297 research outputs found

    Economics of the system of long-term care for senior citizens

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    The article is devoted to the study of the system of long-term care for senior citizens. The purpose of the article is to analyze the current state of the sphere of social services of the population, as well as to consider the essence, tasks, advantages and disadvantages of the introduction of a long–term care system on the territory of Russian Federation. According to the study results, the authors conclude that the introduction and development of a system of longterm care for senior citizens is one of the foreground and socially significant tasks of Russian Federation. The authors propose to use public-private partnership as one of the tools to provide senior citizens with the necessary level of availability of qualified and permanent assistance in the long-term care system. In the process of writing the article, the authors used such research methods as analysis, synthesis, a systematic approach, methods of displaying and processing the information received

    Formation of a mechanism for regulating the long-term care system for senior citizens in Stavropol Krai of the Russian Federation

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    The article is devoted to the issue of developing the interaction of participants in the system of long-term care for senior citizens. The solution of this problem will improve the quality and level of provision of social care services and will help to meet the existing interests and individual needs of the recipients of social services. The purpose of the article is to develop a mechanism for regulating the system of longterm care for older people using financial, personnel, organizational, managerial, information and technological components in the Stavropol Krai of the Russian Federation. The authors used such research methods as a systematic approach, analysis and systematization of information, methods of processing and displaying the information received. The article analyzes the existing definitions of the “mechanism”, “regulatory mechanism” concepts. Based on the analysis of definitions, considering industry specifics, the authors’ definition of the mechanism for regulating the longterm care system is formulated. Based on the results of the article, the authors concluded that the formed mechanism is able to ensure coordinated and interdepartmental interaction between all participants in the long-term care system at the regional and municipal levels, as well as attracting additional financial, human, organizational resources to provide social care services of proper quality, which will fully satisfy the need for them among the recipients of services

    Metadata Maker for Digital Publication

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    As many academic and research libraries are considering or have already started developing digital scholarly publishing programs, these programs need to find a proper way to create metadata for access to these new publications. However, metadata for digital publications has its own challenges in two areas: metadata schemas and controlled vocabularies. For example, metadata for digital publications requires a specific set of metadata elements that are different from traditional print resources. Also, in order for scholarly digital publications to be managed and discovered with other books that are published by established publishing houses, the application of subject headings should be described using controlled vocabularies that are standard in the publishing community, such as BISAC (https://www.bisg.org/bisac/bisac-subject-codes), and represented in the ONIX format in addition to MARC and MODS, metadata schemas used in the library domain. Furthermore, as libraries are moving forward towards the semantic web and linked data, metadata should also include linked data components that would increase the discoverability of resources on the web. This poster introduces a metadata creation tool for electronic resources including digital publications, Metadata Maker for E-books (http://quest.library.illinois.edu/marcmaker/ebooks/) created to support these needs. The tool utilizes two subject headings: FAST for traditional library description, and BISAC subject codes and terms for publishers. Metadata Maker provides users, who may have minimal metadata knowledge and experience, a tool to create metadata in five different formats: MARC, MARCXML, MODS, schema.org embedded HTML, and ONIX for Books, depending on their needs.Ope

    Aligning author-supplied keywords for ETDs with domain-specific controlled vocabularies

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    Subject access can provide essential points of access for users to find, identify, select, and obtain various resources available in libraries. Subject access is not always available, however, due to the increasing amount of metadata created by non-catalogers (including author-supplied metadata), changes in libraries’ discovery services, and a lack of best practices for aligning non-controlled vocabularies to authorized subject headings. This paper addresses the issue of author-supplied metadata, specifically how to align keywords submitted by authors of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) with Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and discipline-specific taxonomies by analyzing 32,696 keywords from 5,365 master's theses and doctoral dissertations submitted to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's institutional repository between 2010 and 2014. This paper shares findings from the data analysis, including that matching rates vary depending on college, with newer or rapidly-developing fields (such as the School of Molecular and Cellular Biology) having lower matching rates than traditional, well-established fields of study (such as the College of Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences), and recommends that when keyword reconciliation is performed, it should be done with more than one authority in tandem for the best results; when the LCSH and discipline-specific controlled vocabularies were combined, matching results were slightly or moderately increased.Ope

    Inferring Processes of Coevolutionary Diversification in a Community of Panamanian Strangler Figs and Associated Pollinating Wasps

