16 research outputs found

    Imunobiologi Sel Sertoli: Prospek Pemanfaatan Sel Sertoli Bagi Alternatif Penanganan Cangkok Jaringan

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    Peran utama sel Sertoli adalah merawat dan mengatur perkembangan spermatozoa di dalam testis. Peran ini dilakukan secara anatomis fisiologis dengan membentuk blood testis barrier dan dengan mensekresikan beberapa faktor seperti Fas ligand dan transforming growth factors. Faktor-faktor tersebut berperan bagi terciptanya kondisi imunologis khusus di testis sehingga spermatozoa terlindung dari serangan sistem autoimun tubuh. Beberapa dekade terakhir, penelitian difokuskan pada upaya pemanfaatan sel Sertoli di luar habitat aslinya, sebagai imunosupresan alami dalam penanganan cangkok jaringan. Dalam tulisan ini dibahas beberapa upaya tersebut, dengan beberapa contoh kombinasi cangkok pankreas dan sel Sertoli dalam upaya menangani masalah diabetes melitus. Hasil-hasil penelitian menunjukkan ko-transplantasi sel Sertoli dan sel pankreas berdampak positif bagi perpanjangan usia cangkokan hingga 100 hari dibanding kontrol dengan efek positif bagi proses normoglycemic hewan coba. Di Indonesia penelitian tentang upaya pemanfaatan sel Sertoli sebagai salah satu upaya penanganan masalah cangkok jaringan masih terbatas, dengan demikian studi ini perlu dikaji lebih mendalam lagi

    Pemurnian Antibodi Monoklonal terhadap Virus Hepatitis B yang diisolasi dari Asites Mencit Balb/c Menggunakan ā€œHomemadeā€ Protein A Spin Mini Kolom

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan pemurnian antibodi monoklonal menggunakan eksmini kolom yang isinya diganti dengan partikel gelassilika yang terkonjugasi dengan Protein A. Matriks Protein A yang digunakan adalah Prosep vA, sedangkan antibodi target adalah antibodi monoklonal (MAb) terhadap antigen permukaan virus hepatitis B yang diisolasi dari asites mencit Balb/c. Sebelum pemurnian, sampel asites dibagi menjadi 3 yang masingmasing diinkubasikan dengan Protein A dalam 3 perlakuan. Perlakuan A dan B adalah inkubasi 30 dan 60 menit pada suhu kamar, sedangkan perlakuan C adalah inkubasi semalam pada suhu 4Ā°C. Hasil pemurnian menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas spesifik dan tingkat kemurnian MAb secara berurutan adalah 358.45 U/mg, 237.83 U/mg untuk perlakuan C dan B, dan 229.67 U/mg untukperlakuan A. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 'homemade' mini kolom yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk memurnikan MAb untuk kebutuhan riset skala laboratorium.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan pemurnian antibodi monoklonalmenggunakan eks-mini kolom yang isinya diganti dengan partikel gelassilikayang terkonjugasi dengan Protein A. Matriks Protein A yang digunakan adalahProsep vA, sedangkan antibodi target adalah antibodi monoklonal (MAb)terhadap antigen permukaan virus hepatitis B yang diisolasi dari asites mencitBalb/c. Sebelum pemurnian, sampel asites dibagi menjadi 3 yang masingmasingdiinkubasikandenganProteinAdalam3perlakuan.PerlakuanAdanBadalahinkubasi30dan60menitpadasuhukamar,sedangkanperlakuanCadalahinkubasisemalampadasuhu4Ā°C.HasilpemurnianmenunjukkanbahwaaktivitasspesifikdantingkatkemurnianMAbsecaraberurutanadalah358.45U/mg,237.83 U/mg untuk perlakuan C dan B, dan 229.67 U/mg untukperlakuan A. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 'homemade' mini kolomyang dikembangkan dalam penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk memurnikanMAb untuk kebutuhan riset skala laboratorium

    The Role of Interferonā€“Tau (Ifnā€“Ļ„) in The Reproduction Handling of Female Ruminant

