953 research outputs found

    Variability of the chemical index of alteration (CIA) in the Paraná River suspended load

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    Variability of the chemical index of alteration (CIA) in the Paraná River suspended loa

    What Has 100 Billion Dollars Worth of Debt Relief Done for Low- Income Countries?

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    Between 1989 and 2003, low-income countries received $100 billion in debt relief. The stated objectives for much of this debt relief have been to reduce debt overhang and to free up recipient government resources for development spending that would otherwise have been used for debt service. In this paper we empirically assess the extent to which debt relief has been successful in meeting these objectives, using a newly-constructed database measuring the present value of debt relief for 62 low-income countries. We find little evidence that debt relief has affected the level and composition of public spending in recipient countries. We also do not find evidence that debt relief has raised growth, investment rates or the quality of policies and institutions among recipient countries. Although we cannot rule out the possibility that our failure to find evidence of positive impacts of debt relief is due to a variety of data and statistical problems, the evidence reported here does suggest that some skepticism is in order regarding the likely benefits of further large-scale debt relief.Debt Relief, HIPC, Low-Income Countries, Debt

    Who gets debt relief ?

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    The authors use preliminary results from an ongoing effort to construct estimates of debt relief to study its allocation across a sample of 62 low-income countries. They find some evidence that debt relief, particularly from multilateral creditors, has been allocated to countries with better policies in recent years. Somewhat surprisingly, conditional on per capita incomes and policy, more indebted countries are not much more likely to receive debt relief. But countries that have large debts especially to multilateral creditors are more likely to receive debt relief. The authors do not find much evidence that debt relief responds to shocks to GDP growth. Finally, most of the persistence in debt relief is driven by slowly changing country characteristics, indicating that it may be difficult for countries to"exit"from cycles of repeated debt relief.External Debt,Banks&Banking Reform,Strategic Debt Management,Foreign Direct Investment,Economic Theory&Research

    The Effects of Conflict on the Structure of the Economy

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    The presence of conflict affects peoples economic incentives. Some sectors of activity flourish, while others suffer. For understanding structural problems in developing countries and designing appropriate post-conflict reconstruction policies, it is essential to understand in what ways conflict affects the structure of the economy. We develop a simple model of conflict and multiple sectors of activity, where conflict efforts, the allocation of factor endowments and the production outputs are endogenous. We predict that for moderately destructive conflicts labor-intensive sectors are most affected by fighting, while for highly destructive conflicts capital-intensive sectors suffer most. In the latter case, under some conditions it is also possible that in the presence of endogenous conflict - an increase in the price of the capital-intensive commodity reduces the output of this same good. The model further predicts that export-sectors and sectors that require inter-temporal investments are particularly exposed to conflict activity. In the empirical part of the paper, we study the impact of various forms of conflict, separately and as an aggregate conflict index constructed with principal component analysis. We present some basic stylized facts about the effect of conflict on the productive structure of the economy. Conflict reduces the share of the manufacturing sector in the GDP, increases the exploitation of some simple natural resources (i.e. forestry) and reduces the production of crops. Using industrial level data for developing countries we study the channels through which conflict affects the manufacturing sector. As expected, we find that industries that are more institutional/transaction intensive are the ones that suffer most in conflictive societies. Laborintensive sectors are also negatively affected by conflict. It is also found that exporting industries and sectors requiring external financing suffer more during conflict. Our results are robust to sensitivity analysis. --Conflict,Production Structure,Resource Curse,Post-Conflict Reconstruction

    La lectura como comentario : reflexiones acerca de la teoría de la recepción a través de los Nueve ensayos dantescos de Jorge Luis Borges

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    El presente trabajo propone una reflexión sobre conceptos elaborados por la Teoría de la Recepción Literaria, a través de la literatura de los Nueve ensayos dantescos (1992) de Jorge Luis Borges. Así, se analizan los diversos modos de la recepción literaria productiva (la lectura como comentario); la actividad hermenéutica (la metáfora o la difracción como mecanismo de lectura), a la vez que se revisan las propuestas de Hans Roberí Jauss, bajo diferentes problemáticas por la crítica literaria postestructural.Fil: Depetris, Carolina. Universidad Autónoma de Madri

    Dulce y melancólico: falso documental y geografía afectiva en Balnearios de Mariano Llinás

