48 research outputs found

    Place des thérapeutiques complémentaires et alternatives dans les dermatites atopiques

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    As widely used by patients as they are criticised by doctors, complementary therapies do not feature in any recommendations or consensus conferences due to the lack of strong evidence of their efficacy. However, some of these therapies can represent a credible alternative depending on the individuals. They can form part of patients’ personalised care, notably those suffering from atopic dermatitis

    Prise en charge officinale de la dermatite atopique

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    The treatment of atopic dermatitis in the community pharmacy is not simply a case of dispensing medication. It is also important to develop prevention strategies for people at high risk (primary prevention), as well as for individuals with a recently diagnosed atopic allergy (secondary prevention)

    La dermatite atopique : quelques généralités

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    Atopic dermatitis: some general remarks. Atopic dermatitis, also called atopic eczema, is a chronic inflammatory skin disease, usually observed in infants but which can also occur in adults and elderly people. Increasingly prevalent, atopic dermatitis today constitutes a public health issue, notably as a result of the influence of the environment on the genotype

    Synthesis and evaluation of naphthoic acid derivatives as fluorescent probes to screen advanced glycation end-products breakers

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    Advanced glycation end-products, namely AGEs, are involved in the pathogenesis of numerous diseases. If AGEs inhibitors are well-known, only few products are described as compounds able to destroy those deleterious products. In this work, we describe naphthoic acid derivatives, particularly 1-(naphthalen-1-yl)propane-1,2-dione 9, allowing the simple and rapid detection of AGEs breakers using a 96-well microplate fluorescence assay. Since the inaugurate publication about AGEs breakers whose activity was demonstrated using HPLC analysis, this work proposes the first assay suitable for automated and high throughput screening of AGEs breakers

    Dermatite atopique et éducation thérapeutique

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    Therapeutic education provides a significant benefit in terms of quality of life and compliance in patients suffering from atopic dermatitis. The setting up of care networks could also play a major role in lowering the cost of treatments, as shown by the experience of Nantes University Hospital\u27s atopy school

    Anti-Advanced glycation end-product and free radical scavenging activity of plants from the yucatecan flora

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    Background: Formation and accumulation of advanced glycation end-products (AGE) is recognized as a major pathogenic process in diabetic complications, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, reactive oxygen species and free radicals have also been reported to participate in AGE formation and in cell damage. Natural products with antioxidant and antiAGE activity have great therapeutic potential in the treatment of diabetes, hypertension and related complications. Objective: to test ethanolic extracts and aqueous-traditional preparations of plants used to treat diabetes, hypertension and obesity in Yucatecan traditional medicine for their anti-AGE and free radical scavenging activities. Materials and Methods: ethanolic extracts of leaves, stems and roots of nine medicinal plants, together with their traditional preparations, were prepared and tested for their anti-AGE and antioxidant activities using the inhibition of advanced glycation end products and DPPH radical scavenging assays, respectively. Results: the root extract of C. fistula (IC50= 0.1 mg/mL) and the leaf extract of P. auritum (IC50= 0.35 mg/mL) presented significant activity against vesperlysine and pentosidine-like AGE. Although none of the aqueous traditional preparations showed significant activity in the anti-AGE assay, both the traditional preparations and the ethanolic extracts of E. tinifolia, M. zapota, O. campechianum and P. auritum showed significant activity in the DPPH reduction assay. <65Conclusions: the results suggest that the metabolites responsible for the detected radical-scavenging activity are different to those involved in inhibiting AGE formation; however, the extracts with antioxidant activity may contain other metabolites which are able to prevent AGE formation through a different mechanism

    Flavonoid glycosides from Periploca laevigata (Asclepiadaceae) from Algeria

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    The phytochemical investigation of the n-butanol extract of aerial parts of Periploca laevigata resulted in the isolation of four known compounds, kaempferol 3-O-β-arabinopyranoside (1), kaempferol 3-O-β-glucopyranoside (2), quercetin 3-O-arabinopyranoside (3) and quercetin 3-O-rutinoside (4).The structures of the compounds were determined on the basis of extensive spectroscopic analysis, including 1D and 2D NMR as well as acid hydrolysis and comparison with the related known compounds

    Fluorescent Self-Assembled Mono layers of Umbelliferone: A Relationship between Contact Angle and Fluorescence

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    Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) that contain fluorophore units are nowadays widely used to tune surface properties and design new chemical sensor chips. It is well-known that the nature of the substrate may strongly interfere with the emission properties of the grafted molecules, but the organization of the monolayer may also have an important role. To study the influence of the SAM organization on the luminescence properties, we prepared different coumarin-based derivatives endowed with tethered chains of different lengths and elaborated the corresponding SAMs on glass slides. Besides SAM structural characterizations by atomic force microscopy and X-ray reflectivity, we carried out contact angle measurements and applied the Van Oss-Chaudhury-Good theory, which was rarely used previously for self-assembled monolayers. As expected, by increasing the tethered chain length, a higher surface coverage, a higher degree of organization, and a stronger molecular packing were observed. However, it appears to facilitate the self-quenching process, and thus, this strongly affects the fluorescent properties of the SAMs