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    In ruminants, interferon-tau (IFNā€“Ļ„)Ā  is well known as an important pregnancy factor. Interferon-tau as antiluteolytic cytokine is secreted from the tropoblast during the time of implantation. About 10 ā€“ 15% of pregnancy losses in cows were possibly due to the lack of IFNā€“Ļ„ to maintain corpus luteum. Interferon-tau induces some early pregnancy factors which are expressed around 15 days post insemination. This has led that IFNā€“Ļ„ to be a strong candidate for the development of ruminant early pregnancy tests. The aim of this paper is to review the existing literatures on the roles of IFNā€“Ļ„ in biology reproduction as well as researches that have been carried out on reproductive biotechnology especially in regards to the development of early pregnancy test for ruminant. It can be concluded that administration of IFNā€“Ļ„ is able to improve reproductive performance of female ruminants experimentally. Interferon-tau and its derivates can be used to develop a rapid test for early pregnancy diagnostic. Ā  Key words: Interferon-tau, early pregnancy test, ruminan

    Tingkat Pengetahuan Publik (Public Knowledge) Terhadap Penyakit Hewan Menular Strategis Rabies Dalam Upaya Mendukung Status Lombok Bebas Rabies

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    Rabies is one of strategic infectious animal diseases that attacks the central nervous system. Rabies is very widespread and is found in nearly 150 countries and regions on all continents, except Antarctica. Although West Nusa Tenggara is one of the nine provinces in Indonesia that is free of rabies, the number of dog bite victims reported on the island of Sumbawa with 32 samples of rabies-carrying animal brains identified as positive in early 2019 indicates the need to increase awareness of rabies transmission to Lombok Island. Increasing public knowledge which includes parents and students at primary school, elementary school and high school about rabies through surveys, counseling and demonstration is one of the efforts to prevent and control rabies. The results showed that the extension activities were able to increase participants' knowledge. High school students had the best level of knowledge (97.5% Ā± 2.08) when compared to the elementary school participants (93% Ā± 3.56) and elderly respondents (88.75% Ā± 4.79) of all indicators of knowledge about rabies. The combination of extension activities with hands-on practice has had a positive effect on increasing public knowledge about rabie


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    Serangan virus White Spot Syndrome (WSSV) telah memberikan dampak finansial yang cukup besar sejak tahun 1992. Tingkat mortalitas yang mencapai 100% menyebabkan banyak pembudidaya udang dan lobster menderita kerugian. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut sangat diperlukan informasi tentang cara penyebaran virus WSSV sehingga dapat diketahui solusi yang tepat untuk menghentikan penyebarannya pada tambak-tambak udang maupun lobster. Pada penelitian ini, Lobster Air Tawar yang dibudidayakan di BBI Aik Bukak dijadikan kontrol negatif (belum terinfeksi virus WSSV). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penularan virus WSSV pada lobster air tawar dapat berlangsung melalui konsumsi udang yang telah terinfeksi virus WSSV serta melalui aliran air. Pleopod atau kaki renang yang dideteksi dengan teknologi Real Time Polimerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) mengandung virus WSSV yang lebih dominan dibandingkan insangKata kunci: White Spot Syndrome Virus, Lobster Air Tawar, RT-PC

    Penggunaan Probiotik Dan Magot Untuk Mereduksi Lalat di Peternakan Ayam Pedaging Muara Selayar Desa Pijot

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    Chicken manure waste is one of the main problems for large-scale broiler cultivation, especially in areas close to residential areas. The accumulation of manure that accumulates under the cage attracts the arrival and development of the flies in the cultivation site. The development of these flies will spread to the houses of residents who live around the cage. As a result, many farmers stop cultivating the broilers because of public complaints. To overcome this problem, the use of probiotics from acetic acid-producing bacteria can be used to reduce the development of flies because of the ability of the bacteria to reduce the pH of the media and create an uncomfortable environment for egg growth. Likewise, the development of maggot can be a competing medium that beats the flay. In community service activities regarding "The use of probiotics and maggot production to reduce flies in the Muara Selayar broiler farm, Pijot Village, Keruak District, East Lombok Regency". Through this activity, the development of flies can be emphasized by the use of probiotics and the development of magot which can be used as chicken feed

    Prevalence of DHP Toxicity and Detection of \u3cem\u3eS. jonesii\u3c/em\u3e in Ruminants Consuming \u3cem\u3eLeucaena leucocephala\u3c/em\u3e in Eastern Indonesia