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    Dentro del Nuevo Cine Argentino, Balnearios (2002) representa una variante que apuesta a la narración por medio de un uso novedoso de la voz over. En su ópera prima, Mariano Llinás apela a distintos registros para narrar las historias de los enclaves estacionales creados con fines turísticos. La voz over, omnisciente y omnipresente, hilvana un relato, pero, al igual que en muchos “falsos documentales”, establece una relación de complicidad irónica con el espectador que pone en duda la autenticidad misma de lo narrado. En este ensayo analizo cómo las estrategias narrativas del falso documental permiten dar cuenta de una “lógica espacial” que, al mismo tiempo que desestabiliza mapas y territorios previos, reconstruye a través de la ficción espacios e itinerarios propios de una geografía afectiva.Within the New Argentine Cinema, Balnearios (2002, “Beach Towns”) represents a trend that explores narrative through a novel use of the voice over. In this film, Mariano Llinás uses different registers to tell anecdotes about different touristic enclaves. An omniscient and omnipresent voiceover articulates a story of these resorts but, as in many “mockumentaries”, it also establishes a relationship of ironic complicity with the viewer that questions the authenticity of what is being narrated. In this article, I analyze how the narrative strategies of the mockumentary create a spatial logic that, while destabilizing previous maps and territories, it also reconstructs, through fiction, spaces and itineraries connected to an affective geography.Fil: Depetris Chauvin, Irene. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Literatura Hispanoamericana; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Bienvenidos a la discoteca-mundo: SimulaciĂłn y violencia en Yo era una chica moderna de CĂ©sar Aira

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    En sus trayectos por la ciudad, las jóvenes de Yo era una chica moderna (2004) de César Aira actúan repitiendo imágenes mediáticas, que las inscriben en el horizonte del espectáculo contemporáneo, pero sus performances de simulación y violencia suponen también una deriva respecto de esos mismos elementos preconstituidos. Este artículo analiza cómo esos desplazamientos disparan un devenir de la subjetividad que expone de manera crítica el funcionamiento del simulacro contemporáneo.Em suas derivas pela cidade, as jovens de Yo era una chica moderna (2004) de César Aira, atuam repetindo imagens mediáticas que as inscrevem no horizonte do espetáculo contemporâneo, mas suas performances de simulação e violência representam também uma separação desses elementos pré-constituídos. Este artigo discute o modo em que esses deslocamentos acionam um devir da subjetividade que expõe criticamente o funcionamento do simulacro contemporâneo.Fil: Depetris Chauvin, Irene. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Literatura Hispanoamericana; Argentin

    Precariedades y emergencias de Norte a Sur: reinvenciĂłn, colaboraciĂłn, expansiĂłn

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    En este breve artículo de opinión me detengo en las dinámicas de precarización laboral y en las formas de organización emergentes a lo largo de las Américas para dar cuenta de una nueva geografía del trabajo académico. Fil: Depetris Chauvin, Irene. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Literatura Hispanoamericana; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Bandas de sonido transnacionales: voz e identidad en el cine brasileño contemporáneo

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    A lo largo del siglo XX, en el marco de los cines nacionales, la textura del discurso y la sincronización de voces y cuerpos fueron centrales para la creación de lo que Benedith Anderson entendía por comunidad imaginada, al mismo tiempo que otros usos de la voz, en otras cinematografías, permiten articular sentidos que no necesariamente consolidan esas ideas de comunidad. Desde esta perspectiva, que considera la relación entre lo sonoro y el espacio, es posible problematizar qué pasa con las identidades nacionales en las películas del siglo XXI que se focalizan en desplazamientos trasnacionales.  Teniendo en cuenta que la voz, en sincronía o diacronía con las imágenes exhibidas en pantalla, delimita espacios que sustentan o desestabilizan identidades culturales, en este artículo me gustaría reconsiderar la idea de una identidad territorial, lingüística y afectiva brasileña por medio del análisis de la lengua hablada y del uso de las voces en dos importantes filmes de la retomada: Terra Estrangeira, de Walter Salles y Daniela Thomas (1995), y Estorvo, de Ruy Guerra (2000).Fil: Depetris Chauvin, Irene. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Literatura Hispanoamericana; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin
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