8,037 research outputs found

    Gravitational Forces on the Branes

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    We examine the gravitational forces in a brane-world scenario felt by point particles on two 3-branes bounding a 5-dimensional AdS space with S1/Z2S^{1}/Z_2 symmetry. The particles are treated as perturbations on the vacuum metric and coordinate conditions are chosen so that no brane bending effects occur. We make an ADM type decomposition of the metric tensor and solve Einstein's equations to linear order in the static limit. While no stabilization mechanism is assumed, all the 5D Einstein equations are solved and are seen to have a consistent solution. We find that Newton's law is reproduced on the Planck brane at the origin while particles on the TeV brane a distance y2y_2 from the origin experience an attractive force that has a growing exponential dependence on the brane position.Comment: Based on a talk given at PASCOS 2004/Pran Nath Fes

    Gravitational Forces in the Randall-Sundrum Model with a Scalar Stabilizing Field

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    We consider the problem of gravitational forces between point particles on the branes in a five dimensional (5D) Randall-Sundrum model with two branes (at y1y_1 and y2y_2) and S1/Z2S^1/Z_2 symmetry of the fifth dimension. The matter on the branes is viewed as a perturbation on the vacuum metric and treated to linear order. In previous work \cite{ad} it was seen that the trace of the transverse part of the 4D metric on the TeV brane, fT(y2)f^T(y_2), contributed a Newtonian potential enhanced by e2βy21032e^{2\beta y_2} \cong 10^{32} and thus produced gross disagreement with experiment. In this work we include a scalar stabilizing field ϕ\phi and solve the coupled Einstein and scalar equations to leading order for the case where ϕ02/M53\phi_{0}^2/M_{5}^3 is small and the vacuum field ϕ0(y)\phi_{0}(y) is a decreasing function of yy. fTf^T then grows a mass factor eμre^{-\mu r} where however, μ\mu is suppressed from its natural value, O(MPl)\mathcal{O}(M_{Pl}), by an exponential factor e(1+λb)βy2e^{-(1+\lambda_b)\beta y_2}, λb>0\lambda_b > 0. Thus agreement with experiment depends on the interplay between the enhancing and decaying exponentials. Current data eliminates a significant part of the parameter space, and the Randall-Sundrum model will be sensitive to any improvements on the tests of the Newtonian force law at smaller distances.Comment: 22 pages, Fig.1 adde

    A new perspective on the relation between dark energy perturbations and the late-time ISW effect

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    The effect of quintessence perturbations on the ISW effect is studied for a mixed dynamical scalar field dark energy (DDE) and pressureless perfect fluid dark matter. A new and general methodology is developed to track the growth of the perturbations, which uses only the equation of state (EoS) parameter wDDE(z)pDDE/ρDDEw_{\rm DDE} (z) \equiv p_{\rm DDE}/\rho_{\rm DDE} of the scalar field DDE, and the initial values of the the relative entropy perturbation (between the matter and DDE) and the intrinsic entropy perturbation of the scalar field DDE as inputs. We also derive a relation between the rest frame sound speed c^s,DDE2\hat{c}_{s,{\rm DDE}}^2 of an arbitrary DDE component and its EoS wDDE(z)w_{\rm DDE} (z). We show that the ISW signal differs from that expected in a Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology by as much as +20% to -80% for parameterizations of wDDEw_{\rm DDE} consistent with SNIa data, and about ±\pm 20% for parameterizations of wDDEw_{\rm DDE} consistent with SNIa+CMB+BAO data, at 95% confidence. Our results indicate that, at least in principle, the ISW effect can be used to phenomenologically distinguish a cosmological constant from DDE.Comment: Accepted for publication at PR

    Renormalization effects on neutrino masses and mixing in a string-inspired SU(4) X SU(2)_L X SU(2)_R X U(1)_X model

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    We discuss renormalization effects on neutrino masses and mixing angles in a supersymmetric string-inspired SU(4) X SU(2)_L X SU(2)_R X U(1)_X model, with matter in fundamental and antisymmetric tensor representations and singlet Higgs fields charged under the anomalous U(1)_X family symmetry. The quark, lepton and neutrino Yukawa matrices are distinguished by different Clebsch-Gordan coefficients. The presence of a second U(1)_X breaking singlet with fractional charge allows a more realistic, hierarchical light neutrino mass spectrum with bi-large mixing. By numerical investigation we find a region in the model parameter space where the neutrino mass-squared differences and mixing angles at low energy are consistent with experimental data.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures; references adde

    Toward a Minimum Branching Fraction for Dark Matter Annihilation into Electromagnetic Final States

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    Observational limits on the high-energy neutrino background have been used to place general constraints on dark matter that annihilates only into standard model particles. Dark matter particles that annihilate into neutrinos will also inevitably branch into electromagnetic final states through higher-order tree and loop diagrams that give rise to charged leptons, and these charged particles can transfer their energy into photons via synchrotron radiation or inverse Compton scattering. In the context of effective field theory, we calculate the loop-induced branching ratio to charged leptons and show that it is generally quite large, typically >1%, when the scale of the dark matter mass exceeds the electroweak scale, M_W. For a branching fraction >3%, the synchrotron radiation bounds on dark matter annihilation are currently stronger than the corresponding neutrino bounds in the interesting mass range from 100 GeV to 1 TeV. For dark matter masses below M_W, our work provides a plausible framework for the construction of a model for "neutrinos only" dark matter annihilations.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, discussion added, matches version in Phys. Rev.

    Discretionary Decision Making in the Management of Human Service Organizations

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    The University Archives has determined that this item is of continuing value to OSU's history.Presenter: Therese J. Dent, Ph.D., Diplomate Clinical Social Worker, Lakeside Center, Adjunct Assistant Professor, St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri - "Discretionary Decision Making in the Management of Human Service Organizations".The Ohio State University College of Social Wor