169 research outputs found

    Strategi Komunikasi Dinas Lingkungan Hidup (Dlh) dalam Mengimplementasikan Program Green City di Kota Teluk Kuantan Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi

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    Green city is a program issued by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in 2007. This program is for local governments to implement environmentally sound development. Kuantan Singingi regency is one of the regencies that try to apply Green City concept, this program is coordinated by the Environment Agency (DLH). The purpose of this program is to realize Kuansing with the concept of Environment. This program involves many parties, namely the public, private parties, offices, and companies in Kuansing. Many implementations have been done to realize this green city, one of which is planting tree seeds on the protocol road. The purpose of this research is to know communicator strategy in implementing green city, audience strategy, message strategy and media USAge in implementing green city program.This research uses qualitative research method. Informant of this research is 5 people consisting of 2 people from Environmental Office of Kuantan regency singingi and 3 people of society which is chosen by purposive. Data collection techniques used are observation, interview, and documentation. Data validity technique used in this research is triangulation and extension of participation.The result of the research shows that the communicator strategy of Environmental Office is to involve people who are experts and experienced in environment such as Environmental Science Lecturer and Environmental Expert. In addition, it also involves people who have influence on the community such as Village Heads, Adat Stakeholders and Religious Leaders. Strategy Determination of the audience by the Office of the Environment is to choose the nearest audience from downtown, the city of Kuantan Bay and surrounding areas. Consists of the general public, Office and School and Company. The Message Strategy by the Office of the Environment is by using a variety of messages, messages conveyed in seminars, training, banners, advertisements. The message in general is to realize the concept of green city kuansing. Selection of Media in implementing green city program by Environment Department is by using electronic media (Radio), online (Online news site), billboard or banner, social media (Instagram and facebook

    Analisis Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Permintaan Kredit Pemilikan Rumah (KPR) di Kota Palembang: Kasus Nasabah KPR Bank BTN

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    The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of income, house prices and interest rates on the demand for housing loans (KPR) at BTN Bank in Palembang city. This study uses secondary data and primary data. The method used is a quantitative approach by applying a linear regression model. The findings from the results of the study indicate that variations in income variables, house prices and interest rates explain the variable demand for mortgages by 57.6%. In addition, another finding from this study is that the income variable has an insignificant influence on the demand for mortgages, while the variable house prices and interest rates have a positive and significant influence on the demand for mortgage loans in Palembang city

    Evaluasi Tingkat Kebugaran Jasmani Petani Kopi di Kecamatan Bandar Kabupaten Bener Meriah Tahun 2015

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    Penelitian ini berjudul “Evaluasi Tingkat Kebugaran Jasmani Petani Kopi di Kecamatan Bandar Kabupaten Bener Meriah Tahun 2015”. Kebugaran jasmani merupakan kemampuan seseorang menyelesaikan tugas sehari-hari dengan tanpa mengalami kelelahan berarti, dengan pengeluaran energi yang cukup besar, guna memenuhi kebutuhan geraknya dan menikmati waktu luang serta untuk memenuhi keperluan darurat bila sewaktu-waktu diperlukan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian diskriftif yang bertujuan Untuk mengetahui tingkat kebugaran jasmani pada petani Kopi di Kecamatan Bandar Kabupaten Bener Meriah Tahun 2015. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh Petani Kopi di Kecamatan Bandar Kabupaten Bener Meriah Tahun 2015 yang terdiri dari 15 orang. Sampel penelitian adalah keseluruhan dari populasi karna kurang dari 100 orang yakni sebanyak 15 orang maka peneliti mengambil 100% dari total sample, jadi sample dalam penelitian ini adalah 15 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah: (1) Tes Harvard Step Tes. Data diolah dengan menggunakan teknik statistik dalam bentuk perhitungan nilai rata-rata(mean), dan Persentase. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah sebagai berikut : berdasarkan analisis data diperoleh hasil bahwa rata-rata tingkat kebugaran jasmani pada petani Kopi di Kecamatan Bandar Kabupaten Bener Meriah Tahun 2015 dengan nilai rata-rata 81,6 berada pada kategori baik dimana tingkat persentase untuk kategori baiknya sebanyak 67% dan sisanya untuk ketegori cukup sebanyak 33


