152 research outputs found


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    The stability of slope, both on the slope of work and the final slope, is a very important aspect of slope stability, both on the slope of work and the final slope in open pit mining activities. The inconsistency of the slopes will result in the collapse of rocks around the excavation site. This happens because the condition of the rock when it has not been excavated is generally balanced. However, due to the discontinuous patterns that occur other than naturally and also due to the mining activities such as excavation, blasting and others, cause a reduction in the retaining force of the rock on the slope results in the equilibrium of the force tends to shift and is not balanced. Study of the stability of the open pit highwall slope at PIT 22 GN PT Kitadin Site Embalut, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan Province was carried out with the aim to know the rock characteristics, to calculate slope geometry stable safety factors, and to recognize the type of landslide using a bishop method. The results of the modeling consist of several heights and slopes, as well as angles that is formed. Section AA’ has a safety factor value of 1.387, section BB has a safety factor of 1.482, section BB' has a safety factor value of 1.390, section DD' has a safety factor value of 1.318, section EE has a safety factor value of 2,381, section FF' has a safety factor value of 2.426, section GG' has a safety factor value of 2.424, section HH 'has a safety factor value of 2.339

    Website E-Commerce Toko Baros Elektronik Cimahi

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    Toko Baros Elektronik Cimahi, located at Jl. Baros No. 32 Cimahi that sell many kind of electric equipment, like lamp,cable, and also sell electronic equipment, like transistor, resistor, etc. In running its administration, Toko Baros Elektronik still uses books to store data, making reports and does not have promotion tool yet. And since Toko Baros Elektronik Cimahi has expanded its business with an increasing number of selling eqauipment and promotion activities, writers provide a solution to convert manual operation selling to a web based computer application system by website e-Commerce. The new application is design to be simple, user-friendly, and web-based. It is intended mainly to making online selling, where customers can order and buy equipment without must come to the shop in anywhere and anytime, also change the order equipment by them self and know the total order by shopping cart. Not only that, this website e-Commerce system will publicize the up-to-date information about prices equipment with the picture, registration online to interested customers for purchasing process and improve administrative works where the shop manager can easily add, delete, view, edit, also generate daily, monthly, and yearly selling reports to know the profit. Therefore, this new website e-Commerce application will prepare Toko Baros Elektronik Cimahi to compete in this globalization era e-Commerce

    Practical Implementation of Multiple Attenuation Methods on 2D Deepwater Seismic Data : Seram Sea Case Study

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    Some deepwater multiple attenuation processing methods have been developed in the past with partial success. The success of surface multiple attenuation relies on good water bottom reflections for most deepwater marine situations. It brings the bigger ability to build an accurate water bottom multiple prediction model. Major challenges on 2D deepwater seismic data processing especially such a geologically complex structure of Seram Sea, West Papua – Indonesia are to attenuate surface related multiple and to preserve the primary data. Many multiple attenuation methods have been developed to remove surface multiple on these seismic data including most common least-squares, prediction-error filtering and more advanced Radon transform.Predictive Deconvolution and Surface Related Multiple Elimination (SRME) method appears to be a proper solution, especially in complex structure where the above methods fail to distinguish interval velocity difference between primaries and multiples. It does not require any subsurface info as long as source signature and surface reflectivity are provided. SRME method consists of 3 major steps: SRME regularization, multiple modeling and least-square adaptive subtraction. Near offset regularization is needed to fill the gaps on near offset due to unrecorded near traces during the acquisition process. Then, isolating primaries from multiples using forward modeling. Inversion method by subtraction of input data with multiple models to a more attenuated multiple seismic section.Results on real 2D deepwater seismic data show that SRME method as the proper solution should be considered as one of the practical implementation steps in geologically complex structure and to give more accurate seismic imaging for the interpretation.Keywords : multiple attenuation, 2D deepwater seismic, Radon transform, Surface Related Multiple Elimination (SRME). Banyak metode atenuasi pengulangan ganda dikembangkan pada pengolahan data seismik dengan tingkat keberhasilan yang rendah pada masa lalu. Keberhasilan dalam atenuasi pengulangan ganda permukaan salah satunya bergantung pada hasil gelombang pantul pada batas dasar laut dan permukaan pada hampir seluruh survei seismik laut. Hal tersebut menentukan keakuratan dalam membuat model prediksi pengulangan ganda dasar laut dan permukaan air. Tantangan utama dalam pemrosesan data seismik 2D laut dalam khususnya struktur geologi kompleks seperti Laut Seram, Papua Barat – Indonesia adalah pada kegiatan menekan pengulangan ganda permukaan sekaligus mempertahankan data primer. Beberapa metode yang dikembangkan untuk menghilangkan pengulangan ganda permukaan pada data seismik seperti least-square, filter prediksi kesalahan dan transformasi Radon

