44 research outputs found

    Recovering history: Philip Morton Shand and the mission of modernism

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    Within the context of Modern architectural history the position of Philip Morton Shand (1888 - 1960) as a key figure in its dissemination has been historically understated. Although not a designer, his role as architectural critic and writer in conjunction with the breadth of his international contacts enabled him to bridge a gap between continental Europe and England. His contributions to the major English architectural journals (i.e. Architect's Journal, Architectural Review and the Architectural Association Journal) between the late 1920s and early 1950s, in addition to his travels, language skills and his involvement in the CIAM and the MARS Group, facilitated the dissemination of ideas to the English-speaking population. Beyond his architectural writings, Shand was also a connoisseur of wine and food and published seminal texts on the topics. However, despite his significant literary contributions, a biography of Shand has not yet been written. An investigation into Shand's life and activities, particularly during the interwar years, will hopefully illuminate the magnitude of his involvement in the architectural scene and its effects on the dissemination of Modern architectural history

    Analysis code written in R

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    This codefile analyses the raw behavioural data contained in this project (Kievit, Scholte, Waldorp & Borsboom; Inter- and intra-individual differences in fluid reasoning show distinct cortical responses). The raw datafiles should be downloaded into a working directory prior to running this code (ensure updating the 'setwd' line in the code). For introductions to R see http://tryr.codeschool.com/ or http://swirlstats.com/. Try it, it's great

    Overlap between networks at different numbers of volumes (i.e., time-series lengths).

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    <p>Shown is the proportion of identical edges present in two respective networks. Black lines −− show overlap between the pairwise correlation network and the partial correlation network of a participant, based on a given number of volumes (i.e., time-series length). Separate lines for each participant (numbered 1 − 5). Red (or blue) lines indicate overlap between the pairwise correlation (red) (or partial correlation (blue)) network based on the full time-series of 240 volumes and the pairwise correlation (red) (or partial correlation (blue)) network based on smaller numbers of volumes (i.e., shorter time-series length.</p

    Exemplary network with path from node 1 to 5, showing partial covariances <i>γ</i><sub><i>ij</i></sub>.

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    <p>Exemplary network with path from node 1 to 5, showing partial covariances <i>γ</i><sub><i>ij</i></sub>.</p

    Betweenness centrality of left (L) and right (R) hemisphere ROIs in pairwise correlation (red) and partial correlation (blue) networks with 68 ROIs, averaged over participants.

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    <p>Betweenness centrality of left (L) and right (R) hemisphere ROIs in pairwise correlation (red) and partial correlation (blue) networks with 68 ROIs, averaged over participants.</p

    Overlap between networks at different numbers of ROIss (parcellations).

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    <p>Dashed black lines −− show the proportion of edges that were present both in the pairwise and in the partial correlation network of a given parcellation. Separate lines for each participant (numbered 1–5). Blue (or red) lines show the comparison of the base-line 68-ROI parcellation with higher-resolution parcellations for pairwise correlation (red) networks (or partial correlation (blue) networks). Plain blue (or red) lines − show the proportion of areas of low-resolution parcellation that were internally connected by at least one edge in the higher-resolution parcellations, given that the area was split (within-area connectivity). Dotted blue (or red) lines … show the proportion of areas that were inter-connected in the low-resolution parcellation, that were also inter-connected by at least one edge in the higher-resolution parcellations (between-area connectivity).</p

    The number of components (upper) and the size of the largest component (lower) obtained for the four networks and estimation methods.

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    <p>The number of components (upper) and the size of the largest component (lower) obtained for the four networks and estimation methods.</p