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    Pendidikan merupakan sebuah kebutuhan mendasar, dalam hal ini Pendidikan Formal, mempunyai peran strategis dalam sebuah proses pembinaan, warga negara yang memiliki pemahaman dan kesadaran akan pelestarian nilai sosial sudah  tentu memiliki ketangguhan,keuletan untuk mempertahankan integritas, kelangsungan hidup bangsa, untuk mencapai tujuan nasionalnya. Agar Memiliki  pemahaman,,kesadaran serta integritas kebangsaan maka sebagai wujudnya  dituangkan dalam  sebuah bentuk   konsep IPS.Saat ini ada kecenderungan wawasan pemahaman kebangsaan semakin menurun apalagi dengan lahirnya  era globalisasi,  teknologi yang semakin maju menciptakan kecenderungan hidup individualis, dibutuhkan sebuah pembaharuan, tak terkecuali di bidang pendidikan, dengan menjalankan perkembangan model-model baru  bidang pendidikan.Upaya tersebut di praktikan dalam sebuah penelitian. Penelitian dengan menggunakan metode  Quasi Eksperimen atau Eksperimen semu. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas IV SD Negeri  ABDI NEGARA. Populasi penelitian ini sebanyak 60 siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa soal tentang hasil belajar. Teknik analisis statistik data penelitian menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan membandingkan rerata kelompok eksperimen dan kontrol. Penelitian eksperimen (Quasi Eksperimental) merupakan penelitian yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antar variabel dengan cara memberikan perlakuan terhadap obyek penelitian dan  kontrol terhadap variabel tertentu. Ada atau tidaknya pengaruh yang signifikan dari model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe make a match  terhadap hasil belajar. Hasil uji statistik menunjukan peningkatan hasil belajar seluruh  siswa subjek  penelitian. Kata Kunci : Hasil Belajar, Quasi Eksperimen, Model kooperatif tipe make a match

    Niat Berwirausaha Dikalangan Mahasiswa (Studi:mahasiswa Program Reguler Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Udayana)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui niat berwirausaha dari mahasiswa Program Reguler Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Udayana. Beberapa faktor yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan niat berwirausaha diantaranya adalah norma subyektif, sikap berwirausaha, persepsi kontrol perilaku dan kebutuhan berprestasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Program Reguler FEB Unud Bukit Jimbaran. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 317 responden dengan menggunakan teknik probability sampling, khususnya Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling. Data yang telah dikumpulkan diolah dengan menggunakan teknik analisis regresi berganda. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keempat variabel bebas (norma subyektif, sikap berwirausaha, persespsi kontrol perilaku dan kebutuhan berprestasi) berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap niat berwirausaha mahasiswa Program Reguler FEB Unud

    Ultracompact monolithic integration of balanced, polarization diversity photodetectors for coherent lightwave receivers

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    The authors have monolithically integrated an optical front-end on InP for balanced, polarization-diversity coherent lightwave reception which is only 1.3-mm long. Low on-chip insertion loss (<4.5 dB) and balanced photoresponse (1.05:1 or better) are achieved at 1.5-μm wavelength using straightforward, regrowth-free fabrication. Low-capacitance photodetectors (≤0.15 pF) are employed for high bandwidth operation


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    Objective: The definitive treatment of preeclampsia until the fetus and placenta are delivered with magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) is a modality for the prevention and treatment of eclampsia. This study aims to determine the differences in serum magnesium (Mg) levels between before and after administration of MgSO4 in preeclampsia patients. Methods: This research was an analytical study with experimental design with one group pre and post-test control group design in 4 hospitals in Medan City, North Sumatera, Indonesia from July to November 2019, the preeclampsia group and as a control group is the normal pregnant women. Statistical analysis was performed to determine differences in initial serum Mg levels in the two groups, and differences in serum Mg levels before and after administration of MgSO4 in the preeclampsia group. Results: The study was conducted on 50 samples, divided into 2 groups with a total of 25 samples each. The mean Mg of serum in the preeclampsia group was 1,39 mEq/l (SD±0,28) lower than the control group, which was 1,53 mEq/l (SD±0,17) (p = 0.004). The average Mg level in preeclampsia patients before administration of MgSO4 was 1,39 mEq/l (SD±0,28), after MgSO4 administration, the average Mg level became 4,90 mEq/l (SD±0,37) (p&lt;0,001). Conclusion: MgSO4 administration provides a significant increase in serum Mg levels in preeclampsia women. Serum Mg levels in preeclampsia patients are significantly lower than in women with normal pregnancies

    Exploring the function of myeloid cells in promoting metastasis in head and neck cancer

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    Head and neck cancer (HNC) is a challenging disease that lacks effective treatment, particularly in the cases that spread locoregionally and metastasize distantly, dramatically reducing patient survival rates. Expanding the understanding of the mechanisms of the metastatic cascade is critical for creating more effective therapeutics that improve outcomes for HNC patients. A true grasp of cancer metastasis requires the consideration of all cell types that contribute to the inflammatory HNC microenvironment as drivers of this process. More emphasis now is being placed on exploring the roles of the different immune cells in cancer control, tumorigenesis and metastasis. Myeloid cells are the most numerous immune cell types in the body, and they are actively recruited and reprogrammed by tumor cells to behave in a variety of ways. These cells are remarkably diverse in phenotype and function, and the part they play in tumor spread greatly differs based on the cell type. This review will focus on summarizing the roles of macrophages, neutrophils, myeloid derived suppressor cells (MDSCs), and dendritic cells (DCs) in driving HNC metastasis by examining the current knowledge base and offering potential new routes through which to target and treat this deadly process

    Ultracompact, low-loss directional couplers on InP based on self-imaging by multimode interference

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    We report extremely compact (494-µm-long 3 dB splitters, including input/output bends), polarization-insensitive, zero-gap directional couplers on InP with a highly multimode interference region that are based on the self-imaging effect. We measured cross-state extinctions better than 28 dB and on-chip insertion losses of 0.5 dB/coupler plus 1 dB/cm guide propagation loss at 1523 nm wavelength
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