6 research outputs found

    Reviewing the Current Understanding of Replant Syndrome in Orchards from a Soil Microbiome Perspective

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    Replant syndrome (RS) of fruit and nut trees causes reduced tree vigor and crop productivity in orchard systems due to repeated plantings of closely related tree species. Although RS etiology has not been clearly defined, the causal agents are thought to be a complex of soil microorganisms combined with abiotic factors and susceptible tree genetics. Different soil disinfection techniques alleviate RS symptoms by reducing the loads of the deleterious microbiome; however, the positive effect on crop growth is temporary. The goals of this paper are: (1) to conceptualize the establishment of the syndrome from a microbiome perspective and (2) to propose sustainable solutions to develop a beneficial microbiome to inhibit the onset of RS

    Shifts of the soil microbiome composition induced by plant–plant interactions under increasing cover crop densities and diversities

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    Abstract Interspecific and intraspecific competition and facilitation have been a focus of study in plant-plant interactions, but their influence on plant recruitment of soil microbes is unknown. In this greenhouse microcosm experiment, three cover crops (alfalfa, brassica, and fescue) were grown alone, in paired mixtures, and all together under different densities. For all monoculture trials, total pot biomass increased as density increased. Monoculture plantings of brassica were associated with the bacteria Azospirillum spp., fescue with Ensifer adhaerens, and alfalfa with both bacterial taxa. In the polycultures of cover crops, for all plant mixtures, total above-ground alfalfa biomass increased with density, and total above ground brassica biomass remained unchanged. For each plant mixture, differential abundances highlighted bacterial taxa which had not been previously identified in monocultures. For instance, mixtures of all three plants showed an increase in abundance of Planctomyces sp. SH-PL14 and Sandaracinus amylolyticus which were not represented in the monocultures. Facilitation was best supported for the alfalfa-fescue interaction as the total above ground biomass was the highest of any mixture. Additionally, the bulk soil microbiome that correlated with increasing plant densities showed increases in plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria such as Achromobacter xylosoxidans, Stentotrophomonas spp., and Azospirillum sp. In contrast, Agrobacterium tumefaciens, a previously known generalist phytopathogen, also increased with alfalfa-fescue plant densities. This could suggest a strategy by which, after facilitation, a plant neighbor could culture a pathogen that could be more detrimental to the other

    Emergency ventilator for COVID-19.

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    The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the world in 2020 by spreading at unprecedented rates and causing tens of thousands of fatalities within a few months. The number of deaths dramatically increased in regions where the number of patients in need of hospital care exceeded the availability of care. Many COVID-19 patients experience Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), a condition that can be treated with mechanical ventilation. In response to the need for mechanical ventilators, designed and tested an emergency ventilator (EV) that can control a patient's peak inspiratory pressure (PIP) and breathing rate, while keeping a positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP). This article describes the rapid design, prototyping, and testing of the EV. The development process was enabled by rapid design iterations using additive manufacturing (AM). In the initial design phase, iterations between design, AM, and testing enabled a working prototype within one week. The designs of the 16 different components of the ventilator were locked by additively manufacturing and testing a total of 283 parts having parametrically varied dimensions. In the second stage, AM was used to produce 75 functional prototypes to support engineering evaluation and animal testing. The devices were tested over more than two million cycles. We also developed an electronic monitoring system and with automatic alarm to provide for safe operation, along with training materials and user guides. The final designs are available online under a free license. The designs have been transferred to more than 70 organizations in 15 countries. This project demonstrates the potential for ultra-fast product design, engineering, and testing of medical devices needed for COVID-19 emergency response

    Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) V5

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    The Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) is a synthesis activity by the international marine carbon research community (>100 contributors). SOCAT version 5 has 21.5 million quality-controlled, surface ocean fCO2 (fugacity of carbon dioxide) observations from 1957 to 2017 for the global oceans and coastal seas. Calibrated sensor data are also available. Automation allows annual, public releases. SOCAT data is discoverable, accessible and citable. SOCAT enables quantification of the ocean carbon sink and ocean acidification and evaluation of ocean biogeochemical models. SOCAT, which celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2017, represents a milestone in biogeochemical and climate research and in informing policy

    Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) V6

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    The Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) is a synthesis activity by the international marine carbon research community (>100 contributors). SOCAT version 6 has 23.4 million quality-controlled, surface ocean fCO2 (fugacity of carbon dioxide) observations from 1957 to 2017 for the global oceans and coastal seas. Calibrated sensor data are also available. Automation allows annual, public releases. SOCAT data is discoverable, accessible and citable. SOCAT enables quantification of the ocean carbon sink and ocean acidification and evaluation of ocean biogeochemical models. SOCAT represents a milestone in biogeochemical and climate research and in informing policy

    Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) V6

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    The Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) is a synthesis activity by the international marine carbon research community (>100 contributors). SOCAT version 6 has 23.4 million quality-controlled, surface ocean fCO2 (fugacity of carbon dioxide) observations from 1957 to 2017 for the global oceans and coastal seas. Calibrated sensor data are also available. Automation allows annual, public releases. SOCAT data is discoverable, accessible and citable. SOCAT enables quantification of the ocean carbon sink and ocean acidification and evaluation of ocean biogeochemical models. SOCAT represents a milestone in biogeochemical and climate research and in informing policy. 424 datasets Version 5: https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.877863 Version 4: https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.866856 Version 3: https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.849770 Version 2: https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.81515