    Faktor-faktor yang Melatarbelakangi Keputusan Petani dalam Mengusahakan Komoditi Karet di Desa Pasar Terusan Kecamatan Muara Bulian

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor (harapan pendapatan, pengetahuan dan lahan) yang melatarbelangi keputusan petani dalam mengusahakan karet. Pelaksanaan penelitian dilaksanakan tanggal 20 April 2007 sampai dengan tanggal 20 Mei 2007 di Desa Pasar Terusan Kecamatan Muara Bulian Kabupaten Batanghari. Pemilihan desa Simpang terusan dilakukan secara sengaja (purposive) dengan pertimbangan memiliki produksi tertinggi dan areal tanaman yang menghasilkan yang terluas dari desa lainnya yang ada di Kecamatan Muara Bulian.Tahapan pelaksanaan penelitian terlebih dahulu dilakukan sortasi dan editing kemudian analisis hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif melalui tabel distribusi frekuensi dan persentase. Petani sebagai responden terdiri dari 2 populasi yaitu petani yang baru mengusahakan komoditi karet diambil sampel sebanyak 30 kk dan petani yang telah berhasil mengusahakan komoditi karet diambil sampel sebanyak 20 kk sebagai pembanding (cross check).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor harapan pendapatan, pengetahuan petani dan lahan sangat melatarbelakangi keputusan petani dan keberhasilannya dalam mengusahakan komoditi karet di desa Pasar Terusa

    Perancangan Permainan Papan Sebagai Media Edukasi Pengenalan Karier Bagi Remaja

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    Kegiatan bekerja dilakukan masyarakat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup.Sebagai generasi penerus bangsa,remaja juga akan berkarier di masa depan mereka.Remaja perlu dipersiapkan untuk menghadapi karier karenadibutuhkan tanggung jawab dan kompetensi lainnya. Untuk itu, remaja perlu terlebih dahulu mengenal tentangbagaimana hidup berkarier.Salah satupendekatan yang digunakan untuk memperkenalkan karieradalah melaluipermainan papan dimana remaja bisa bermain sebagai salah satu dari profesi yang sudah disediakan. Selainmenghibur, permainan papan juga dapat menjadi sarana edukasi dan sosialisasi bagi remaja

    Perancangan Film Dokumenter Tentang Kehidupan Buaya Di Penangkaran Teritip Balikpapan

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    Kurangnya dokumentasi yang baik yang mengangkat tema buaya di Balikpapan, menyebabkan tidak banyak masyarakat yang mengetahui keberadaanya. Penangkaran Teritip Balikpapan merupakan penangkaran pertama dan sampai sekarang menjadi satu-satunya penangkaran buaya yang ada di Balikpapan. Hal ini menggugah penulis untuk merancang sebuah film dokumenter yang dapat memberikan wawasan tentang buaya yang tinggal dan hidup di penangkaran ini. Diharapkan dengan adanya perancangan ini, maka masyarakat dapat mengerti dan bersama-sama melestarikan dan melindungi buaya yang ada Indonesia
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