3 research outputs found


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    Bu çalışma 2014–2015 yıllarında Iğdır yöresinde yetiştiriciliği yapılan Kırmızıkişmişi, Haçabaş,Yezandayi, Kuzukuyruğu, Miskali, Askeri, Erkekmiskali, İnekemceği üzüm çeşitlerinin fenolojikdönemlerini ve bitkisel özelliklerini gözlemlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda üzümçeşitlerinde gözlenen farklı fenolojik safhalar çeşit ve yıllara göre az da olsa farklılık göstermiştir.Çeşitlerde uyanma: 31 Mart–21 Nisan; tam çiçeklenme: 25 Mayıs–8 Haziran; tane tutumu: 28 Mayıs–12Haziran; ben düşme: 27 Haziran–16 Temmuz ve olgunluk: 11 Temmuz–5 Ağustos tarihleri arasındatamamlanmıştır. En erken olgunlaşan çeşit Yezandayi, en geç olgunlaşan çeşitler İnekemceği veErkekmiskali olmuştur. Bitkisel özelliklerden; salkım ağırlığı, tane ağırlığı, omca başına düşen ortalamaverim, tane tutumu, suda çözünebilen kuru madde miktarı (SÇKM) ve şıradaki asit miktarı incelenmiştir.The objective of this study was to determine phenological periods and plant characteristics ofKırmızıkişmişi, Haçabaş, Yezandayi, Kuzukuyruğu, Miskali, Askeri, Erkekmiskali, İnekemceği grapecultivars grown in Iğdır district conditions during 2014–2015 years. It was recorded that phenologicalperiods varied according to cultivar and year. The period ranges of the phenological characteristics were asfollow bud break: 31 March–21 April; full bloom: 25 May–8 June; berry set: 28 May–12 June; veraison:27 June–16 July and ripening: 11 July–5 August. The earliest ripening cultivar was Yezandayi, the latestripening cultivars were İnekemceği and Erkekmiskali. Cluster weight, berry weight, yield per vine, berryset, total soluble solids and must acidity plant characteristics were investigated

    Genetic diversity and relationship analysis among accessions of Aegilops ssp in Turkey using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers

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    Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) DNA markers were used to assess the genetic diversity and relationships between 55 accessions of genus Aegilops, including the species Aegilops triuncialis L. (UUCC), Aegilops geniculata Roth (MMUU), Aegilops cylindrica Host (CCDD) and Aegilops umbellulata Zhuk (UU). The samples were collected from Aegean region and East Anatolia, Turkey. 16 AFLP selective primer combinations generated a total of 3200 polymorphic amplification products. 50 Aegilops accessions were analyzed using the data analysis software, unweighted pair-group method arithmetic average (UPGMA) method and numerical taxonomy and multivariate analysis system (NTSYSpc-2.02k). The similarity index coefficients were calculated according to simple matching coefficient. Using 16 AFLP primer combinations, species from Aegean region and east Anatolia were clustered as four major groups. Aegilops species having U genome clustered together and A. cylindrica host was out grouped