time (not more than 60 minutes)

    Rancang Bangun Receiver Menggunakan Antena 1090 MHz dan Low Noise Amplifier untuk Menambah Jarak Jangkau Penerimaan Sinyal dan Data Parameter Target ADS-B Berbasis RTL820T2

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    Radar technology at several airports is still using flightradar24 as a source of information, and building an ADS-B station is expensive. However, the flightradar24 has several weaknesses, among which is that if the user wants to display more information, the user is required to pay periodically or subscriptions, and there is delay due to the process of data that requires the Internet connection. With a concept of receiver ads-b based RTL-SDR R820T2, a low cost receiver ads-b with the results can receive an ads-b signal without delay and can receive data from an airplane. But there is a weakness in rtl-b receivers based RTL-SDR R820T2, because it doesn't explain and can't know how far the receiver can receive signals and target parameters data from the aircraft. Thus on this research a receiver ads-b using RTL-SDR R820T2, with a low-noise amplification and an ads-b antenna 1090 MHZ in the hopes of knowing how far the aircraft's target range is from the receiver and knowing how far the receiver's range of data signals the target parameters. By performing some step-by-step testing of the design. The designed receiver ads-b USES low noise amplification with an ads-b antenna 1090 MHZ capable of receiving data and target parameters ads-b for 284 km on adsbSCOP software range and 287.63 km mathematically