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    Leucaena leucocephala (leucaena) is a productive forage tree legume widely used in eastern Indonesia. While highly nutritious, it possesses the toxin mimosine which adversely affects animal production. In ruminants, mimosine is readily converted to the two isomers of dihydroxypyridine (3,4-DHP and 2,3-DHP) known to cause goitre, suppress appetite, and cause severe mineral deficiencies. These adverse symptoms may be partially responsible for the reluctance of some farmers to feed leucaena. A bacterium capable of complete degradation of DHP, Synergistes jonesii, originally discovered in Hawaii in goats consuming leucaena (Jones and Megarrity 1986), was later found in Indonesia which led to the assumption that all Indonesian ruminants were protected from leucaena toxicity even on 100% leucaena diets. The objective of this study, conducted during October-November 2011, was to confirm this hypothesis via an extensive survey of the toxicity status of ruminants consuming leucaena in eastern Indonesia

    Assessment of the purity and characteristics of rat splenic T cells isolated by one-step discontinuous gradient of percoll

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    T cells isolated from spleen lymphocytes of rat (Rattus rattus) have been commonly used in an immunological research. However the T cells are still contaminated with other splenic cells. Therefore a simple and reliable technique to isolate the T cells in one step process is needed. The aim of the present study was to assess whether T cells isolated from spleen lymphocytes of rat as a model by means of discontinuous density gradient of Percoll could give pure T cells with their activities as needed in an immunological research. Isolation was carried out in 5 density gradients of Percoll i.e. 1.052, 1.063, 1.075, 1.085, and 1.122 g/ml. The purity of the cell fractions was determined by immunocytochemistry and fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) methods. The activity of each lymphocyte fraction was determined through cell proliferation assays by culturing the cells in the presence of phytohemaglutinin (PHA) and Concanavalin A (Con A) as T cells inducers. The FACS results show that fraction I and II were found to contain mostly B cells and macrophages. The fractions were obtained on the layers of gradient 1.052/1.063 and 1.063/1.075. Fraction III (gradient 1.075/1.085) contain T cells (43.2%) which consisted of CD4 (34.4%) and CD8 (18.6%), B cells (36.5%), and macrophages (10.0%). Fraction IV was strongly expressed T cell receptors (76.2%) which consisted of CD4 (63.6%) and CD 8 (20.0%), while B cells were found 20.0% and macrophages just about 0.6%. The activity of T cells as expressed by their respond to PHA and Con A shown that fraction III gave the most positive response, while fraction IV which contained the most ā€˜pureā€™ T cells gave less activity. From the present study it can be concluded that the discontinuous density gradient of Percoll method can be used to isolate and purify T cells in one step process. Furthermore, the present study indicated that T cells to proliferate in response to mitogen require other immune cells such as B cells and macrophages

    Assessment of the purity and characteristics of rat splenic T cells isolated by one-step discontinuous gradient of percoll

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    T cells isolated from spleen lymphocytes of rat (Rattus rattus) have been commonly used in an immunological research. However the T cells are still contaminated with other splenic cells.Ā  Therefore a simple and reliable technique to isolate the T cells in one step process is needed. The aim of the present study was to assess whether T cells isolated from spleen lymphocytes of rat as a model by means of discontinuous density gradient of Percoll could give pure T cells with their activities as needed in an immunological research. Isolation was carried out in 5 density gradients of Percoll i.e. 1.052, 1.063, 1.075, 1.085, and 1.122 g/ml. The purity of the cell fractions was determined by immunocytochemistry and fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) methods. The activity of each lymphocyte fraction was determined through cell proliferation assays by culturing the cells in the presence of phytohemaglutinin (PHA) and Concanavalin A (Con A) as T cells inducers. The FACS results show that fraction I and II were found to contain mostly B cells and macrophages. The fractions were obtained on the layers of gradient 1.052/1.063 and 1.063/1.075. Fraction III (gradient 1.075/1.085) contain T cells (43.2%) which consisted of CD4 (34.4%) and CD8 (18.6%), B cells (36.5%), and macrophages (10.0%). Fraction IV was strongly expressed T cell receptors (76.2%) which consisted of CD4 (63.6%) and CD 8 (20.0%), while B cells were found 20.0% and macrophages just about 0.6%. The activity of T cells as expressed by their respond to PHA and Con A shown that fraction III gave the most positive response, while fraction IV which contained the most ā€˜pureā€™ T cells gave less activity. From the present study it can be concluded that the discontinuous density gradient of Percoll method can be used to isolate and purify T cells in one step process. Furthermore, the present study indicated that T cells to proliferate in response to mitogen require other immune cells such as B cells and macrophages. Key words: Percoll, Lymphocyte, T Cell, Rat, Mitoge