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    The fig and pollinator wasp obligate mutualism is diverse (~750 described species), ecologically important, and ancient (~80-90 Ma), providing model systems for generating and testing many questions in evolution and ecology. Once thought to be a prime example of strict one-to-one cospeciation, current thinking suggests that genera of pollinator wasps coevolve with corresponding subsections of figs, but the degree to which cospeciation or other processes contributes to the association at finer scales is unclear. Here we use genome-wide sequence data from a community of Panamanian strangler figs (Ficus subgenus Urostigma, section Americana) and associated fig wasp pollinators (Pegoscapus spp.) to infer the process of coevolutionary diversification in this obligate mutualism. Using a model-based approach adapted from the study of gene family evolution, our results indicate pervasive and ongoing host switching of pollinator wasps at this fine phylogenetic and regional scale. Although the model estimates a modest amount of cospeciation, simulations reveal this signal to be consistent with levels of co-association expected under a model of free host switching. Our findings provide an outline for testing how ecological and evolutionary processes can be modeled to evaluate the history of association of interacting lineages in a phylogenetic framework

    Оценка экономической эффективности системы долговременного ухода в Ставропольском крае

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    The purpose of the study. The purpose of the article is to economically substantiate the effectiveness of a long-term care system functioning in the form of social services at home, compared with stationary social services for people with limited mobility and non-mobile citizens to determine the most optimal and profitable form of providing social services for the state.Materials and methods. The study used analytical and statistical data for the period 2019-2022 and 8 months of 2023 on the amount of funding and main items of expenditure within the framework of the implementation of the long-term care system in pilot social service organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Stavropol Territory. Scientific methods: analysis of scientific literature on the research problem, tabular method, economic and mathematical analysis; methods of processing and displaying information using the Microsoft Excel software package.Results. The authors carried out a theoretical analysis of the scientific literature of domestic and foreign researchers on the problem of the study. The article has developed and tested the author’s methodology for assessing the economic efficiency of the system of long-term care for elderly and disabled citizens, and also presents the results of a study of this assessment on the example of the Stavropol Territory.Conclusion. The conclusions obtained based on the results of the study indicate the development of a long-term care system, the implementation of which is a priority socially significant direction at the federal and regional levels. The calculations carried out confirmed that the cost of servicing the socially vulnerable category of elderly citizens at home is lower than in the conditions of their stay in inpatient institutions. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of applying the results obtained in the field of management of the development of the regional public sector in the sphere of social services and systematization of the data obtained. The options proposed by the authors for calculating the amount of funding and expenses within the framework of the system of long-term care for the disabled and older people can significantly affect economic growth, changes in the conditions and remuneration of personnel involved in the provision of services, the formation of gross domestic product.Цель исследования. Цель статьи заключается в экономическом обосновании эффективности системы долговременного ухода, функционирующей в форме социального обслуживания на дому, по сравнению со стационарным социальным обслуживанием маломобильных и немобильных граждан для определения наиболее оптимальной и выгодной формы предоставления социальных услуг для государства.Материалы и методы. В исследовании были использованы аналитические и статистические данные за период 2019-2022 гг. и 8 месяцев 2023 г. по объемам финансирования и основным статьям расходов в рамках реализации системы долговременного ухода в пилотных организациях социального обслуживания населения, подведомственных министерству труда и социальной защиты населения Ставропольского края. Научные методы: анализ научной литературы по проблеме исследования, табличный метод, экономико-математический анализ; методы обработки и отображения информации при помощи программного пакета Microsoft Excel.Результаты. Авторами проведен теоретический анализ научной литературы отечественных и зарубежных исследователей по проблеме исследования. В статье разработана и апробирована авторская методика оценки экономической эффективности системы долговременного ухода за гражданами пожилого возраста и инвалидами, а также представлены результаты исследования этой оценки на примере Ставропольского края.Заключение. Полученные выводы по результатам проведенного исследования свидетельствуют о развитии системы долговременного ухода, реализация которой является приоритетным социально значимым направлением на федеральном и региональном уровнях. Проведенные расчеты подтвердили, что стоимость обслуживания социально-уязвимой категории граждан пожилого возраста на дому ниже, чем в условиях пребывания их в стационарных учреждениях. Практическая значимость исследования заключается в возможности применения полученных результатов в сфере управления развитием регионального общественного сектора сферы социальных услуг и систематизации полученных данных. Предложенные авторами варианты расчета объемов финансирования и расходов в рамках системы долговременного ухода за инвалидами и людьми старшего возраста могут существенно повлиять на экономический рост, изменение условий и оплаты труда персонала, задействованного при предоставлении услуг, формирование валового внутреннего продукта