20 research outputs found

    Re-Evaluation of Sinocastor (Rodentia: Castoridae) with Implications on the Origin of Modern Beavers

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    The extant beaver, Castor, has played an important role shaping landscapes and ecosystems in Eurasia and North America, yet the origins and early evolution of this lineage remain poorly understood. Here we use a geometric morphometric approach to help re-evaluate the phylogenetic affinities of a fossil skull from the Late Miocene of China. This specimen was originally considered Sinocastor, and later transferred to Castor. The aim of this study was to determine whether this form is an early member of Castor, or if it represents a lineage outside of Castor. The specimen was compared to 38 specimens of modern Castor (both C. canadensis and C. fiber) as well as fossil specimens of C. fiber (Pleistocene), C. californicus (Pliocene) and the early castorids Steneofiber eseri (early Miocene). The results show that the specimen falls outside the Castor morphospace and that compared to Castor, Sinocastor possesses a: 1) narrower post-orbital constriction, 2) anteroposteriorly shortened basioccipital depression, 3) shortened incisive foramen, 4) more posteriorly located palatine foramen, 5) longer rostrum, and 6) longer braincase. Also the specimen shows a much shallower basiocciptal depression than what is seen in living Castor, as well as prominently rooted molars. We conclude that Sinocastor is a valid genus. Given the prevalence of apparently primitive traits, Sinocastor might be a near relative of the lineage that gave rise to Castor, implying a possible Asiatic origin for Castor

    La terminologie panlatine dans les politiques linguistiques. Les vingt ans de REALITER

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    Les interventions r\ue9unies dans ce volume se proposent d\u2019examiner l\u2019\ue9tat actuel de l'emploi de la terminologie n\ue9olatine, de v\ue9rifier son degr\ue9 de diffusion et son impact dans la communication publique, institutionnelle et m\ue9diatis\ue9e, aussi bien que dans des secteurs tels que l\u2019\ue9conomie et les finances, la sant\ue9 et l\u2019\ue9ducation, la technologie et le num\ue9rique. La premi\ue8re partie du volume est consacr\ue9e aux interventions des membres du Comit\ue9 scientifique du r\ue9seau, suivant l\u2019ordre alphab\ue9tique (en fran\ue7ais) des langues concern\ue9es\ua0: catalan, fran\ue7ais, galicien, espagnol, italien, portugais, roumain. La deuxi\ue8me partie du volume r\ue9unit les contributions pr\ue9sent\ue9es lors de la IXe Journ\ue9e scientifique (novembre 2013, Paris, Universit\ue9 Sorbonne et Institut National du Patrimoine). Le sujet de discussion \u2013 en continuit\ue9 avec le d\ue9bat ouvert au cours de la Journ\ue9e scientifique pr\ue9c\ue9dente (voir le volume "Terminologies et politiques linguistiques", Educatt, Milan 2016) - tourne autour des rapports entre les terminologies des langues n\ue9olatines et les politiques linguistiques de ces pays. Deux sections regroupent ces travaux, qui vont des analyses plus th\ue9oriques \ue0 l\u2019\ue9tude des cas

    The Weight-loss Practices of Working Class Women in France

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    International audienceThis paper focuses on weight loss methods used by working-class women. It is based on the results of a qualitative investigation conducted among women who participated in a Food Education Programme in the north of France, the area with the highest obesity rate in the country. We show that the women interviewed used three types of techniques (physical, restrictive or culinary) to lose weight. The study offers new evidence that social class is particularly relevant in weight loss practices in view of both somatic culture and relationships to employment. We also have highlighted the key role played by intra- and intergenerational mobility, especially when daughters’ upward mobility acts as inverse socialisation. We also demonstrate that the strength of family relationships is of particular importance. Watching one’s weight and dieting are more likely to occur when food is central to family exchanges, especially in the context of France where mealtimes are still a crucial moment in family life