3,038 research outputs found

    Phase of Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in conductance of mesoscopic systems

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    Motivated by a recent experiment we analyze in detail the phase of Aharonov-Bohm oscillations across a 1D ring with a stub coupled to one of its arms, in the presence of a magnetic flux. We demonstrate that there are two kinds of conductance extremas. One class of them are fixed at particular flux values and can only change abruptly from a maxima to a minima as incident energy is varied. We show a different mechanism for such abrupt phase change in conductance oscillation. We demonstrate that these extremas can exhibit ‘‘``phase locking". However, the second kind of extremas can shift continuously as the incident energy is varied.Comment: Figure available on reques

    Quantum Waveguide Transport in Serial Stub and Loop Structures

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    We have studied the quantum transmission properties of serial stub and loop structures. Throughout we have considered free electron networks and the scattering arises solely due to the geometric nature of the problem. The band formation in these geometric structures is analyzed and compared with the conventional periodic potential scatterers. Some essential differences are pointed out. We show that a single defect in an otherwise periodic structure modifies band properties non trivially. By a proper choice of a single defect one can produce positive energy bound states in continuum in the sense of von Neumann and Wigner. We also discuss some magnetic properties of loop structures in the presence of Aharonov-Bohm flux.Comment: Revtex 3.2 version, 27 pages, figures available on request, To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Novel interference effects and a new Quantum phase in mesoscopic systems

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    Mesoscopic systems have provided an opportunity to study quantum effects beyond the atomic realm. In these systems quantum coherence prevails over the entire sample. We discuss several novel effects related to persistent currents in open systems which do not have analogues in closed systems. Some phenomena arising simultaneously due to two non-classical effects namely, Aharonov-Bohm effect and quantum tunneling are presented. Simple analysis of sharp phase jumps observed in double-slit Aharonov-Bohm experiments is given. Some consequences of parity violation are elaborated. Finally, we briefly describe the dephasing of Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in Aharonov-Bohm ring geometry due to spin-flip scattering in one of the arms. Several experimental manifestations of these phenomena and their applications are given.Comment: A revie

    Particle Spectrum of the Supersymmetric Standard Model from the Massless Excitations of a Four Dimensional Superstring

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    A superstring action is quantised with Neveu Schwarz(NS) and Ramond(R) boundary conditions. The zero mass states of the NS sector are classified as the vector gluons, W-mesons, BμB_{\mu}-mesons and scalars containing Higgs. The fifteen zero mass fermions are obtained from the Ramond sector. A space time supersymmetric Hamiltonian of the Standard Model is presented without any conventional SUSY particles

    Study of quantum current enhancement, eigenenergy spectra and magnetic moments in a multiply connected system at equilibrium

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    A multiply connected system in both its open and closed form variations but in equilibrium is studied using quantum waveguide theory. The system exhibits remarkable features, in its open form variation we see current enhancement, hitherto seen only in non-equilibrium systems in absence of magnetic flux. In its closed form analog parity effects are broken. Further we analyse the global and local current densities of our system and also show that the orbital magnetic response of the system calculated from the current densities (and inherently linked to the topological configuration) is qualitatively not same as that calculated from the eigenenergy spectra.Comment: 10 pages, 15 figures, 3 table

    Aharonov-Bohm effect in the presence of evanescent modes

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    It is known that differential magnetoconductance of a normal metal loop connected to reservoirs by ideal wires is always negative when an electron travels as an evanescent modes in the loop. This is in contrast to the fact that the magnetoconductance for propagating modes is very sensitive to small changes in geometric details and the Fermi energy and moreover it can be positive as well as negative. Here we explore the role of impurities in the leads in determining the magnetoconductance of the loop. We find that the change in magnetoconductance is negative and can be made large provided the impurities do not create resonant states in the systems. This theoretical finding may play an useful role in quantum switch operations.Comment: 9 figures available on reques

    Parity Effects in Eigenvalue Correlators, Parametric and Crossover Correlators in Random Matrix Models: Application to Mesoscopic systems

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    This paper summarizes some work I've been doing on eigenvalue correlators of Random Matrix Models which show some interesting behaviour. First we consider matrix models with gaps in there spectrum or density of eigenvalues. The density-density correlators of these models depend on whether N, where N is the size of the matrix, takes even or odd values. The fact that this dependence persists in the large N thermodynamic limit is an unusual property and may have consequences in the study of one electron effects in mesoscopic systems. Secondly, we study the parametric and cross correlators of the Harish Chandra-Itzykson-Zuber matrix model. The analytic expressions determine how the correlators change as a parameter (e.g. the strength of a perturbation in the hamiltonian of the chaotic system or external magnetic field on a sample of material) is varied. The results are relevant for the conductance fluctuations in disordered mesoscopic systems.Comment: 12 pages, Latex, 2 Figure
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